Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation


Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation

9781785362521 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Andreas Nölke and Christian May, Institute of Political Science, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Publication Date:2018 ISBN:978 1 78536 252 1 Extent:496 pp
Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy.

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Over the past few decades, corporations have been neglected in studies of international political economy (IPE). Seeking to demystify them, what they are, how they behave and their goals and constraints, this Handbook introduces the corporation as a unit of analysis for students of IPE. Providing critical discussion of their global and domestic power, and highlighting the ways in which corporations interact with each other and with their socio-political environment, this Handbook presents a thorough and up-to-date overview of the main debates around the role of corporations in the global political economy.

汇集国际贡献者Handbook provides a nuanced and global perspective on the IPE of corporations. With a multidisciplinary introduction to corporations from an IPE perspective, this Handbook investigates the role of the corporation in the twenty-first century and highlights the complexities of corporations and the environments in which they exist. Chapters provide insights into corporations’ internal structures, how they are embedded in their national environments and how their transnational relations are structured, as well as their position in the global economy.

Carefully written and edited to ensure accessibility, the Handbook of the International Political Economy of the Corporation is a crucial resource for students of IPE seeking to deepen their understanding of the discipline as well as for postgraduate scholars who need reference material within which to frame their research.
Critical Acclaim
‘This book does an excellent job of bringing together a range of studies that give centrality to corporations, often anchored in national systems but with global aspirations. Different countries and regions, as well as different policy fields, are covered, and different theoretical perspectives from specialists across the social sciences are offered. The Handbook provides interesting examples of how corporations exercise power, may come to dominate policy at domestic and international levels and under specific circumstances are strong enough to present themselves as problem solvers.’
– Karsten Ronit, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Contributors: C. Bakir, M.V. Balestro, T.L. Berge, D. Bohle, L. Campling, W.K. Carroll, J. Clifton, F. de Beule, D. Díaz-Fuentes, A. Dienes, M. Ebenau, S. Eckert, J. Eckhardt, D. Finchelstein, D. Fuchs, B. Ganson, J.-C. Graz, C. Gregoratti, T. Gumbert, H. Hveem, O.C. Iheduru, A. Jaklič, D. Kinderman, J. Klinkhammer, H.-A. Lee, C. May, L. Mondi, G. Morgan, A. Nölke, S. Pinto, M. Pohlmann, A. Rebérioux, A. Roberts, G. Roudaut, J.P. Sapinski, V. Šćepanović, B. Selwyn, S. Tornhill, A. Wennmann, M.A. Witt, J. Woods, K. Young

1. The delusion of the global corporation: Introduction to the Handbook
Christian May and Andreas Nölke

2. Corporate governance and accountability
Antoine Rebérioux and Gwenaël Roudaut

3. Interlocking directorates and corporate networks
J.P. Sapinski and William K. Carroll

4. Labour in the corporation: the political economy of capital versus the political economy of labour
Matthias Ebenau

5. Worker co-operatives and other alternative forms of business organization
Sanjay Pinto

6. Corporations, gender equality and women’s empowerment: feminism co-opted?
Catia Gregoratti, Adrienne Roberts and Sofie Tornhill

7. The state and public corporations
Judith Clifton and Daniel Díaz-Fuentes

8. Corruption, organizational deviance and corporate compliance
Markus Pohlmann and Julian Klinkhammer

9. The company in Western business systems and national varieties of advanced capitalism
Sandra Eckert

10. The institutional embeddedness of transnational corporations: dependent capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe
Vera Šćepanović and Dorothee Bohle

11. Asian business systems
Michael A. Witt

12. Natural resource corporations and patrimonial capitalism: Russia and the Arab region
Alexandra Dienes (née Vasileva)

13. Social embedding of the corporation: family conglomerates around the world
Diego Finchelstein

14. The varying role of the state in the making of Latin American multinationals
Moisés V. Balestro

15. Affirmative action and corporate development in Malaysia and South Africa
Hwok-Aun Lee and Lumkile Mondi

16. Multinational enterprises: theories, practices, effects and policies
Filip de Beule and Andreja Jaklič

17. Power relations within multinational corporations
Glenn Morgan

18. Host State Bargaining with Multinationals

19. The corporation and violent conflict: perspectives, policy responses and future trends
Brian Ganson and Achim Wennmann

20. The international regime for investment: a history of failed multilateralism
Tarald Laudal Berge and Helge Hveem

21. The African corporation, ‘Africapitalism’ and regional integration in Africa
Okechukwu C. Iheduru

22. The corporation as an institution of global governance
Christopher May

23. Corporations and global standards of corporate social responsibility
Daniel Kinderman

24. The modern financial corporation and global policy
Kevin Young

25. Corporations and global trade policy-making in the twenty-first century
Jappe Eckhardt

26. Value chains and the world economy: genealogies and reformulations
Liam Campling and Benjamin Selwyn

27. The power of corporations in global food sector governance
Tobias Gumbert and Doris Fuchs

28. Global corporations and the governance of standards
Jean-Christophe Graz


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