Rural Planning and Management
近年来兴起的兴趣the importance of the rural sector in integrated sustainable development strategies. This timely volume presents a selection of writings which explore the key issues in the debate on the management of the rural environment for sustainable development.
Although there are considerable differences in context between developed, transitional and developing countries, the volume identifies common themes in the search for sustainable livelihoods, vibrant communities, environmental protection and the wise use of natural resources. It examines the challenges of sustainable rural development, relevant concepts, principles, techniques, analytical methods and management responses. The collection contains papers on topical rural issues such as sustainable agriculture, forestry, tourism and protected area policy. It demonstrates that, while there is convergence on the approaches to sustainable development, notably the emphasis on market mechanisms, institution building and participation, local solutions need to be found.
Although there are considerable differences in context between developed, transitional and developing countries, the volume identifies common themes in the search for sustainable livelihoods, vibrant communities, environmental protection and the wise use of natural resources. It examines the challenges of sustainable rural development, relevant concepts, principles, techniques, analytical methods and management responses. The collection contains papers on topical rural issues such as sustainable agriculture, forestry, tourism and protected area policy. It demonstrates that, while there is convergence on the approaches to sustainable development, notably the emphasis on market mechanisms, institution building and participation, local solutions need to be found.
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近年来兴起的兴趣the importance of the rural sector in the formulation of integrated sustainable development strategies. This timely volume presents a selection of writings which explore the key issues in the debate on the management of the rural environment for sustainable development.
Although there are considerable differences in context between developed, transitional and developing countries, the volume identifies common themes in the search for sustainable livelihoods, vibrant communities, environmental protection and the wise use of natural resources. It examines the challenges of sustainable rural development, relevant concepts, principles, techniques, analytical methods and management responses. The collection contains papers on topical rural issues such as sustainable agriculture, forestry, tourism and protected area policy. It demonstrates that, while there is convergence on the approaches to sustainable development, notably the emphasis on market mechanisms, institution building and participation, local solutions need to be found.
Although there are considerable differences in context between developed, transitional and developing countries, the volume identifies common themes in the search for sustainable livelihoods, vibrant communities, environmental protection and the wise use of natural resources. It examines the challenges of sustainable rural development, relevant concepts, principles, techniques, analytical methods and management responses. The collection contains papers on topical rural issues such as sustainable agriculture, forestry, tourism and protected area policy. It demonstrates that, while there is convergence on the approaches to sustainable development, notably the emphasis on market mechanisms, institution building and participation, local solutions need to be found.
37 articles, dating from 1990 to 2000
Contributors include: D. Belshaw, J. Bryden, F. Ellis, I. Hodge, P. Lowe, J. Pretty, M. Redclift, P. Selman, N. Ward, M. Whitby
Contributors include: D. Belshaw, J. Bryden, F. Ellis, I. Hodge, P. Lowe, J. Pretty, M. Redclift, P. Selman, N. Ward, M. Whitby
Acknowledgements • Introduction
A European Perspectives
1. Mark Shucksmith, Polly Chapman, Gill Clark and Stuart Black (1994), ‘Social Welfare in Rural Europe’
