Greening the Budget
Budgetary Policies for Environmental Improvement
9781840647532 Edward Elgar Publishing
Greening the Budget regards the fundamental cause of environmental degradation as government and market failure and proposes the use of budgets as an instrument of environmental policy to rectify this problem. The book focuses on the elements of the public budget which currently affect the environment and explores the scope for greening both revenue and expenditure through specific measures.
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Greening the Budget regards the fundamental cause of environmental degradation as government and market failure and proposes the use of budgets as an instrument of environmental policy to rectify this problem. The book focuses on the elements of the public budget which currently affect the environment and explores the scope for greening both revenue and expenditure through specific measures.
作者首先考虑再保险的影响moving environmentally damaging subsidies and the potential for correcting market failure by way of appropriate pricing. They go on to examine the introduction of new taxes following the ‘polluter pays’ principle and, in contrast, the allocation of incentives for those who take the environmentally preferred course of action. They also explore the environmental and budgetary implications of European Union financial transfers by looking at a case study of the agricultural sector. The book concludes by addressing public purchasing and administration.
This book will be of particular interest and value to scholars of environmental economics, researchers involved in environmental policy, and environmental consultants, practitioners and policymakers.
作者首先考虑再保险的影响moving environmentally damaging subsidies and the potential for correcting market failure by way of appropriate pricing. They go on to examine the introduction of new taxes following the ‘polluter pays’ principle and, in contrast, the allocation of incentives for those who take the environmentally preferred course of action. They also explore the environmental and budgetary implications of European Union financial transfers by looking at a case study of the agricultural sector. The book concludes by addressing public purchasing and administration.
This book will be of particular interest and value to scholars of environmental economics, researchers involved in environmental policy, and environmental consultants, practitioners and policymakers.
Critical Acclaim
“绿化部dget offers a useful, and welcome, addition to the literature available to the environmental policymaker. The book can inspire policymakers to take a fresh look at old problems, help us to ask new questions and stimulate proposals for new solutions . . . Students of things environmental will find the book an inspiration for essay projects and research programs.’
– Thorolfur Matthiasson, Environmental and Resource Economics
– Thorolfur Matthiasson, Environmental and Resource Economics
Contributors: J. Albrecht, K. Bizer, J.P. Clinch, F.J. Convery, A. de Moor, C. Dreher, P. Ekins, C. Erdmenger, J. Fry, D. Hogg, G. Kripke, T. Markovic-Hribernik, A. Matthews, L. Messori, B. Meyer, A. Mielisch, H. Mountford, K. Ostertag, S. O’Shea, A. Pender, J. Pieters, E. Romstad, K. Schlegelmilch, S. Scott, S. Speck, R.-U. Sprenger, U. Triebswetter, C. van Beers
Contents: Foreword Preface Part I: Environmentally Damaging Subsidies Part II: Taxes and Charges Part III: Subsidies for Environmental Purposes Part IV: European Financial Transfers Part V: Public Purchasing and Administration Index