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The Globalization of Regional Clusters
Edited by Dirk Fornahl, Nils Grashof
Addressing the role of regional clusters in the context of ongoing globalization, this timely book investigates the two seemingly competing trends of globalization and localization from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Int...eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Edited by Iréne Bernhard, Urban Gråsjö, Charlie Karlsson
加强了区域多样性和区域知识之间的联系,创新和企业家精神突出了重点关注这些多方面的动态关系的空间方面,以改善OU ......eBook:Find out more£25.00
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The Life Cycle of Clusters
Edited by Dirk Fornahl, Robert Hassink
“这本优秀的书填补了集群和集群政策的文学中的一个重要差距。在我看来,它是迄今为止的进化聚类最全面的概述,因此必须阅读现场的学者....eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Agglomeration, Clusters and Entrepreneurship
Charlie Karlsson,BörjeJohansson,Roger R. Stough编辑
近年来,区域经济发展经历了相当的活力。也许最值得注意的情况是通过千年转向中国和印度的崛起,以千年转向突出的国家地位。随着时间的推移,我的后古,......eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Mark Indonsen,Frank Van Oort,Dario Diodato,Arjan Ruijs
“在一个越来越需要基于地方的经济发展方法的世界中,欧洲的区域竞争力和智能专业提供了一种新的方法和框架,以促进智能专业化......eBook:Find out more£25.00
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本书提供了丰富的视角,反映了集群和经济发展的广泛概念,实证和理论兴趣,重点在东南亚和东南亚。这对Clust是一个有价值的贡献......eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Market Platforms, Industrial Clusters and Small Business Dynamics
‘Ding Ke’s rich accounts of specialized markets will make for stimulating reading, not only for readers in Chinese economy but also for a broad range of readers in regional planning.’ – The Developing Economies The emergence of speciali...eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Knut Ingar Westeren编辑
‘This book’s chapters provide a versatile collection of case studies that raise important and interesting questions. . . The book introduces novel perspectives and indicates new approaches to understanding the modern economy and the role...eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Robert G. Picard
这本令人印象深刻的新书独特地关注媒体集群的现象,旨在为政策制定者,学者和媒体从业者提供关于媒体公司集群,潜力和T的潜在挑战的潜在挑战......eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Industrial Clusters, Upgrading and Innovation in East Asia
Edited by Akifumi Kuchiki, Masatsugu Tsuji
This lucid and informative book analyzes the problem of clusters in transition through studies of agglomerations at different stages of development in various East Asian countries.eBook:Find out more£25.00
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Governance of Innovation
由Maarten J. Arentyen编辑,Wouter Van Rossum,Albert E. Steenge
治理的创新multidimensional nature of innovation as its point of departure, bringing together leading scholars from a variety of backgrounds to provide an authoritative and comprehensive overview of contemporary i... -
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Edited by Charlie Karlsson
‘This is a book every regional scientist and spatial analyst should have on their bookshelf. Like most Handbook type publications it provides depth and breadth on the basics of the industrial clustering concept. However, unlike most of t...