Recent Developments in the Economics of International Migration


Recent Developments in the Economics of International Migration

9781849809429 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Barry R. Chiswick, Professor and Department Chair, Department of Economics, George Washington University, US and IZA – Institute for the Study of Labor, Bonn, Germany and the late Paul W. Miller, formerly Professor, School of Economics and Finance, Curtin University, Australia
Publication Date:May 2012 ISBN:978 1 84980 942 9 Extent:1,332 pp
This essential collection brings together the most important papers covering the wide range of themes within the evolving field of the economics of international migration.

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This essential collection brings together the most important papers covering the wide range of themes within the evolving field of the economics of international migration. The editors have selected seminal papers, published between 2000 and 2011, by leading academics which analyse immigration issues among the major destination countries across the globe.

This timely two-volume set, along with an original introduction by the editors, will be of great value to students, academics and practitioners interested in the growing subject of international migration.
Critical Acclaim
移民文学的经济增长in the last decade to reflect the complexity of economic issues arising from international migration. This collection is a comprehensive research resource which allows both the student and scholar to keep abreast with traditional topics and emerging economic issues in this field.’
– Don De Voretz, Simon Fraser University, Canada
50 articles, dating from 2000 to 2011
Contributors include: G.J. Borjas, D. Card, D. Cobb-Clark, C. Dustmann, R. Gregory, T. Hatton, L. Kahn, P. Kuhn, D. Massey, J. Williamson, K. Zimmermann

Volume I: Immigration: Flows and Adjustment


Introduction Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller

1. Ximena Clark, Timothy J. Hatton and Jeffrey G. Williamson (2007), ‘Explaining U.S. Immigration, 1971–1998’
2. Timothy J. Hatton (2004), ‘Emigration from the UK, 1870–1913 and 1950–1998’
3. Timothy J. Hatton and Jeffrey G. Williamson (2002), ‘Out of Africa? Using the Past to Project African Emigration Pressure in the Future’
4. Cynthia Feliciano (2005), ‘Educational Selectivity in U.S. Immigration: How Do Immigrants Compare to Those Left Behind?’

5. Joseph Schaafsma and Arthur Sweetman (2001), ‘Immigrant Earnings: Age at Immigration Matters’
6. Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller (2002), ‘Immigration Earnings: Language Skills, Linguistic Concentrations and the Business Cycle’
7. Rachel M. Friedberg (2000), ‘You Cant Take it with You? Immigrant Assimilation and the Portability of Human Capital’
8. Darren Lubotsky (2007), ‘Chutes or Ladders? A Longitudinal Analysis of Immigrant Earnings’
9. Denise Doiron and Rochelle Guttmann (2009), ‘Wealth Distributions of Migrant and Australian-born Households’
10. Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller (2005), ‘Do Enclaves Matter in Immigrant Adjustment’
11. Anna Piil Damm (2009), ‘Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes: Quasi-Experimental Evidence’
12. John M. McDowell and Larry D. Singell, Jr. (2000), ‘Productivity of Highly-Skilled Immigrants: Economists in the Postwar Period’
13.马格努斯Lofstrom(2002),“劳动力市场Assimilation and the Self-Employment Decision of Immigrant Entrepreneurs’
14. Francine D. Blau, Lawrence M. Kahn, Joan Y. Moriarty and Andre Portela-Souza (2003), ‘The Role of the Family In Immigrants’ Labor-Market Activity: An Evalution of Alternative Explanations: Comment’
15. Heather Antecol, Peter Kuhn and Stephen J. Trejo (2006), ‘Assimilation via Prices or Quantities? Sources of Immigrant Earnings Growth in Australia, Canada and the United States’

