Research Handbook on Trade in Services
This Research Handbook explores the latest frontiers in services trade by drawing on insights from empirical economics, law and global political economy. The world’s foremost experts take stock of the learning done to date in services trade, explore policy questions bedevilling analysts and direct attention to a host of issues, old and new, confronting those interested in the service economy and its rising salience in cross-border exchange. The Handbook’s 22 chapters shed informed analytical light on a subject matter whose substantive remit continues to be shaped by rapid evolutions in technology, data gathering, market structures, consumer preferences, approaches to regulation and by ongoing shifts in the frontier between the market and the state.
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This Research Handbook explores the latest frontiers in services trade by drawing on insights from empirical economics, law and global political economy. The world’s foremost experts take stock of the learning done to date in services trade, explore policy questions bedeviling analysts and direct attention to a host of issues, old and new, confronting those interested in the service economy and its rising salience in cross-border exchange.
The Research Handbook’s 22 chapters shed analytical light on a subject matter whose substantive remit continues to be shaped by rapid evolutions in technology, data gathering, market structures, consumer preferences, approaches to regulation and ongoing shifts in the frontier between the market and the state. Expert contributors explore the subject through a multidisciplinary lens, offering a comprehensive overview of lessons learned over two decades of GATS jurisprudence. The book further chronicles the rising stakes and involvement of developing countries in global services trade, notably their growing insertion in global value chains, as well as the latest advances and remaining challenges in the statistical measurement of trade in services.
Academics and experts in the policy research community will find value in this book, as will officials in governmental and international organization circles as well as representatives of service sector industry associations.
The Research Handbook’s 22 chapters shed analytical light on a subject matter whose substantive remit continues to be shaped by rapid evolutions in technology, data gathering, market structures, consumer preferences, approaches to regulation and ongoing shifts in the frontier between the market and the state. Expert contributors explore the subject through a multidisciplinary lens, offering a comprehensive overview of lessons learned over two decades of GATS jurisprudence. The book further chronicles the rising stakes and involvement of developing countries in global services trade, notably their growing insertion in global value chains, as well as the latest advances and remaining challenges in the statistical measurement of trade in services.
Academics and experts in the policy research community will find value in this book, as will officials in governmental and international organization circles as well as representatives of service sector industry associations.
Critical Acclaim
‘The Research Handbook on Trade in Services is the most comprehensive study to date on one of the most relevant, albeit least explored areas, in the field of international trade policy. By adopting a multi-disciplinary approach that brings together the economic, legal and political economy perspectives of renowned experts, Pierre Sauvé and Martin Roy have made a significant contribution to better understanding trade in services. Trade policy-makers, practitioners and scholars will find solid evidence in this book to inform bold and comprehensive reforms to fully exploit the potential of the services economy.’
– Anabel Gonzalez, World Bank Group Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness
– Anabel Gonzalez, World Bank Group Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness
Contributors: A. Berry, T. Bohn, T. Broude, M. Burri, R. Chanda, P. Delimatsis, G. Gari, B.M. Hoekman, G.C. Hufbauer, M. Krajewski, R. Lanz, E.H. Leroux, J. Magdeleine, M. Mashayekhi, A. Maurer, P.C. Mavroidis, S. Miroudot, M. Molinuevo, S. Moses, N. Mulder, M. Roy, S. Saez, P. Sauvé, B. Shepherd, A. Shingal, S. Stephenson, D. Taglioni, L.L. Tuthill, E. van der Marel, C. VanGrasstek, N. Ward, J. Wilson
Introduction and Overview
Pierre Sauvé and Martin Roy
1. Charting the evolving landscape of services trade policies: Recent patterns of protection and liberalization
Martin Roy
2. Measuring trade in services in a world of global value chains
Andreas Maurer, Joscelyn Magdeleine and Rainer Lanz
3. Trade costs and global value chains in services
Sébastien Miroudot and Ben Shepherd
4. Ricardo does services: Service sector regulation and comparative advantage in goods
Erik van der Marel
5. Going beyond the 0/1 dummy: Estimating the effect of heterogeneous provisions in services agreements on services trade
Anirudh Shingal
6. Nurturing the competitiveness of services exports: Metrics and policy options
Sebastian Sáez and Daria Taglioni
7.服务贸易和监管改革:methodology for developing countries
Martin Molinuevo and Sebastián Sáez
8. Twenty years of GATS case law: Does it taste like a good wine?
Eric H. Leroux
9. Domestic regulation and services trade: Lessons from regional and bilateral free trade agreements
Markus Krajewski
10. A technical barriers to trade agreement for services?
Bernard M. Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
11. Standard-setting in services: New frontiers in rule-making and the role of the EU
Panagiotis Delimatsis
12. Services and state-owned enterprises
13. Designing future-oriented multilateral rules for digital trade
Mira Burri
14. Cross-border data flows: What role for trade rules?
L. Lee Tuthill
15. The behavioural dynamics of positive and negative listing in services trade liberalization: A look at the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiations
Tomer Broude and Shai Moses
16. Demographics and labour markets: Implications for mode 4 trade
Rupa Chanda
17. The changing landscape of global trade in business services and value chains: Are emerging economies taking over?
Andrew Berry, Timon Bohn and Nanno Mulder
18. Opening services markets in developing countries: What role for competition law?
Joseph Wilson
19. The services trade agreements of developing countries
Craig VanGrasstek and Mina Mashayekhi
20. A trade in services waiver for least developed countries: Towards workable proposals
Pierre Sauvé and Natasha Ward
21. Services negotiations: Where have we been and where are we heading?
Gabriel Gari
Introduction and Overview
Pierre Sauvé and Martin Roy
1. Charting the evolving landscape of services trade policies: Recent patterns of protection and liberalization
Martin Roy
2. Measuring trade in services in a world of global value chains
Andreas Maurer, Joscelyn Magdeleine and Rainer Lanz
3. Trade costs and global value chains in services
Sébastien Miroudot and Ben Shepherd
4. Ricardo does services: Service sector regulation and comparative advantage in goods
Erik van der Marel
5. Going beyond the 0/1 dummy: Estimating the effect of heterogeneous provisions in services agreements on services trade
Anirudh Shingal
6. Nurturing the competitiveness of services exports: Metrics and policy options
Sebastian Sáez and Daria Taglioni
7.服务贸易和监管改革:methodology for developing countries
Martin Molinuevo and Sebastián Sáez
8. Twenty years of GATS case law: Does it taste like a good wine?
Eric H. Leroux
9. Domestic regulation and services trade: Lessons from regional and bilateral free trade agreements
Markus Krajewski
10. A technical barriers to trade agreement for services?
Bernard M. Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
11. Standard-setting in services: New frontiers in rule-making and the role of the EU
Panagiotis Delimatsis
12. Services and state-owned enterprises
13. Designing future-oriented multilateral rules for digital trade
Mira Burri
14. Cross-border data flows: What role for trade rules?
L. Lee Tuthill
15. The behavioural dynamics of positive and negative listing in services trade liberalization: A look at the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) negotiations
Tomer Broude and Shai Moses
16. Demographics and labour markets: Implications for mode 4 trade
Rupa Chanda
17. The changing landscape of global trade in business services and value chains: Are emerging economies taking over?
Andrew Berry, Timon Bohn and Nanno Mulder
18. Opening services markets in developing countries: What role for competition law?
Joseph Wilson
19. The services trade agreements of developing countries
Craig VanGrasstek and Mina Mashayekhi
20. A trade in services waiver for least developed countries: Towards workable proposals
Pierre Sauvé and Natasha Ward
21. Services negotiations: Where have we been and where are we heading?
Gabriel Gari