手册啊f Research on Management and Organizational History
Emerging from what was a somewhat staid sub-discipline, there is currently a battle for the soul of Management and Organizational History (MOH), at the centre of which is a widespread concern that much recent work has been more about how one should or might do history rather than actually doing historical work. If ever there was a time for a new volume on MOH, this is certainly it.
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Emerging from what was a somewhat staid sub-discipline, there is currently a battle for the soul of Management and Organizational History (MOH), at the centre of which is a widespread concern that much recent work has been more about how one should or might do history rather than actually doing historical work. If ever there was a time for a new volume on MOH, this is certainly it.
This Handbook affords space to both these perspectives, as well as uncovering unorthodox and unconventional topics and approaches to more familiar territory with an emphasis on new and revisionist viewpoints.
MOH researchers, doctoral and other students and instructors working in this sub-discipline will discover cutting-edge work with novel treatments of familiar terrain in the Handbook.
This Handbook affords space to both these perspectives, as well as uncovering unorthodox and unconventional topics and approaches to more familiar territory with an emphasis on new and revisionist viewpoints.
MOH researchers, doctoral and other students and instructors working in this sub-discipline will discover cutting-edge work with novel treatments of familiar terrain in the Handbook.
Critical Acclaim
‘Kyle Bruce has succeeded in producing a worthwhile introduction to the tension between management historians who actually do historical work and their postmodern colleagues who write about how one should or might do it. The contributed chapters composing the Handbook make abundantly clear that the practice of history cannot be separated from its theoretical foundations. Regardless of academic persuasion – whether one thinks that all interpretations of the past are invented or, in contrast, believe that there is an objective reality – readers of all stripes will benefit from being exposed to the arguments advanced by adherents of both camps.’
– Arthur G. Bedeian, Louisiana State University, US
– Arthur G. Bedeian, Louisiana State University, US
Contributors: A. Barros, F. Bastien, A. Booth, T. Bridgman, K. Bruce, D. Coraiola, N. Cornelius, S. Cummings, G. Durepos, W.M. Foster, A.G. Gillett, M. Maclean, R. Marens, P.G. McLaren, A.J. Mills, J.H. Mills, J. Muldoon, E.S. O’Connor, E. Pezet, R. Pistol, C. Quinn-Trank, H.L. Schachter, G. Shaw, K.D. Tennent, S. Wanderley, K.S. Williams, M. Witzel, T. Yu, Y. Zoller
1 Introduction to the Handbook of Research on Management and Organizational History: the hotly contested present state of management and organizational history 1
Kyle Bruce
2 Thinking differently about Adam Smith’s legacy for management studies 11
Stephen Cummings and Todd Bridgman
3 The uses of Frederick Winslow Taylor: how management theorists have interpreted scientific management over the years and why 39
Hindy Lauer Schachter
4 Contested paths: a meta-analytic review of the Hawthorne studies’ literature 56
Jeff Muldoon and Yaron Zoller
5 Making the Res Publica: the political basis of management in the US – the works of Joseph Wharton, Mary Parker Follett, and Chester Barnard 80
Ellen S. O’Connor
6 Seebohm Rowntree and the British interwar management movement 101
Mairi Maclean, Gareth Shaw, Alan Booth, Rachel Pistol and Morgen Witzel
7 From West Point to points west: the French absolutist roots of the American industrial corporation 123
8 Towards a Zen-informed approach to management and organizational history 146
Tianyuan Yu, Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills
9 Sport and project management: a window into the development of temporary organizations 169
Alex G. Gillett and Kevin D. Tennent
10 Decolonialism and management (geo)history: is the past also a place? 192
Amon Barros and Sérgio Wanderley
11 The commercial practices of the crown and the state: locating British trade with, and ‘commercial imperialism’ in, Africa, in the geopolitics of Europe 212
Nelarine Cornelius and Eric Pezet
12 Feminist critical historiography: undoing history – a conceptual model 242
Kristin S. Williams
13 Unpacking organizational re-membering 256
William M. Foster, Diego Coraiola, Chris Quinn-Trank and François Bastien
14 Contextualizing the historian: an ANTi-History perspective 275
Gabrielle Durepos, Albert J. Mills and Patricia Genoe McLaren
Index 293
1 Introduction to the Handbook of Research on Management and Organizational History: the hotly contested present state of management and organizational history 1
Kyle Bruce
2 Thinking differently about Adam Smith’s legacy for management studies 11
Stephen Cummings and Todd Bridgman
3 The uses of Frederick Winslow Taylor: how management theorists have interpreted scientific management over the years and why 39
Hindy Lauer Schachter
4 Contested paths: a meta-analytic review of the Hawthorne studies’ literature 56
Jeff Muldoon and Yaron Zoller
5 Making the Res Publica: the political basis of management in the US – the works of Joseph Wharton, Mary Parker Follett, and Chester Barnard 80
Ellen S. O’Connor
6 Seebohm Rowntree and the British interwar management movement 101
Mairi Maclean, Gareth Shaw, Alan Booth, Rachel Pistol and Morgen Witzel
7 From West Point to points west: the French absolutist roots of the American industrial corporation 123
8 Towards a Zen-informed approach to management and organizational history 146
Tianyuan Yu, Albert J. Mills and Jean Helms Mills
9 Sport and project management: a window into the development of temporary organizations 169
Alex G. Gillett and Kevin D. Tennent
10 Decolonialism and management (geo)history: is the past also a place? 192
Amon Barros and Sérgio Wanderley
11 The commercial practices of the crown and the state: locating British trade with, and ‘commercial imperialism’ in, Africa, in the geopolitics of Europe 212
Nelarine Cornelius and Eric Pezet
12 Feminist critical historiography: undoing history – a conceptual model 242
Kristin S. Williams
13 Unpacking organizational re-membering 256
William M. Foster, Diego Coraiola, Chris Quinn-Trank and François Bastien
14 Contextualizing the historian: an ANTi-History perspective 275
Gabrielle Durepos, Albert J. Mills and Patricia Genoe McLaren
Index 293