Company and Insolvency Law
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Irene Lynch Fannon,Jennifer L.L. Gant,Aoife Finnerty
‘对欧洲破产调节(重铸)和预防性重组指令的独特,完全参考和无价的研究。急剧专注于公司救援和康复以及司法合作和法律邪教... -
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Individual Voluntary Arrangements
阿拉里克·沃森(Alaric Watson)
‘当它们在1987年被引入时,IVA很简单;从那时起,我们将它们变成了一些复杂性的方案和设备,并引入了冗长的“标准条件”,并强加了有关持续时间的习惯“规则” ... -
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Andrew Keay, Peter Walton, Joseph Curl
‘An illuminating work, lucid and insightful, on an important – yet overlooked – topic. When a company is insolvent, whether before or after the commencement of a formal insolvency process, what duties are owed and by whom? Where does acc... -
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Edited by Barry E. Adler
在这本研究手册中,当今的公司破产法律和经济学领先专家解决了基本问题,例如破产效率,债权人的角色和待遇,尤其是有担保的债权人 - 我...eBook:Find out more$52.00
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斯蒂芬·波特利(Stephen Bottomley)
‘Stephen Bottomley has written a serious and thoughtful book which attempts to find solutions to some of the problems we face with corporate governance by treating shareholders as responsible agents and identifying ways of promoting grea...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Research Handbook on Corporate Restructuring
Paul J. Omar,Jennifer L.L. Gant编辑
‘This Research Handbook, ably edited by Paul Omar and Jennifer Gant, contains 28 chapters written by prominent academics, researchers and judges from a wide range of jurisdictions. It provides a range of timely perspectives against which...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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American Business Bankruptcy
斯蒂芬·卢本(Stephen J. Lubben)
‘斯蒂芬·卢本(Stephen Lubben)提供了美国商业破产系统的首选概述。美国商业破产是对任何希望了解美国业务重组整体设计的理想书籍...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The European Restructuring Directive
Gerard McCormack
‘In this excellent new book, Gerard McCormack adopts a contextual approach to the European Restructuring Directive, examining its implementation options against the choices which countries have made in the design of real-world restructur...eBook:Find out more$184.00
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Cross-Border Protocols in Insolvencies of Multinational Enterprise Groups
Ilya Kokorin, Bob Wessels
‘对破产协议的长期等待和欢迎的分析已有三十年多了,追踪了他们的共同基础和发展,结合了理论野心和经验深度,使实践的本卷变得必不可少...eBook:Find out more$184.00
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Insolvency Practitioners
Hugh Sims, Rachel Lai, Neil Levy, Stefan Ramel, Holly Doyle, James Hannant, Samuel Parsons
‘What should insolvency practitioners do, what can they do and what if they get it wrong? This invaluable book answers those fundamental questions. Its unique perspective, born of the authors’ years of experience and their combined bread...eBook:Find out more$ 176.00
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Edited by Alexandra Andhov
This comprehensive Practical Guide provides direction on the wide array of legal questions and challenges that start-ups face. The Guide features analysis from five jurisdictions that represent a variety of legal traditions across differ... -
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American Business Bankruptcy
Stephen Lubben
‘本书旨在鼓励读者熟悉美国破产系统。对于那些想要发展美国破产系统的精致和细微差别的人来说,这是一个绝佳的起点。前夕...eBook:Find out more$33.60