Politics and Public Policy
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Elgar Encyclopedia of Water Policy, Economics and Management
Edited by Phoebe Koundouri, Angelos Alamanos
这个权威的百科全书提供了一个英诺华tive approach to theory, reviews, applications and examples relevant to the basic concepts of water science and water management issues in order to facilitate better interdisciplinary coo... -
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Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration
Edited by Ettore Recchi, Mirna Safi
While mobility trajectories and experiences are key in migrants’ lives, they are relatively neglected in the field of migration studies. Using mobility as a unique angle of approach, the Handbook of Human Mobility and Migration is a pion... -
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Research Handbook on Urban Design
Edited by Marion Roberts, Suzy Nelson
联合国人居署估计,到203年5 the majority of the world’s population will be living in metropolitan areas, this cutting-edge Research Handbook explores the emerging field of urban design and its place in contemporary schola... -
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EU Cohesion Policy
Edited by Nicola F. Dotti, Ida Musiałkowska, Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado, Julia Walczyk
This engaging and topical book comprehensively explores the complexities surrounding the EU Cohesion Policy, which has been addressing regional and urban development across Europe since the 1980s. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, i... -
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Research Handbook on Social Media and Society
Edited by Marko M. Skoric, Natalie Pang
As social media scholarship matures, early optimism has been replaced by a more complex and arguably gloomier picture of the role of digital media platforms in our lives. This incisive Research Handbook showcases the academic community’s... -
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Research Handbook on Migration, Gender, and COVID-19
Edited by Marie McAuliffe, Céline Bauloz
Drawing together the latest research on migration, gender and COVID-19, this erudite Research Handbook contributes to a better understanding of the immediate and longer-term implications of the pandemic on gender dynamics and roles in in... -
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Bringing Bourdieu's Theory of Fields to Critical Policy Analysis
Edited by Vincent Dubois
Laying down the foundations of a critical sociological approach to the interdisciplinary domain of public policy, this insightful book presents the first systematic reflection on the use of Bourdieu’s theory of social fields to analyse p... -
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Welfare Chauvinism in Europe
Gianna M. Eick
The redistribution of welfare resources to migrants continues to polarise society. Not only politicians from the radical right but also from more mainstream parties are capitalising on the idea of ‘welfare for our kind’, or welfare chauv... -
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Fragility and Antifragility in Cities and Regions
Edited by Francesco Curci, Daniele Chiffi
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on Elgaronline.com. Offering a novel and interdisciplinary approach, this thought-provoking book critically anal... -
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The Elgar Companion to Antonio Gramsci
Edited by William K. Carroll
Affirming Antonio Gramsci’s continuing influence, this adroitly cultivated Companion offers a comprehensive overview of Gramsci’s contributions to the interdisciplinary fields of critical social science, social and political thought, eco... -
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Handbook of Teaching Public Policy
Edited by Emily St.Denny, Philippe Zittoun
Pragmatic, progressive and global in its approach, this Handbook centres around the key question: How can we teach public policy? Presenting a wide variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, it expertly examines current appr... -
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Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
Edited by Michel Magnan, Giovanna Michelon
The world-wide transition towards corporate social responsibility (CSR) results in profound changes to business practices. Hence, this crucial Handbook adopts a global perspective to review key CSR issues and their implications for the f...