16. Heather Antecol and Kelly Bedard (2006), ‘Unhealthy Assimilation: Why do Immigrants Converge to American Health Status Levels?’
17. Aïda Solé-Auró and Eileen M. Crimmins (2008), ‘Health of Immigrants in European Countries’
18. Barry R. Chiswick and Christina Houseworth (2011), ’Ethnic Intermarriage Among Immigrants: Human Capital and Assortative Mating’
19. Xin Meng and Robert G. Gregory (2005), ‘Intermarriage and the Economic Assimilation of Immigrants’
20. Guillermina Jasso, Douglas S. Massey, Mark R. Rosenzweig and James P. Smith (2000), ‘Assortative Mating Among Married New Legal Immigrants to the United States: Evidence From the New Immigrant Survey Pilot’
21. Jochen Mayer and Regina T. Riphahn (2000), ‘Fertility Assimilation of Immigrants: Evidence From Count Data Models’
22. Neeraj Kaushal (2005), ‘New Immigrants’ Location Choices: Magnets Without Welfare’
23. Jorgen Hansen and Magnus Lofstrom (2003), ‘Immigrant Assimilation and Welfare Participation: Do Immigrants Assimilate Into or Out of Welfare’
24. Barry R. Chiswick and Noyna DebBurman (2004), ‘Educational Attainment: Analysis by Immigrant Generation’
25. Carmel U. Chiswick (2009), ‘The Economic Determinants of Ethnic Assimilation’
26. Amelie F. Constant, Liliya Gataullina and Klaus F.Zimmermann (2009), ‘Ethnosizing Immigrants’

Volume II: Immigration and Language: Impacts and Policy


An Introduction to both volumes by the editors appears in volume I

1. Geoffrey Carliner (2000), ‘The Language Ability of U.S. Immigrants: Assimilation and Cohort Effects’
2. Barry R. Chiswick and Paul W. Miller (2001), ‘A Model of Destination-Language Acquistion: Application to Male Immigrants in Canada’
3. Christian Dustmann and Arthur van Soest (2002), ‘Language and the Earnings of Immigrants’
4. Hoyt Bleakley and Aimee Chin (2004), ‘Language Skills and Earnings: Evidence from Childhood Immigrants’
5. Barry R. Chiswick, Yew Liang Lee and Paul W. Miller (2005), ‘Parents and Children Talk: English Language Proficiency within Immigrant Families’

(A) Labor Markets
6. Volker Grossmann and David Stadelmann (2011), ‘Does International Mobility of High-Skilled Workers Aggravate Between-country Inequality’
7. George Borjas (2003), ‘The Labor Demand Curve is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market’
8. David Card (2005), ‘Is the New Immigration Really so Bad?’

(B) Prices
9. Patricia Cortes (2008), ‘The Effect of Low-Skilled Immigration on U.S. Prices: Evidence from CPI Data’
10. Albert Saiz (2007), ‘Immigration and Housing Rents in American Cities’

(C) Other Impacts
11. Peter B. Dixon, Martin Johnson and Maureen T. Rimmer (2011), ‘Economy-Wide Effects of Reducing Illegal Immigrants in U.S. Employment’
12. George J. Borjas (2006), ‘Native Internal Migration and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration’
13.Robert W. Fairlie and Bruce D. Meyer (2003), ‘The Effect of Immigration on Native Self-Employment’
14. Julian R. Betts and Robert W. Fairlie (2003), ‘Does Immigration Induce “Native Flight” From Public Schools into Private Schools?’
15. Michel Beine, Frederic Docquier and Hillel Rapoport (2008), ‘Brain Drain and Human Capital Formation in Developing Countries: Winners and Losers’
16. Una Okonkwo Osili (2004), ‘Migrants and Housing Investments: Theory and Evidence from Nigeria’

17. Michael Jones-Correa (2001), ‘Under Two Flags: Dual Nationality in Latin America and its Consequences for Naturalization in the United States’
18. Irene Bloemraad (2004), ‘Who Claims Dual Citizenship? The Limits of Postnationalism, the Possibilities of Transnationalism, and the Persistence of Traditional Citizenship’
19. Francesca Mazzolari (2009), ‘Dual Citizenship Rights: Do They Make More and Richer Citizens?’

20. Giovanni Facchini and Anna Maria Mayda (2009), ‘Does the Welfare State Affect Individual Attitudes Towards Immigrants? Evidence Across Countries’
21. Gordon H. Hanson and Antonio Spilimbergo (2001), ‘Political Economy, Sectoral Shocks, and Border Enforcement’
22. Heather Antecol, Deborah A. Cobb-Clark and Stephen J. Trejo (2003), ‘Immigration Policy and the Skills of Immigrants to Australia, Canada and the United States’
23. Barry R. Chiswick, Yew Liang Lee and Paul W. Miller (2006), ‘Immigrants’ Language Skills and Visa Category’
24. Pia M. Orrenius and Madeline Zavodny (2003), ‘Do Amnesty Programs Reduce Undocumented Immigration? Evidence From IRCA’
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