Law and Politics

  1. Add to Wish List Republican Global Constitutionalism

    Republican Global Constitutionalism

    Steven Slaughter
    This illuminating book is a republican critique of the current system of global governance and its failure to address key global problems. With a republican account of international political theory which transcends these prevailing form...

    List price£75.00

    Member price£67.50

  2. Add to Wish List Enhancing the Rule of Law in the European Union’s External Action

    Enhancing the Rule of Law in the European Union’s External Action

    Edited by Luis M. Hinojosa-Martínez, Carmela Pérez-Bernárdez
    这对顾及时书审查机制aranteeing respect for the rule of law in the European legal system. Focusing on external relations, it assesses the capacity of the EU to disseminate these values as a global actor and o...

    List price£120.00

    Member price£108.00

  3. Add to Wish List The EU and Constitutional Time

    The EU and Constitutional Time

    Massimo Fichera
    This insightful book examines the inherent fragility of modern liberal constitutionalism and shows how it is in the nature of every constitutional community, including the European Union, to try to protract its own duration as much as po...

    List price£80.00

    Member price£72.00

  4. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on NATO

    Research Handbook on NATO

    Edited by Sebastian Mayer
    This timely Research Handbook provides novel insights into the institutional complexities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Through a defined focus on the post-Cold War evolution of NATO, it provides various theoretical p...

    List price£200.00

    Member price£180.00

  5. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Law, Movements and Social Change

    Research Handbook on Law, Movements and Social Change

    Edited by Steven A. Boutcher, Corey S. Shdaimah, Michael W. Yarbrough
    The study of law and social movements provides an ideal lens for rethinking fundamental questions about the relationship between law and power. This Research Handbook takes up that challenge, framing a new, more global, dynamic, reflexiv...

    List price£205.00

    Member price£184.50

  6. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Law and Marxism

    Research Handbook on Law and Marxism

    Edited by Paul O’Connell, Umut Özsu
    This Research Handbook offers unparalleled insights into the large-scale resurgence of interest in Marx and Marxism in recent years, with contributions devoted specifically to Marxist critiques of law, rights, and the state.
    Hardback (2021)

    List price£231.00

    Member price£207.90

    Paperback (2023)

    List price£49.00

    Member price£39.20

  7. Add to Wish List The Elgar Companion to the European Union

    The Elgar Companion to the European Union

    Edited by Samuel B.H. Faure, Christian Lequesne
    Constituting a major contribution to literature on the EU, this comprehensive Companion analyses the structure and value of the EU, capturing the normality of its politics alongside crises and political breakdown.

    List price£195.00

    Member price£175.50

  8. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law

    Research Handbook on the Politics of Human Rights Law

    吟游诗人a Andreasse编辑n
    International human rights law is undoubtedly intertwined with politics, and so this Research Handbook explores and provokes reflection on how politics impacts human rights legislation and, conversely, how human rights law shapes politic...

    List price£215.00

    Member price£193.50

  9. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to US Civil Liberties

    Advanced Introduction to US Civil Liberties

    Susan N. Herman
    This insightful Advanced Introduction provides a kaleidoscopic overview of key US civil liberties, including freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion, limitations on search and seizure, due process in criminal proceedings, autono...
    Paperback (2023)

    List price£16.95

    Member price£13.56


    List price£85.00

    Member price£76.50

  10. Add to Wish List Land, Rights and the Politics of Investments in Africa

    Land, Rights and the Politics of Investments in Africa

    Edited by Lars Buur, José J. Macuane, Faustin P. Maganga, Rasmus H. Pedersen
    In response to the recent surge in extractive natural resource investments in Africa, this insightful book explores how relations between investors, ruling elites, and local populations develop when large-scale investments in gas, minera...

    List price£90.00

    Member price£81.00

  11. Add to Wish List Advanced Introduction to International Conflict and Security Law

    Advanced Introduction to International Conflict and Security Law

    Nigel D. White
    This updated and revised second edition of Advanced Introduction to International Conflict and Security Law provides a concise and insightful guide to the key principles of international law governing peacetime security, arms control, th...
    Paperback (2023)

    List price£19.95

    Member price£15.96


    List price£85.00

    Member price£76.50

  12. Add to Wish List International Conflict and Security Law

    International Conflict and Security Law

    Laurie R. Blank
    This incisive book provides an extensive analysis of the robust array of international law applicable across the spectrum of international conflict and security. With a particular focus on new and emerging technologies and domains such a...

    List price£105.00

    Member price£94.50

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