A Dictionary of Transport Analysis


A Dictionary of Transport Analysis

9781843763758 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Kenneth Button, University Professor, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Henry Vega, former Research Fellow, George Mason University, US and Peter Nijkamp, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands and the Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza din Iasi, Iasi, Romania
Publication Date:February 2011 ISBN:978 1 84376 375 8 Extent:544 pp
This concise and clearly focused Dictionary, with contributions by the leading authorities in their fields, brings order and clarity to a topic that can suffer from confusion over terminology and concepts.

It provides a bridge between the academic disciplines involved and illustrates the application of transportation policy that crosses a variety of administrative divisions. Cutting through jargon, the entries concentrate on the social science aspects of transportation analysis, defining many of the terms used in transportation, and providing valuable information on some of the major institutions and technologies affecting this sector.

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This concise and clearly focused Dictionary, with contributions by the leading authorities in their fields, brings order and clarity to a topic that can suffer from confusion over terminology and concepts.

It provides a bridge between the academic disciplines involved and illustrates the application of transportation policy that crosses a variety of administrative divisions. Cutting through jargon, the entries concentrate on the social science aspects of transportation analysis, defining many of the terms used in transportation, and providing valuable information on some of the major institutions and technologies affecting this sector.

This concise and comprehensive Dictionary will be an invaluable addition to libraries and research institutes and a helpful resource for anyone with an interest in the analysis of transport.
Critical Acclaim
‘A Dictionary of Transport Analysis provides detailed definitions to terminology used in transportation policy and administration. . . This will be a useful addition to academic and research libraries that serve students studying transportation at the advanced level.’
– Shannon Graff Hysell, American Reference Books Annual 2012

‘There appears to be no other recently published work offering similar encyclopedic style coverage. . . A Dictionary of Transport Analysis is a quality book. . .’
– Reference Reviews
Contributors: W.P. Anderson, J. Andrey, E. Avineri, K.W. Axhausen, P. Baker, A. Ballis, B. Benson, D. Bernstein, M. Beuthe, C. Bhat, W. Black, P. Bonnel, M.R. Brooks, K. Button, R. Capello, M. Chowdhury, L.F. Cohn, M. Corbett, A. Costa, G. Currie, P. DeCorla-Souza, M. Diana, M. Dijst, K.P. Donaghy, R.S. Done, K. Feighan, M. Fischer, H. Flämig, P. Forsyth, R.N. Fries, T.L. Friesz, P. Gaffron, O.H. Gao, J.L. Gifford, M. Givoni, A. Goetz, A. Golub, M. Grieco, G. Griffin, R. Gritta, B. Hachleitner, S. Handy, M. Hardy, D.A. Hensher, M. Hesse, V. Himanen, M. Hirst, C. Holz-Rau, M. Iacono, L. Ickert, S. Ison, M. Janic, T.I. Kim, T.J. Kim, A. Koh, T. Komornicki, C. Kwon, A. Lee, I.S. Lee, D. Levinson, T.A. Litman, B.P.Y. Loo, B. Lubbe, Y. Ma, T. Martin, A. Matthes, M. McDonald, B.S. McMullen, R.W. McQuaid, F. Medda, P. Metaxatos, M.D. Meyer, O. Meyer-Rühle, P.L. Mokhtarian, H. Mollenkopf, K. Nagel, A. Nagurney, C. Nash, D.A. Niemeier, P. Nieuwenhuis, P. Nijkamp, M.E. O’Kelly, E. Pels, M. Percoco, M.J. Peters, P.C. Pfaffenbichler, D. Pitfield, S. Poppelreuter, A. Potter, E. Quinet, A. Regan, A. Reggiani, A. Reynolds-Feighan, A. Richards, P. Rietveld, M.A. Rigdon, A. Root, R. Roson, G. Rudinger, S.E. Russell, I. Salomon, D. Salon, G. Santos, I. Savage, J. Schade, K.W. Schaie, J. Scheiner, L. Schintler, B. Schlag, D.M. Scott, D. Scrafton, A. Sen, Y. Shiftan, B. Slack, R. Srinivasan, S. Srinivasan, D. Stead, S.S.C. Steimetz, E. Stern, K. Storchmann, R.R. Stough, Y.O. Susilo, W.K. Talley, I. Thomas, T. Thoresen, L. Trujillo, D.A. Tsamboulas, W. Tuttle, B. Ubbels, S. Ukkusuri, E. Van de Voorde, M. Vanderschuren, T. Vanelslander, W.W. Veeneman, H. Vega, A. Verbeke, E. Verhoef, R. Vickerman, W.G. Waters II, D. Watling, B. Wiegmans, G. Williams, F. Witlox, G. Yang, W. Young, L. Zamparini, Y. Zhou
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