系列编辑:荷兰乌得勒支大学管理学院教授Paul ' t Hart,美国雪城大学马克斯韦尔公民与公共事务学院教授Tina Nabatchichristopher Ansell,美国加州大学伯克利分校Tobias Bach,挪威奥斯陆大学Nicole Bolleyer,英国埃克塞特大学Cary Coglianese,美国宾夕法尼亚大学Matthew Flinders,英国谢菲尔德大学Sharon Gilad,以色列希伯来大学Carsten Greve,丹麦哥本哈根商学院Yee Kuang Heng,日本东京大学澳大利亚墨尔本大学马丁·洛奇英国伦敦经济学院M. Ramesh新加坡国立大学Jos Raadschelders美国俄亥俄州立大学Wolfgang Seibel德国康斯坦茨大学Vivien A. Schmidt美国波士顿大学Jacob Torfing丹麦罗斯基勒大学
The Series Editors welcome contributions from scholars across the social sciences and law, tackling a wide range of governance phenomena (e.g. policy design, implementation and service delivery, regulation, institutional learning, risk and crisis management, organizational performance, coordination and collaboration, resilience) including levels of governance, governmental and non-governmental settings, and formal and informal institutions and practices, and employing the full range of methodological approaches.
该系列的书籍应促进学术辩论,并/或可作为(研究生)的高级文本。相对紧凑(70- 80000字,150-180页),稿件优先,但较长的稿件也会考虑有说服力的建议。
The Series Editors welcome contributions from scholars across the social sciences and law, tackling a wide range of governance phenomena (e.g. policy design, implementation and service delivery, regulation, institutional learning, risk and crisis management, organizational performance, coordination and collaboration, resilience) including levels of governance, governmental and non-governmental settings, and formal and informal institutions and practices, and employing the full range of methodological approaches.
该系列的书籍应促进学术辩论,并/或可作为(研究生)的高级文本。相对紧凑(70- 80000字,150-180页),稿件优先,但较长的稿件也会考虑有说服力的建议。