2. John Bryden and Ray Bollman (2000), ‘Rural Employment in Industrialised Countries’
3. Philip Lowe, Jonathan Murdoch, Terry Marsden, Richard Munton and Andrew Flynn (1993), ‘Regulating the New Rural Spaces: The Uneven Development of Land’
4.克莱夫·波特和菲利普·古德温(1998),“Agricultural Liberalization in the European Union: An Analysis of the Implications for Nature Conservation’
B Developing Country Perspectives
5. Deryke Belshaw (1995), Rural Development Strategies in Low Income Countries: Poverty Reduction, Productivity Gains and Decentralisation
6. Frank Ellis (1998), ‘Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification’
A Property Rights
7. Daniel W. Bromley and Ian Hodge (1990), ‘Private Property Rights and Presumptive Policy Entitlements: Reconsidering the Premises of Rural Policy’
8. Keith D. Wiebe and Ruth Meinzen-Dick (1998), ‘Property Rights as Policy Tools for Sustainable Development’
B Social Capital
9. Elizabeth G. Katz (2000), ‘Social Capital and Natural Capital: A Comparative Analysis of Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in Guatemala’
C Natural Capital
10. Martin Whitby and W. Neil Adger (1996), ‘Natural and Reproducible Capital and the Sustainability of Land Use in the UK’
D Conservation Planning
11. Paul Selman (1993), ‘Landscape Ecology and Countryside Planning: Vision, Theory and Practice’
12. Karen A. Poiani, Jeffrey V. Baumgartner, Steven C. Buttrick, Shelley L. Green, Edward Hopkins, George D. Ivey, Katherine P. Seaton and Robert D. Sutter (1998), ‘A Scale-independent, Site Conservation Planning Framework in The Nature Conservancy’
E Market Led Approach
13. Kevin D. Bishop and Adrian A.C. Phillips (1993), ‘Seven Steps to Market – The Development of the Market-led Approach to Countryside Conservation and Recreation’
F Development and Environment
14. Michael Redclift (1995), ‘The Environment and Structural Adjustment: Lessons for Policy Interventions in the 1990s’
15. Colin Kirkpatrick and Norman Lee (1997), ‘Market Liberalisation and Environmental Assessment in Developing and Transitional Economies’
A Agriculture
16. Paul Webster (1999), ‘The Challenge of Sustainability at the Farm Level: Presidential Address’
17. Jan Diek van Mansvelt and Jessie A. Mulder (1993), ‘European Features for Sustainable Development: A Contribution to the Dialogue’
18. Jules Pretty and Rachel Hine (2000), ‘The Promising Spread of Sustainable Agriculture in Asia’
19. Matt Lobley and Clive Potter (1998), ‘Environmental Stewardship in UK Agriculture: A Comparison of the Environmentally Sensitive Area Programme and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme in South East England’
20. Nick Hanley, Martin Whitby and Ian Simpson (1999), ‘Assessing the Success of Agri-environmental Policy in the UK’
B Protected Areas
21. Kevin Bishop, Adrian Phillips and Lynda Warren (1995), ‘Protected for Ever? Factors Shaping the Future of Protected Areas Policy’
22.Cleophas总理(1992),“马野生动物的问题nagement and Land Use in Kenya’
C Forestry
23. Paul Selman (1997), ‘The Role of Forestry in Meeting Planning Objectives’
24. Paul Cloke, Paul Milbourne and Chris Thomas (1996), ‘From Wasteland to Wonderland: Opencast Mining, Regeneration and the English National Forest’
25. David Wood (1995), ‘Conserved to Death: Are Tropical Forests Being Over-protected From People?’
D Energy
26. D.O. Hall and J.I. House (1995), ‘Biomass Energy in Western Europe to 2050’
27. Merylyn McKenzie Hedger (1995), ‘Wind Power: Challenges to Planning Policy in the UK’
E Tourism and Recreation
28. Bill Slee, Helen Farr and Patrick Snowdon (1997), ‘The Economic Impact of Alternative Types of Rural Tourism’
29. Anne-Mette Hjalager (1996), ‘Agricultural Diversification into Tourism: Evidence of a European Community Development Programme’
F Rural Enterprise, Housing and Transport
30. Nigel Berkeley, David Clark and Brian Ilbery (1996), ‘Regional Variations in Business Use of Information and Communication Technologies and their Implications for Policy: Case Study Evidence from Rural England’
31. Colin C. Williams (1996), ‘Local Purchasing Schemes and Rural Development: An Evaluation of Local Exchange and Trading Systems (LETS)’
