Handbook on the Knowledge Economy, Volume Two
Readers with interests in managing knowledge- and innovation-intensive businesses and those who are seeking new insights about how knowledge economies work will find this book an invaluable reference tool. Chapters deal with issues such as open innovation, wellbeing, and digital work that managers and policymakers are increasingly asked to respond to. Contributors to the Handbook are globally recognised experts in their fields providing valuable guidance.
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This thoroughly revised second edition of the Handbook on the Knowledge Economy expands the range of issues presented in the first edition and reflects important new progress in research about knowledge economies.
Readers with interests in managing knowledge- and innovation-intensive businesses and those who are seeking new insights about how knowledge economies work will find this book an invaluable reference tool. Chapters deal with issues such as open innovation, wellbeing, and digital work that managers and policymakers are increasingly asked to respond to. Contributors to the Handbook are globally recognised experts in their fields providing valuable guidance.
这种全面刺激手册将prove an important resource for practitioners and academics in diverse areas of interest, including: knowledge management, innovation management, knowledge policy, social epistemology, and development studies.
Readers with interests in managing knowledge- and innovation-intensive businesses and those who are seeking new insights about how knowledge economies work will find this book an invaluable reference tool. Chapters deal with issues such as open innovation, wellbeing, and digital work that managers and policymakers are increasingly asked to respond to. Contributors to the Handbook are globally recognised experts in their fields providing valuable guidance.
这种全面刺激手册将prove an important resource for practitioners and academics in diverse areas of interest, including: knowledge management, innovation management, knowledge policy, social epistemology, and development studies.
Critical Acclaim
‘The second volume of the Handbook on the Knowledge Economy is a worthy companion to the highly successful original volume published in 2005, extending its theoretical depth and developing its coverage. Together the two volumes provide the single best work and reference point for knowledge economy studies. The second volume with fifteen original essays by renowned scholars in the field, provides insightful and robust analyses of the development potential of the knowledge economy in all its aspects, forms and manifestations.’
– Michael A. Peters, University of Illinois, US
– Michael A. Peters, University of Illinois, US
Contributors: J. Adelstein, M. Bennett, R. Bridgstock, S. Clegg, H.-J. Engelbrecht, R. Harwood, G. Hearn, T. Kastelle, N. Kay, R.A. Lanham, S. MacAulay, J.L. Mast, N. Maxwell, S. Moger, J. Potts, D. Rooney, D. Simoes-Brown, J. Steen, N. Stehr, R. ten Bos
1. Knowledge is People Doing Things, Knowledge Economies are People Doing Things with Better Outcomes for More People
David Rooney, Greg Hearn and Tim Kastelle
2. Knowledge Economy
Nico Stehr and Jason L. Mast
3. Negiotiating a Knowledge Economy: Juggling Knowledge, Truth and Power
Jennifer Adelstein and Stewart Clegg
4. Knowledge-based Economies and Subjective Wellbeing
Hans-Jürgen Engelbrecht
5. Knowledge, Learning and Pain
René ten Bos
6. The Economics of Attention: Economic Doctrines, Social Structures, Political Systems
Richard A. Lanham
7. What Does a Knowledge Economy Actually Look Like?
Neil Kay
8. A Conceptual Model of Capability Learning for the Twenty-first-Century Knowledge Economy
Ruth Bridgstock and Greg Hearn
9. Communities of Practice: Reflections on Lessons Learned at Rio Tinto and the Interdependent Relationship between Technologies and Communities
Mark Bennett
10. Open Innovation: From Marginal to Mainstream
Roland Harwood and David Simoes-Brown
11. How Universities Can Help Humanity Learn How to Resolve the Crises of Our Times – from Knowledge to Wisdom: The University College London Experience
Nicholas Maxwell
12. Network Activation in the Knowledge Economies
Susan Moger
13. Creative Industries and Innovation in a Knowledge Economy
Jason Potts
14. Knowledge-based Business Models: A Digital Network Strategy
Tim Kastelle
15. The Past, Present and Future of Social Network Analysis in the Study of Innovation
John Steen and Sam MacAulay
1. Knowledge is People Doing Things, Knowledge Economies are People Doing Things with Better Outcomes for More People
David Rooney, Greg Hearn and Tim Kastelle
2. Knowledge Economy
Nico Stehr and Jason L. Mast
3. Negiotiating a Knowledge Economy: Juggling Knowledge, Truth and Power
Jennifer Adelstein and Stewart Clegg
4. Knowledge-based Economies and Subjective Wellbeing
Hans-Jürgen Engelbrecht
5. Knowledge, Learning and Pain
René ten Bos
6. The Economics of Attention: Economic Doctrines, Social Structures, Political Systems
Richard A. Lanham
7. What Does a Knowledge Economy Actually Look Like?
Neil Kay
8. A Conceptual Model of Capability Learning for the Twenty-first-Century Knowledge Economy
Ruth Bridgstock and Greg Hearn
9. Communities of Practice: Reflections on Lessons Learned at Rio Tinto and the Interdependent Relationship between Technologies and Communities
Mark Bennett
10. Open Innovation: From Marginal to Mainstream
Roland Harwood and David Simoes-Brown
11. How Universities Can Help Humanity Learn How to Resolve the Crises of Our Times – from Knowledge to Wisdom: The University College London Experience
Nicholas Maxwell
12. Network Activation in the Knowledge Economies
Susan Moger
13. Creative Industries and Innovation in a Knowledge Economy
Jason Potts
14. Knowledge-based Business Models: A Digital Network Strategy
Tim Kastelle
15. The Past, Present and Future of Social Network Analysis in the Study of Innovation
John Steen and Sam MacAulay