Alliance Capitalism for the New American Economy


Alliance Capitalism for the New American Economy

9781840649345 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Alan M. Rugman, formerly Henley Business School, University of Reading, UK and the late Gavin Boyd, formerly Honorary Professor, Political Science Department, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, US and Adjunct Professor, Management Faculty, Saint Mary’s University, Canada
Publication Date:2003 ISBN:978 1 84064 934 5 Extent:264 pp
资本主义对美国新经济的联盟dvocates engagement with the USA’s macromanagement problems in a spirit of alliance capitalism, for the development of a more integrated, dynamic economy. Whereas most studies of the USA emphasise the efficiency effects of intense competition between firms, this book stresses that as the new economy becomes more knowledge based, its development necessitates active intercorporate cooperation, especially in high technology sectors.

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资本主义对美国新经济的联盟dvocates engagement with the USA’s macromanagement problems in a spirit of alliance capitalism, for the development of a more integrated, dynamic economy. Whereas most studies of the USA emphasise the efficiency effects of intense competition between firms, this book stresses that as the new economy becomes more knowledge based, its development necessitates active intercorporate cooperation, especially in high technology sectors.

The book focuses on problems of balance between competition and cooperation in the relations between American firms, as well as in political competition and cooperation for the management of US economic policy. Public concern over the dynamics of the US political economy has increased since the dramatic disclosures during 2002 of high-risk speculation and fraud by major American enterprises. The authors argue that these problems reflect fierce competition, insufficiently restrained by monitoring and regulation. Imperatives for the development of a more cooperative, collegial style of capitalism are stressed. The authors also highlight the importance of technocratic contributions to the development of corporate alliances and address the increasing significance of working skill levels.

This volume will provide valuable reading and reference material for all students, academics and researchers of business and competition policy. Corporate managers and government agencies involved in technology, trade, financial regulation and infrastructure development will also gain practical insights into the benefits of a more cooperative model of capitalism.
Contributors: G. Boyd, P. Brenton, W.R. Emmons, D.T. Griswold, W. Hejazi, J.J. Kirton, A.M. Rugman, F.A. Schmid, K. Spong, W. Thorbecke, A. Tiryaki, A. Verbeke, M. von der Ruhr
Contents: Foreword 1. The American Political Economy 2. Problems of Governance in the USA 3. American Structural and Policy Interdependencies 4. US Structural Change: Macroeconomic Policy Issues 5. The US Financial Sector: Regulatory Issues 6. The US Policy Mix and Corporate Strategies 7. US Firms in World Finance 8. American Alliance Capitalism: Flagship-led Clusters 9. The US Current Account: Issues and Implications 10. Globalization and Economic Integration: Implications for Microeconomic Policy in the USA and Europe 11. Long-range Planning Index
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