Research Companion to Green International Management Studies


Research Companion to Green International Management Studies

A Guide for Future Research, Collaboration and Review Writing

9781849803632 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by Deborah E. de Lange, Assistant Professor, Global Management Studies, Ted Rogers School of Management, Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
Publication Date:January 2011 ISBN:978 1 84980 363 2 Extent:200 pp
The Research Companion to Green International Management Studies comprehensively covers the field of sustainability and the environment in business and management. Its emphasis on international topics makes it widely applicable and highly relevant in today’s globalized world. Researchers will find the volume useful in stimulating new ideas and ensuring that their contributions enrich the field. A critical addition to every scholar’s collection and a vital guide for PhD students as they develop their abilities to critique, review and write for academic journals, this book codifies and makes consistent important aspects of PhD education in sustainability and international management.

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The Research Companion to Green International Management Studies comprehensively covers the field of sustainability and the environment in business and management. Its emphasis on international topics makes it widely applicable and highly relevant in today’s globalized world. Researchers will find the volume useful in stimulating new ideas and ensuring that their contributions enrich the field. A critical addition to every scholar’s collection and a vital guide for PhD students as they develop their abilities to critique, review and write for academic journals, this book codifies and makes consistent important aspects of PhD education in sustainability and international management.

Uniquely comprised of reviews of many major articles in the field, this research companion focuses on topics including corporate social responsibility, international organizations and development, environmental innovation and academic theory. This book also offers overviews of the field’s key theories, such as institutional and stakeholder theory and resource-based view, leading to a discussion of how these theories have been applied, tested and extended in sustainability studies.

This helpful and informative guide is ideal for professors and their graduate students. Policy makers, academic researchers and business people will all find this a useful and welcome resource for keeping up with the latest thinking in sustainability.
Contributors: B. Banerjee, O. Branzei, A. Bullough, T. Busch, D.V. Caprar, T. Cooper, D.E. de Lange, M.S. Finney, J. Gao, C. Gopinath, E. Haezendonck, O. Hawn, D. Hennessy, L. Ingraham, M.S. Linneberg, D. Mazutis, J. Pinkse, C.A. Simmers, N. Slawinski, J. Stomp, S. Tams, P.G. Vidal, D.J. Wong-MingJi, S.L. Young

Deborah E. de Lange

1. Writing a Professional Academic Article Review
Deborah E. de Lange

2. An Overview of the Green International Management Literature
Deborah E. de Lange

3. MNCs’ Social, Ethical and Legal Responsibilities (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Bobby Banerjee, Timo Busch, Tom Cooper, Daina Mazutis and Josephine Stomp

4. NGOs, IGOs, Government and Sustainability in Developing Nations
c . Gopinath, Mai Skott Linneberg, Natalie Slawinski and Susan L. Young

5. Environmental Innovation and Talent
Claire A. Simmers, Amanda Bullough, Mary S. Finney, Dean Hennessy, Laurie Ingraham and Olga Hawn

6. Academic Theory
Dan V. Caprar, Jijun Gao, Elvira Haezendonck, Jonatan Pinkse and Svenja Tams

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