Corporate Strategies in the Age of Regional Integration


Corporate Strategies in the Age of Regional Integration

9781847201416 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Jong-Kil Kim, Professor of Economics, Inha University, Korea and Pierre-Bruno Ruffini, Professor of Economics, University of Le Havre, France
Publication Date:2007 ISBN:978 1 84720 141 6 Extent:328 pp
This book presents various empirical analyses of cross border strategies adopted by global firms with a particular emphasis on the European and East Asian experiences. It also provides studies of the trends and prospects of regional economic integration, focusing mainly on East Asia. The book addresses the topic of economic integration from both a corporate perspective and a policy perspective.

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This book presents various empirical analyses of cross border strategies adopted by global firms with a particular emphasis on the European and East Asian experiences. It also provides studies of the trends and prospects of regional economic integration, focusing mainly on East Asia. The book addresses the topic of economic integration from both a corporate perspective and a policy perspective.

The contributors illustrate the powerful integrative effects of cross border strategies of global firms and their impact on the increasing economic interdependence between countries, as shown for example by production sharing within multinational corporate networks. For their part, governments and policy makers are endeavouring to influence the path of globalisation by means of international cooperation, among which the shaping of regional economic areas is an outstanding one. While Europe still stands unrivalled in terms of its regional integration achievements, East Asian countries are also trying to forge their own path by building preferential trade and investment links on a regional basis. Such attempts are still in their infancy, but they raise some healthy debates to which this edited book makes a valuable contribution.

Corporate Strategies in the Age of Regional Integration will appeal to scholars and researchers of economics, business and regional studies.
Contributors: M. Ando, M.-L. Baron, F. Boudier-Bensebaa, L. Chen, J. Dias, J.Y. Hong, A. Hortamani, J.T. Hyun, J.-K. Kim, F. Kimura, K. Kiyota, O. Lamotte, K.-S. Lee, V. Magriço, T. Matsuura, E. Nakazawa, Y. Nauwelaerts, P.-B. Ruffini, P. Saucier, D.-C. Suh, I. Tanaka, S.K. Tayebi, S. Urata, I. Van Beveren, Y. Wei, J.-W. Woo


1. Introduction
Jong-Kil Kim and Pierre-Bruno Ruffin

2. Sectoral Concentration of Foreign Direct Investment in OECD Countries
Ysabel Nauwelaerts and Ilke Van Beveren

3. European Integration and Inter-Firm Alliances: Some Evidence from Portuguese Data
João Dias and Vítor Magriço

4. Fragmentation in Europe and East Asia: Evidences from International Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Data
Mitsuyo Ando and Fukunari Kimura

5. The Determinants of Local Procurements by Japanese Foreign Affiliates: An Estimation of Factor Demand Function
Kozo Kiyota, Toshiyuki Matsuura, Shujiro Urata and Yuhong Wei

6. Outsourcing and Skill Upgrading in Japanese Manufacturing: Destination Effects Evidenced from the International Input–Output Tables
Iwao Tanaka and Eiichi Nakazawa

7. European Retailing Multinationals: Investment in Asia and Return Effects
Marie-Laure Baron

8. Effect of Globalization on Logistics Networks in East Asia
Jong-Kil Kim and Jung-Wouk Woo

9. Free Trade Agreements in East Asian Countries: What Has Been Done and Needs to Be Done
Jung Taik Hyun and Jin Young Hong

10. A Two-Hub Trading Bloc in East Asia?
Lurong Chen

11. Exchange Rate Instability and Trade Integration: The Case of Asia
Kang-Soek Lee and Philippe Saucier

12. Economic Power Shift in East Asia and Its Political-Economic Implications
Dong-Chon Suh

13. Mutual Trade Potential of Central and Eastern European Countries: Evidence from Hausman–Taylor Estimations
Fabienne Boudier-Bensebaa and Olivier Lamotte

14. The Impact of Trade Integration on FDI Flows: Evidence from the EU and ASEAN+3
Seyed Komail Tayebi and Amir Hortamani

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