Sports Law

  1. Add to Wish List Handbook on International Sports Law

    Handbook on International Sports Law

    由James A.R.编辑Nafziger,Ryan Gauthier
    The second edition of this comprehensive Handbook presents new and significantly revised chapters by leading scholars and practitioners in the burgeoning field of international sports law. National, regional, and comparative dimensions o...

    List price£250.00

    Member price£225.00

    不t yet published
  2. Add to Wish List 全球体育法的高级简介


    斯蒂芬·罗斯(Stephen F. Ross)
    ‘史蒂夫·罗斯(Steve Ross)能够从世界各地采用体育法的漩涡状涡流,并将其变成可理解和相关的形式。那些从事体育工作的律师应该挖掘这本书,只要学习一些有价值的类似物...

    List price£16.45

    Member price£13.16

    Hardback (2021)

    List price£85.00

    Member price£76.50

  3. Add to Wish List Globalization, Sports Law and Labour Mobility

    Globalization, Sports Law and Labour Mobility

    Matt Nichol
    This book examines labour regulation and labour mobility in two professional baseball leagues: Major League Baseball in the United States and Nippon Professional Baseball in Japan. Through vivid comparative study, Matt Nichol explores ho...
    Hardback (2019)

    List price£80.00

    Member price£72.00

  4. Add to Wish List 欧盟体育法和政策的研究手册


    Edited by Jack Anderson, Richard Parrish, Borja García
    ‘令人印象深刻,有见地和重要的体育法书,将经受时间的考验。” - 伊德罗特斯福勒姆/北欧体育研究论坛'本手册是对SP的个人或专业兴趣的任何人的重要资源。

    List price£140.00

    Member price£126.00

  5. Add to Wish List Transnational Law of Sports

    Transnational Law of Sports

    由James A.R.编辑Nafziger
    This comprehensive collection of leading articles covers legal issues that have arisen out of international sports competition and its management. These papers trace the burgeoning field of international sports law from its origins about...
    Hardback (2013)

    List price£299.00

    Member price£269.10

  6. Add to Wish List Handbook on International Sports Law

    Handbook on International Sports Law

    由James A.R.编辑Nafziger,Stephen F. Ross
    ‘Nafziger and Ross have provided an enormously useful collection of incisive and integrating essays that cover the gamut of important issues in the emerging field of international sport law.’ – Andrew Zimbalist, Smith College, US

    List price£49.00

    Member price£39.20


    List price£179.00

    Member price£161.10

  7. Add to Wish List 欧盟体育的调节


    Edited by Barbara Bogusz, Adam Cygan, Erika Szyszczak
    欧盟体育的调节brings together a collection of essays which examine the regulatory and institutional implications which the ‘Europeanisation’ of sporting activity has brought about in the last decade. Uniqu...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price£95.00

    Member price£85.50

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