Handbook on Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility


Handbook on Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility

9781783471188 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Neil Lunt, Reader in Social Policy, Daniel Horsfall, Lecturer in Comparative Social Policy, University of York and Johanna Hanefeld, Lecturer in Health Systems Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK
Publication Date:2015 ISBN:978 1 78347 118 8 Extent:512 pp
The growth of international travel for purposes of medical treatment has been accompanied by increased academic research and analysis. This Handbook explores the emergence of medical travel and patient mobility and the implications for patients and health systems. Bringing together leading scholars and analysts from across the globe, this unprecedented Handbook examines the regional and national experiences of medical tourism, including coverage of the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The chapters explore topics on issues of risk, law and ethics; and include treatment-focused discussions which highlight patient decision-making, patient experience and treatment outcomes for cosmetic, transplantation, dental, fertility and bariatric treatment.

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Critical Acclaim
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The growth of international travel for purposes of medical treatment has been accompanied by increased academic research and analysis. This Handbook explores the emergence of medical travel and patient mobility and the implications for patients and health systems.

Bringing together leading scholars and analysts from across the globe, this unprecedented Handbook examines the regional and national experiences of medical tourism, including coverage of the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The chapters explore topics on issues of risk, law and ethics; and include treatment-focused discussions which highlight patient decision-making, patient experience and treatment outcomes for cosmetic, transplantation, dental, fertility and bariatric treatment.

Students, practitioners and researchers of global health policy, health and globalisation, international business, travel medicine and health ethics will find the subjects discussed to be of considerable interest.
Critical Acclaim
‘The authors take a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to examine key issues of the cross border movement of patients. State-of-the-art analysis is underpinned by extensive country studies. An essential read for policy makers, regulators, practitioners and students who want to understand, influence and shape this key dimension of the globalisation of health.’
– Nick Drager, Honorary Professor LSHTM, Professor of Practice, McGill University, Canada

的水汽,Horsfall和Hanefield带来了r the world’s leading scholars in the field for this Handbook. Collectively, they chart the course for medical tourism research in covering an exhaustive range of topics. This book is rich in both the breadth and depth of information offered in a time where medical tourism is of increasing importance to the global and domestic health policy and service provision landscape. The editors have done a superb job of steering the contributors and piecing together the various sections of the book to produce a coherent and, what is likely to become, definitive work. It will be essential reading for anyone with interests in the subject.’
– Robin Gauld, University of Otago, New Zealand
Contributors: P.P. Barros, D. Bell, A. Bochaton, A.V. Bustamante, M. Calnan, V. Calovski, V. Casey, R. Chanda, A. Chandu, O.N.Y. Cheung, A. Chikanda, I.G. Cohen, J. Connell, V.A. Crooks, J. Crush, L. Culley, H. Endo, M. Exworthy, J.R. Frederick, W. Friesen, L.L. Gan, A.N. Garman, M.W. Hadler, C.M. Hall, C. Hamlyn-Williams, L.N. Handlos, J. Hanefeld, A.J. He, R. Holliday, D. Horsfall, N. Hudson, S.S. Jervelund, K.N. Jin, T.J. Johnson, R. Johnston, S. Karsavuran, S. Kaya, R.A. Kearns, N.M. Kronfol, M. Lakhanpaul, J. Yeonjae Lee, H. Legido-Quigley, N. Lunt, T. Mainil, L. Manikam, B. Maswikwa, M. Mckee, D. Morgan, T. Noree, S. Okamura, M. Ormond, S. Peckham, G. Pennings, L. Puczkó, D. Reisman, D. Sanders, C.D. Shaw, M. Smith, R. Smith, J. Snyder, E.J. Sobo, I. Sziva, M. Toya, M. Walton-Roberts, R. Whitmore, A. Whittaker, A. Yıldız



1. The Shaping of Contemporary Medical Tourism and Patient Mobility
Neil Lunt, Daniel Horsfall and Johanna Hanefeld

2. Medical Tourism – Concepts and Definitions
John Connell

3. Medical Tourism by Numbers
Daniel Horsfall and Neil Lunt

4. Globalization and Trade in Health Services
Johanna Hanefeld and Richard Smith

5. Patients’ Willingness to Travel
Mark Exworthy and Stephen Peckham

6. Travelling for Value: Global Drivers of Change in the Tertiary and Quarternary Markets
Tricia J. Johnson and Andrew N. Garman

