Comparative Constitutional Law


Comparative Constitutional Law

9781848445390 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Tom Ginsburg, Leo Spitz Professor, University of Chicago Law School and Research Associate, American Bar Foundation, US and Rosalind Dixon, Professor of Law, UNSW Sydney, Australia
Publication Date:2011 ISBN:978 1 84844 539 0 Extent:680 pp
This landmark volume of specially commissioned, original contributions by top international scholars organizes the issues and controversies of the rich and rapidly maturing field of comparative constitutional law.

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This landmark volume of specially commissioned, original contributions by top international scholars organizes the issues and controversies of the rich and rapidly maturing field of comparative constitutional law.

Divided into sections on constitutional design and redesign, identity, structure, individual rights and state duties, courts and constitutional interpretation, this comprehensive volume covers dozens of countries as well as a range of approaches to the boundaries of constitutional law. While some chapters reference the text of legal instruments expressly labeled constitutional, others focus on the idea of entrenchment or take a more functional approach.

挑战当前该领域的边界,the contributors offer diverse perspectives – cultural, historical and institutional – as well as suggestions for future research. A unique and enlightening volume, Comparative Constitutional Law is an essential resource for students and scholars of the subject.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book is a research handbook on comparative constitutional law and contains a valuable compilation of articles on different aspects of this interesting topic. . . this is a valuable book that will assist those interested in putting the constitutional aspects of EU law in a wider comparative perspective. The extensive literature references included at the end of each article make the book a valuable starting point for those interested in a specific part of comparative constitutional law. At the same time many articles also provide relatively in-depth discussions of specific constitutional orders in itself.’
– Nik de Boer, Common Market Law Review

‘A comprehensive index closes this overall impressive volume. . . all future studies in this field will be well advised to take advantage of the highly inspiring and thought-provoking articles collected in this volume.’
– Manfred Stelzer, ZÖER (Journal of Public Law)
Contributors: Z. Al-Ali, T. Allen, N. Bamforth, J. Blount, P.G. Carozza, C. Charters, J.A. Cheibub, S. Choudhry, D.M. Davis, R. Dixon, V. Ferreres Comella, D. Fontana, N. Friedman, S. Gardbaum, T. Ginsburg. J. Greene, O. Gross, J.L. Hiebert, R. Hirschl, N. Hume, H. Irving, V.C. Jackson, G.J. Jacobsohn, D.P. Kommers, R.J. Krotoszynski, Jr, N. Lenagh-Maguire, F. Limongi, F.I. Michelman, K. O’Regan, R.H. Pildes, K. Roach, K. Rubenstein, C. Saunders, D. Schneiderman, A. Stone, R. Teitel, M. Tushnet

1. Introduction
Rosalind Dixon and Tom Ginsburg

2. Drafting, Design and Gender
Helen Irving

3. Participation in Constitutional Design
Justin Blount

4. Transitional Justice and the Transformation of Constitutionalism
Ruti Teitel

5. Constitutional Drafting and External Influence
Zaid Al-Ali

6. Constitutional Amendment Rules: A Comparative Perspective
Rosalind Dixon

7. Constitutional Endurance
Tom Ginsburg

8. The Formation of Constitutional Identities
Gary J. Jacobsohn

9. Citizenship and the Boundaries of the Constitution
Kim Rubenstein and Niamh Lenagh-Maguire
10. Comparative Constitutional Law and Indigenous Peoples: Canada, New Zealand and the USA
Claire Charters

11. A New Global Constitutional Order?
David Schneiderman

12. Legislative-Executive Relations
José Antonio Cheibub and Fernando Limongi

13. The Separation of Legislative and Executive Powers
Ronald J. Krotoszynski, Jr.

14. Political Parties and Constitutionalism
Richard H. Pildes

15. The Rise of Specialized Constitutional Courts
Victor Ferreres Comella

16. The Interplay of Constitutional and Ordinary Jurisdiction
Frank I. Michelman

17. Constitutional Experimentation: Rethinking How a Bill of Rights Functions
Janet L. Hiebert

18. The Rise of Weak-form Judicial Review
Mark Tushnet

19. Constitutions and Emergency Regimes
Oren Gross

20.联邦制,权力下放和分裂:From Classical to Post-conflict Federalism
Sujit Choudhry and Nathan Hume

21. The Structure and Scope of Constitutional Rights
Stephen Gardbaum

22. The Comparative Constitutional Law of Freedom of Expression
Adrienne Stone

23. Comparative Constitutional Law and Religion
Ran Hirschl

24. Autonomy, Dignity and Abortion
Donald P. Kommers

25. Human Dignity in Constitutional Adjudication
Paolo G. Carozza

26. Equality
Kate O’Regan and Nick Friedman

27. The Right to Property
Tom Allen

28. Socio-economic Rights: Has the Promise of Eradicating the Divide between First and Second Generation Rights Been Fulfilled?
Dennis M. Davis

29. Comparative Constitutional Law and the Challenges of Terrorism Law
Kent Roach

30. Legal Protection of Same-sex Partnerships and Comparative Constitutional Law
Nicholas Bamforth

31. Judicial Engagement with Comparative Law
Cheryl Saunders

32. Constitutional Interpretation in Comparative Perspective: Comparing Judges or Courts?
Vicki C. Jackson and Jamal Greene

33. Docket Control and the Success of Constitutional Courts
David Fontana

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