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Advanced Introduction to Water Politics
Ken Conca
“水政治的先进介绍是一种庞大而全面的游览水是政治的多种方式。绘制数十年的杰出研究,查询超越De Rigeur账户作为水的问题...... -
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Advanced Introduction to Law and Development
Mariana M. Prado, Michael J. Trebilcock
‘The Advanced Introduction to Law and Development is the most comprehensive and interdisciplinary textbook on the role of law in socioeconomic development. The authors cover an impressive range of topics, including a new chapter on healt... -
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Fikret Berkes.
'Fikret Berkes没有发明基于社区的保护的概念,但他是它最受欢迎和最高调的学术倡导者和分析师。他对社会科学的耸立的影响使得这大莫斯特...... -
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Advanced Introduction to Feminist Economics
Joyce P. Jacobsen.
‘With this interesting and highly relevant book, Joyce Jacobsen has provided a masterful account of the issues, debates, and ideas that feminist economists have written about for decades. Jacobsen has both the research record and the car... -
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Frank Moulaert,Diana Maccallum
“致力于在过去10年中发现围绕社会创新争论的裂谷和混乱的共同点,Moulaert和Maccallum提供了一个权威的贡献,这些贡献描绘了社会创新...... -
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Climate Economics
Richard S.J. Tol
“这是对气候变化经济学的最全面的审查。对教学和研究来说是非常有价值的。我很高兴在自己的工作中使用这本书并推荐给那些寻求体内治疗的人...... -
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Advanced Introduction to Ecological Economics
‘Ecological economics has roots in numerous disciplines including various branches of economics, ecology, physics, systems analysis and the study of technology. In his succinct Advanced Introduction to Ecological Economics, Matthias Ruth... -
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环境al Policy, Sustainability and Welfare
Thomas Aronsson,Kenneth Backlund,Karl-GustafLöfgren
“这本新教科书提出了对理论见解的详细分析,经济学能够在静态和动态模型中污染控制问题阐述。该文本对博士学位的学生非常有用...... -
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Arild Vatn
In this innovative book, Arild Vatn presents an overview of the field of environmental governance, from its theoretical foundations, to the major issues and practical applications. While having an interdisciplinary orientation, the main ...