Handbook of Transnational Environmental Crime


Handbook of Transnational Environmental Crime

9781783476220 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Lorraine Elliott, Professor Emerita, Department of International Relations, College of Asia and the Pacific, The Australian National University and Past-Chair of the ACUNS Board of Directors and William H. Schaedla, Managing Director, Ecolloquium
Publication Date:2016 ISBN:978 1 78347 622 0 Extent:552 pp
Crimes associated with the illegal trade in wildlife, timber and fish stocks, pollutants and waste have become increasingly transnational, organized and serious. They warrant attention because of their environmental consequences, their human toll, their impacts on the rule of law and good governance, and their links with violence, corruption and a range of crossover crimes. This ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary Handbook brings together leading scholars and practitioners to examine key sectors in transnational environmental crime and to explore its most significant conceptual, operational and enforcement challenges.

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Crimes associated with the illegal trade in wildlife, timber and fish stocks, and pollutants and waste have become increasingly transnational, organized and serious. They warrant attention because of their environmental consequences, their human toll, their impact on the rule of law and good governance, and their links with violence, corruption and a range of cross-over crimes. This ground-breaking, multi-disciplinary Handbook examines key transnational environmental crime sectors and explores its most significant conceptual, operational and enforcement challenges.

Bringing together leading scholars and practitioners, this book presents in-depth analysis based on extensive academic research and operational and enforcement expertise. The sectors covered include illegal wildlife, timber, pollutant and waste trades, and crimes in the carbon market. The contextual chapters examine criminal networks and illicit chains of custody, local sociocultural, economic and political factors, the effectiveness of policy and operational responses, and international jurisdictional challenges.

This Handbook will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of global environmental politics, international environmental law, and environmental criminology as well as for regulatory and enforcement practitioners working to meet the challenges of transnational environmental crime.
Critical Acclaim
‘This Handbook makes a creative and considered contribution towards this important topic. It provides a well-balanced mix of chapters from scholars and practitioners on issues that we must better understand if we are to successfully tackle these serious transnational environmental crimes. I warmly congratulate the editors and authors for focusing on these critical and contemporary questions, including the criminal networks involved, the pervasive impact of corruption, criminal justice responses and exemplary collaborative initiatives, such as ICCWC. This timely publication will help to further shape our responses and assist us to better combat these highly destructive crimes.’
– John E. Scanlon, CITES Secretary-General

‘This timely and very comprehensive book sheds light on the shadowy areas of environmental policy that we have neglected for too long: transnational environmental crime, ranging from illegal trade in timber and wildlife to criminal use of ozone-depleting substances, illegal fishing and novel “carbon crimes” around emissions trading. The Handbook of Transnational Environmental Crime, superbly edited by Elliott and Schaedla, combines insightful conceptual chapters with in-depth empirical research and practitioner contributions. The book is essential reading not only for scholars of environmental governance but also for criminologists, conservationists, regulators and other practitioners.’
– Frank Biermann, Utrecht University, the Netherlands

‘This extensive work beautifully covers all major transnational environmental crimes, and efforts to combat these crimes, from a broad perspective. It stands out for incorporating chapters written by leading green criminologists but also by policymakers and members of the enforcement community. It is truly a Handbook of great value to the increasing number of academics, practitioners and students who are interested in environmental crimes and green criminology.’
– Toine Spapens, Tilburg University, the Netherlands
Contributors: J. Ayling, L. Bisschop, G. Broussard, A. Cardesa-Salzmann, M. Cassidy, D.W.S. Challender, E. Clark, M.Á. Clemente Muñoz, E. de Coning, R. Duffy, L. Elliott, C. Gibbs, D. Humphreys, Y. Jia, N. Liu, D.C. MacMillan, C. Middleton, R. Ogden, G. Pink, G. Rose, V. Sacré, S. Saydan, W.H. Schaedla, S. Sinha, V. Somboon, T. Terekhova, E. van Asch, T. Wyatt

1. Transnational Environmental Crime: Excavating the Complexities – An Introduction
Lorraine Elliott and William H. Schaedla

2. Criminal Networks and Illicit Chains of Custody in Transnational Environmental Crime
Lorraine Elliott

3. Local Sociocultural, Economic and Political Facilitators of Transnational Wildlife Crime
William H. Schaedla

4. The Securitization of Transnational Environmental Crime and the Militarization Of Conservation
Lorraine Elliott

5. Criminality and Costs: The Human Toll of Transnational Environmental Crime
Sophie Saydan

6. The Illegal Wildlife Trade in Global Perspective
Rosaleen Duffy

7. The Uncharismatic and Unorganized Side to Wildlife Smuggling
Tanya Wyatt

8. Fisheries Crime
Eve De Coning

9. Forest Crimes and the International Trade in Illegally Logged Timber
David Humphreys

10. Illegal Trade in Hazardous Waste
Lieselot Bisschop

11. Illegal Trade in Ozone Depleting Substances
Ning Liu, Vira Somboon and Carl Middleton

12. Crimes in the Carbon Market
Carole Gibbs and Michael Cassidy

13. Greater China and Transnational Environmental Crime: Understanding Criminal Networks and Enforcement Responses
Yunbo Jiao

14. Wildlife Trade in South Asia
Samir Sinha

15. Multilateral Environmental Agreements and Illegality
Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann

16.国际司法挑战Suppression of Transnational Environmental Crime
Gregory Rose

17. Reducing Demand for Illicit Wildlife Products: Crafting a ‘Whole-Of-Society’ Response
Julie Ayling

18. Witnessing WENs: Origins and Future Directions
William H. Schaedla and Samir Sinha

19. Forensics in Transnational Environmental Crime
Rob Ogden

20. The Montreal Protocol and OzonAction Networks
Ezra Clark

21. The Basel Convention: A Tool for Combating Environmental Crime and Enhancing the Management of Hazardous and Other Wastes Tatiana Terekhova

22.在Ensur引用的作用ing Sustainable and Legal Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora
Margarita África Clemente Muñoz

23. Interpol’s Nest: Building Capability and Capacity to Respond to Transnational Environmental Crime
Grant Pink

24. The Evolving Role of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Fighting Wildlife and Forest Crimes
Giovanni Broussard

25. The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC)
Edward Van Asch

26. EU–TWIX: Ten Years of Information Exchange and Co-Operation Between Wildlife Law Enforcement Officials in Europe
Vinciane Sacré

27. Transnational Environmental Crime: More than an Enforcement Problem
Daniel W.S. Challender and Douglas C. Macmillan


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