Pedro P. Barros

8. The Economics of Health and Medical Tourism
David Reisman

9. OECD Accounting for Trade in Healthcare
David Morgan

10. Financing Mechanisms
Johanna Hanefeld and Richard Smith

11. The Implications of Medical Travel upon Equity in Lower and Middle Income Countries
Andrea Whittaker

12. What’s Where? Why There? And Why Care? A Geography of Responsibility in Medical Tourism
Meghann Ormond

13. A Review of Small-Scale Niche Treatment Providers
Olive N.Y. Cheung

14. Regional Differences: Scope and Trust Among Medical Tourism Facilitators
Lydia L. Gan and James R. Frederick

15. Government and Governance Strategies in Medical Tourism
Meghann Ormond and Tomas Mainil

16. Marketing Medical Tourism in Korea
Ki Nam Jin

17. Medical Tourism and the Internet
Daniel Horsfall and Neil Lunt

18. Networks and Supply Chains: The Nature of Medical Tourism Markets
Neil Lunt

19. The Coming Perfect Storm: Medical Tourism as a Biosecurity Issue
C. Michael Hall

20. Diasporic Medical Return: Korean Immigrants’ Use of Homeland Medical Services
Jane Yeonjae Lee, Robin A. Kearns and Wardlow Friesen

21. Culture and Medical Travel
Elisa J. Sobo

22. Use of Cross-Border Healthcare among Immigrants
Signe Smith Jervelund and Line Neerup Handlos

23. Migration: The Mobility of Patients and Health Professionals
Margaret Walton-Roberts

24. United States (US)-Mexico Bi-National Insurance Efforts and the Prospective Impacts of Health Care Reforms in the US and Mexico
Arturo Vargas Bustamante

25. European Retirement Migration: Access to Health Care and Policy Implications
Helena Legido-Quigley and Martin Mckee

26. Medical Tourism: A Case Study of Thailand
Thinnakorn Noree

27. International Medical Travel Developments within Thailand and South-East Asia
Audrey Bochaton

28. The National Context of Medical Travel within Japan
Hiroyoshi Endo, Serina Okamura and Masafumi Toya

29. Medical Tourism and Outward FDI in Health Services: India in South Asia
Rupa Chanda

30. Medical Tourism Developments within the Middle-East
Nabil M. Kronfol

31. Migration and Patient Mobility in Latin America
Max William Hadler

32. The Rise of Medical Tourism to South Africa
Jonathan Crush, Abel Chikanda, David Sanders and Belinda Maswikwa

33. Medical Tourism Developments within Turkey
Sıdıka Kaya, Seda Karsavuran and Ahmet Yıldız

34. Ethics of Medical Tourism
Guido Pennings

35. Medical Tourism for Services Illegal in Patients’ Home Country
I. Glenn Cohen

36. Child Medical Tourism: A New Phenomenon
Charlotte Hamlyn-Williams, Monica Lakhanpaul and Logan Manikam

37. Hospital Accreditation and Medical Tourism
Charles D. Shaw

38. Medical Tourism and Trust: Towards an Agenda for Research
Michael Calnan and Vid Calovski

39. Putting the Thermal Back into Medical Tourism
Melanie Smith, László Puczkó and Ivett Sziva

40.Dental Tourism
Arun Chandu

41. Transplantation Tourism in Asia: Snapshot, Consequences and the Imperative for Policy Changes
Alex Jingwei He

42. Cosmetic Surgery Tourism
Ruth Holliday and David Bell

43. Journey Without End: Travelling Overseas for Bariatric Surgery: A Qualitative Study of UK Patients Travelling for Bariatric Surgery
Johanna Hanefeld and Daniel Horsfall

44. Cross-Border Reproductive Travel
Nicky Hudson and Lorraine Culley

45. ‘They Go the Extra Mile, the Extra Ten Miles…’: Examining Canadian Medical Tourists’ Interactions with Health Care Workers Abroad
Valorie A. Crooks, Victoria Casey, Rebecca Whitmore, Rory Johnston and Jeremy Snyder

46. Outcomes and Medical Tourism
Neil Lunt and Daniel Horsfall


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