Sustainable Automobile Transport


Sustainable Automobile Transport

Shaping Climate Change Policy

9781847204516 爱德华。Elgar Publishing
Lisa Ryan, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University College Dublin and Comhar – Sustainable Development Council, Dublin, Ireland and Hal Turton, Group Leader, Energy Economics Group, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland and formerly at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria
Publication Date:2008 ISBN:978 1 84720 451 6 Extent:320 pp
Transport, and in particular road transport, represents a significant global threat to long-term sustainable development, and is one of the fastest-growing consumers of final energy and sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In this book, long-term energy–economy–environment scenarios are used to identify the key technological developments required to address the challenges passenger car transport poses to climate change mitigation and energy security. It also considers possible targets for policy support and examines some of the elements that contribute to the significant levels of uncertainty – particularly social and political conditions. The book then builds on this long-term scenario analysis with a broad review of recent empirical examples of relevant policy implementation to identify near-term options for the passenger transportation sector which may promote a shift towards a more sustainable transport system over the longer term.

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Transport, and in particular road transport, represents a significant global threat to long-term sustainable development, and is one of the fastest-growing consumers of final energy and sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In this book, long-term energy–economy–environment scenarios are used to identify the key technological developments required to address the challenges passenger car transport poses to climate change mitigation and energy security. It also considers possible targets for policy support and examines some of the elements that contribute to the significant levels of uncertainty – particularly social and political conditions. The book then builds on this long-term scenario analysis with a broad review of recent empirical examples of relevant policy implementation to identify near-term options for the passenger transportation sector, which may promote a shift towards a more sustainable transport system over the longer term.

Sustainable Automobile Transport will be of particular interest to those in the policy process who are striving to address the automobile-derived challenges associated with climate change – a growing rather than declining problem. It will have a worldwide audience as every developed and rapidly growing society struggles to address the dynamic growth in greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles.
Contents: Foreword 1. Introduction Part I: Future Transport Demand and Technology Prospects 2. Future Drivers and Projections of Transport Demand 3. Transport Technology and Fuel Characteristics and Future Prospects Part II: Sustainable Transport Technology Scenario Analysis 4. Modelling Transport Technology and Fuel Choice in a Long-term Scenario with ERIS 5. Technology Development in a Sustainable Transport Scenario 6. Alternative Scenarios of a Future Transport System Part III: Policy Measures for Sustainable Transport 7. Policy Instruments to Reduce GHG from Passenger Road Transport 8. Demand Side: Market-based Instruments 9. Voluntary or Negotiated Agreements 10. Supply-side Policy Measures: R&D Part IV: Roadmap to a Sustainable Transport System 11. Future Technology Developments in Transport 12. Implications for Policymaking 13. Sustainable Automobile Transportation: Synthesis of Key Conclusions References Index
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