Recent Advances in Environmental Economics


Recent Advances in Environmental Economics

9781843760023 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by John A. List, Kenneth C. Griffin Distinguished Service Professor of Economics and Chairman of the Economics Department, University of Chicago, US and Aart de Zeeuw, Professor of Environmental Economics, Department of Economics and CentER, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
Publication Date:2002 ISBN:978 1 84376 002 3 Extent:416 pp
In this book, distinguished scholars from Europe and the US examine a range of topical issues in environmental and resource economics. Employing cutting-edge tools, they take a fresh look at some of the most significant international and domestic issues at the forefront of public policy debates.

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In this book, distinguished scholars from Europe and the US examine a range of topical issues in environmental and resource economics. Employing cutting-edge tools, they take a fresh look at some of the most significant international and domestic issues at the forefront of public policy debates.

The volume has two main themes: environmental policy making within a federalist context and valuation issues, including experimental design. Beyond this, the sixteen chapters give an overview of recent developments in the field and present important new views on pressing policy issues. Many of the chapters offer innovative approaches and contain original empirical or experimental evidence which may have considerable implications for environmental policy. As a whole, the volume provides the reader with a keen understanding of some of the most important theoretical and empirical work in environmental federalism, valuation and a number of other pertinent areas.

This book extends current thinking and provides a state-of-the-art analysis of recent developments in environmental and resource economics. It will be indispensable for students, scholars and researchers in environmental economics and anyone wishing to remain at the frontier of advances in this arena.
Contributors: M. Agee, I. Bateman, D. Bjornstad, P. Brewer, T. Cherry, T. Crocker, R. Cummings, N.L. Dawson, C. Elbers, P. Frykblom, S. Gerking, J. Goeree, M. Hoel, C. Holt, S. Johal, S. Kask, M. Kunce, S. Laury, A. Levinson, C. Mansfield, M. McKee, J.W. Milon, W. Morgan, W.E. Oates, G. Poe, M. Rauscher, D. Rondeau, W. Schulze, D. Scrogin, K. Segerson, J. Shogren, V.K. Smith, A. Ulph, C. Withagen, A. Xepapadeas


1. A Reconsideration of Environmental Federalism
Wallace E. Oates

2. Global Environmental Governance, Political Lobbying and Transboundary Pollution
Surjinder Johal and Alistair Ulph

3. Endogenous Transfrontier Pollution
Michael Rauscher

4. Allocating Greenhouse Gas Emissions Among Countries with Mobile Populations
Michael Hoel

5. Environmental Regulation and International Trade: A General Equilibrium Approach
Chris Elbers and Cees Withagen

6. The Ups and Downs of the Environmental Kuznets Curve
Arik Levinson

7. Participation in Industry-wide Voluntary Approaches: Short-run vs. Long-run Equilibrium
Na Li Dawson and Kathleen Segerson

8. Irreversible Development of a Natural Resource: Management Rules and Policy Issues when Direct Use Values and Environmental Values are Uncertain
Anastasios Xepapadeas

9. A Model of Neighbourhood Conditions and Internal Household Environments
Mark Agee and Thomas Crocker

10. Environmental Policy and the Timing of Drilling and Production in the Oil and Gas Industry
Mitch Kunce, Shelby Gerking and William Morgan

11. Using Flexible Scenarios in Benefit Estimation: An Application to the Cluster Rule and the Pulp and Paper Industry
Susan Kask, Todd Cherry, Jason Shogren and Peter Frykblom

12. Trade-off at the Trough: TMDLs and the Evolving Status of US Water Quality Policy
Carol Mansfield and V. Kerry Smith

13. Heterogeneous Preferences and Complex Environmental Goods: The Case of Ecosystem Restoration
J. Walter Milon and David Scrogin

14. Incentives in Public Goods Experiments: Implications for the Environment
Jacob Goeree, Charles Holt and Susan Laury

15. An Experimental Test for Options Value: Relevance for Contingent Valuation Elicitation
David Bjornstad, Paul Brewer, Ronald Cummings and Michael McKee

16. Is the Scope Test Meaningful in the Presence of Other-regarding Behaviour?
William Schulze, Gregory Poe, Ian Bateman and Daniel Rondeau

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