32. Paul Milbourne (1998), ‘Local Responses to Central State Restructuring of Social Housing Provision in Rural Areas’
33. Stephen D. Nutley (1996), ‘Rural Transport Problems and Non-car Populations in the USA: A UK Perspective’
34. David J. Brunckhorst (1998), ‘Creating Institutions to Ensure Sustainable Use of Resources’
35. Allan Curtis and Terry De Lacy (1996), ‘Landcare in Australia: Does it Make a Difference?’
36. B.J. Gleeson and K.J. Grundy (1997), ‘New Zealand’s Planning Revolution Five Years On: A Preliminary Assessment’
37. Neil Ward and Kate McNicholas (1998), ‘Reconfiguring Rural Development in the UK: Objective 5b and the New Rural Governance’
Name Index
Acknowledgements • Introduction
A European Perspectives
1. Mark Shucksmith, Polly Chapman, Gill Clark and Stuart Black (1994), ‘Social Welfare in Rural Europe’
2. John Bryden and Ray Bollman (2000), ‘Rural Employment in Industrialised Countries’
3. Philip Lowe, Jonathan Murdoch, Terry Marsden, Richard Munton and Andrew Flynn (1993), ‘Regulating the New Rural Spaces: The Uneven Development of Land’
4.克莱夫·波特和菲利普·古德温(1998),“Agricultural Liberalization in the European Union: An Analysis of the Implications for Nature Conservation’
B Developing Country Perspectives
5. Deryke Belshaw (1995), Rural Development Strategies in Low Income Countries: Poverty Reduction, Productivity Gains and Decentralisation
6. Frank Ellis (1998), ‘Household Strategies and Rural Livelihood Diversification’
A Property Rights
7. Daniel W. Bromley and Ian Hodge (1990), ‘Private Property Rights and Presumptive Policy Entitlements: Reconsidering the Premises of Rural Policy’
8. Keith D. Wiebe and Ruth Meinzen-Dick (1998), ‘Property Rights as Policy Tools for Sustainable Development’
B Social Capital
9. Elizabeth G. Katz (2000), ‘Social Capital and Natural Capital: A Comparative Analysis of Land Tenure and Natural Resource Management in Guatemala’
C Natural Capital
10. Martin Whitby and W. Neil Adger (1996), ‘Natural and Reproducible Capital and the Sustainability of Land Use in the UK’
D Conservation Planning
11. Paul Selman (1993), ‘Landscape Ecology and Countryside Planning: Vision, Theory and Practice’
12. Karen A. Poiani, Jeffrey V. Baumgartner, Steven C. Buttrick, Shelley L. Green, Edward Hopkins, George D. Ivey, Katherine P. Seaton and Robert D. Sutter (1998), ‘A Scale-independent, Site Conservation Planning Framework in The Nature Conservancy’
E Market Led Approach
13. Kevin D. Bishop and Adrian A.C. Phillips (1993), ‘Seven Steps to Market – The Development of the Market-led Approach to Countryside Conservation and Recreation’
F Development and Environment
14. Michael Redclift (1995), ‘The Environment and Structural Adjustment: Lessons for Policy Interventions in the 1990s’
15. Colin Kirkpatrick and Norman Lee (1997), ‘Market Liberalisation and Environmental Assessment in Developing and Transitional Economies’
A Agriculture
16. Paul Webster (1999), ‘The Challenge of Sustainability at the Farm Level: Presidential Address’
17. Jan Diek van Mansvelt and Jessie A. Mulder (1993), ‘European Features for Sustainable Development: A Contribution to the Dialogue’
18. Jules Pretty and Rachel Hine (2000), ‘The Promising Spread of Sustainable Agriculture in Asia’
19. Matt Lobley and Clive Potter (1998), ‘Environmental Stewardship in UK Agriculture: A Comparison of the Environmentally Sensitive Area Programme and the Countryside Stewardship Scheme in South East England’
20. Nick Hanley, Martin Whitby and Ian Simpson (1999), ‘Assessing the Success of Agri-environmental Policy in the UK’
B Protected Areas
21. Kevin Bishop, Adrian Phillips and Lynda Warren (1995), ‘Protected for Ever? Factors Shaping the Future of Protected Areas Policy’
22.Cleophas总理(1992),“马野生动物的问题nagement and Land Use in Kenya’
C Forestry
23. Paul Selman (1997), ‘The Role of Forestry in Meeting Planning Objectives’
24. Paul Cloke, Paul Milbourne and Chris Thomas (1996), ‘From Wasteland to Wonderland: Opencast Mining, Regeneration and the English National Forest’
25. David Wood (1995), ‘Conserved to Death: Are Tropical Forests Being Over-protected From People?’
D Energy
26. D.O. Hall and J.I. House (1995), ‘Biomass Energy in Western Europe to 2050’
27. Merylyn McKenzie Hedger (1995), ‘Wind Power: Challenges to Planning Policy in the UK’
E Tourism and Recreation
28. Bill Slee, Helen Farr and Patrick Snowdon (1997), ‘The Economic Impact of Alternative Types of Rural Tourism’
29. Anne-Mette Hjalager (1996), ‘Agricultural Diversification into Tourism: Evidence of a European Community Development Programme’
F Rural Enterprise, Housing and Transport
30. Nigel Berkeley, David Clark and Brian Ilbery (1996), ‘Regional Variations in Business Use of Information and Communication Technologies and their Implications for Policy: Case Study Evidence from Rural England’
31. Colin C. Williams (1996), ‘Local Purchasing Schemes and Rural Development: An Evaluation of Local Exchange and Trading Systems (LETS)’
32. Paul Milbourne (1998), ‘Local Responses to Central State Restructuring of Social Housing Provision in Rural Areas’
33. Stephen D. Nutley (1996), ‘Rural Transport Problems and Non-car Populations in the USA: A UK Perspective’
34. David J. Brunckhorst (1998), ‘Creating Institutions to Ensure Sustainable Use of Resources’
35. Allan Curtis and Terry De Lacy (1996), ‘Landcare in Australia: Does it Make a Difference?’
36. B.J. Gleeson and K.J. Grundy (1997), ‘New Zealand’s Planning Revolution Five Years On: A Preliminary Assessment’
37. Neil Ward and Kate McNicholas (1998), ‘Reconfiguring Rural Development in the UK: Objective 5b and the New Rural Governance’
Name Index