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Renmin Chinese Law Review
Edited by Jichun Shi
Renmin Chinese Law Review, Volume 10 is the tenth work in a series of annual volumes on contemporary Chinese law which bring together the work of well-known scholars from China, offering an insight into current legal research in China.eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Building an International Cybersecurity Regime
Edited by Ian Johnstone, Arun Sukumar, Joel Trachtman
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on Providing a much-needed study on cybersecurity regime building, this comprehensive book is a...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Cryptocurrency Regulation
Jerry W. Markham
This incisive and thought-provoking book examines the regulation of cryptocurrency trading by state and federal financial services regulators, in order to understand why these statutes proved to be ineffective in regulating this new asse...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook on Local Governance in China
Edited by Ceren Ergenc, David S.G. Goodman
Demonstrating the crucial importance of local governance in China’s development and international relations, this topical Handbook combines theoretical approaches with novel methodological tools to understand state–society relations at t...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Handbook of Innovation Indicators and Measurement
Edited by Fred Gault, Anthony Arundel, Erika Kraemer-Mbula
Providing nuanced insight into key areas of innovation studies, this erudite second edition acknowledges the significance of innovation within the informal economy. It contributes to the broader scholarly discourse on innovation indicato...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Handbook of Accounting, Accountability and Governance
Edited by Garry D. Carnegie, Christopher J. Napier
This Handbook explores how accounting, accountability and governance are interconnected, and demonstrates that they must operate effectively together in establishing good personal and organizational behaviour in entities of all types aro...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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How to Design and Develop a Business Research Project
Bart Cambré, Karen Elliott, Janick Fierens
Through a fascinating exploration of the advantages and pitfalls of business research methods, this essential book encourages the reader to make well-informed decisions in an often fast-paced environment. It sets out key rules and proced...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Research Handbook on Leadership in Healthcare
Edited by Naomi Chambers
This timely Research Handbook provides a comprehensive and transdisciplinary overview of current research in the field of health leadership. Emphasising diverse perspectives and under-explored issues, it calls for a sustainable future em...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Western Welfare Capitalisms in Good Times and Bad
Bruce Headey, Ruud Muffels, John Quiggin
Western Welfare Capitalisms in Good Times and Bad provides an insightful appraisal of policy priorities and outcomes in four Western regimes: the Anglo-American liberal regimes, Southern European ‘proto-corporatist’ regimes, the historic...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Reparations in Domestic and International Mass Claims Processes
Jason S. Palmer
Mass claims have historically allowed victims of wrongdoing on an extensive scale to be compensated for losses suffered. This insightful book surveys and evaluates both domestic and international mass claims processes, delineating their ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Elgar Encyclopedia of Labour Studies
Edited by Tor Eriksson
这个权威的埃尔加Encyclopedia provides a comprehensive overview of central concepts in labour studies, and how they can be used to analyse labour markets. Examining regional and sectoral labour markets alongside the internal labo...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Global Business
Mark Casson
This fascinating book examines international business and multinational enterprise as part of a bigger picture, considering the importance of two main components: space and time. Summarising the past five years, Mark Casson reviews the c...eBook:Find out more$40.00