The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty


The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty

Concepts, Research, Policy

9781848443341 Edward Elgar Publishing
Edited by the late Sylvia Chant FRSA, FAcSS, formerly Professor of Development Geography, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Publication Date:July 2010 ISBN:978 1 84844 334 1 Extent:736 pp
In the interests of contextualising (and nuancing) the multiple interrelations between gender and poverty, Sylvia Chant has gathered writings on diverse aspects of the subject from a range of disciplinary and professional perspectives, achieving extensive thematic as well as geographical coverage. This benchmark volume presents women’s and men’s experiences of gendered poverty with respect to a vast spectrum of intersecting issues including local to global economic transformations, family, age, ‘race’, migration, assets, paid and unpaid work, health, sexuality, human rights, and conflict and violence.

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Critical Acclaim
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In the interests of contextualising (and nuancing) the multiple interrelations between gender and poverty, Sylvia Chant has gathered writings on diverse aspects of the subject from a range of disciplinary and professional perspectives, achieving extensive thematic as well as geographical coverage. This benchmark volume presents women’s and men’s experiences of gendered poverty with respect to a vast spectrum of intersecting issues including local to global economic transformations, family, age, ‘race’, migration, assets, paid and unpaid work, health, sexuality, human rights, and conflict and violence.

The Handbook also provides up-to-the-minute reflections on how to theorise, measure and represent the connections between gender and poverty, and to contemplate how gendered poverty is affected – and potentially redressed – by policy and grassroots interventions. An unprecedented and ambitious blend of conceptual, methodological, empirical and practical offerings from a host of established as well as upcoming scholars and professionals from across the globe lends the volume a distinctive and critical edge. Notwithstanding the broad scope of The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty, one theme in common to most of its 100-plus chapters is the need to ‘en-gender’ analysis and initiatives to combat poverty and inequality at local, national and international levels. As such, the volume will inspire its readers not only to reflect deeply on poverty and gender injustice, but also to consider what to do about it.

This book will be essential reading for all with academic, professional or personal interests in gender, poverty, inequality, development, and social, political and economic change in the contemporary world.
Critical Acclaim
‘The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty is an inevitably hefty tome that makes possibly the most comprehensive contribution to a detailed and thorough analysis of gendered dimensions of international poverty contexts, causes, and consequences ever brought together into one volume. . . I would strongly recommend this collection as a key reference work in any educational library, or development/government institution. While providing a specialist focus on gendered dimensions of poverty across multiple axes of difference, it presents clearly articulated, simultaneously accessible, and sophisticated contemporary analyses that would be of use and appeal to a wide audience.’
– Suzanne Clisby, Gender & Development

‘. . . this is an essential resource on gender, poverty, and development. The dense analysis and data would be most accessible to graduate students, faculty, and policy analysts, but undergraduates could use the literature review essays as starting points. The volume has a comprehensive index, a list of contributors, and a glossary of abbreviations, and each chapter has a selected bibliography.’
– Jeanne Armstrong, Feminist Collections

‘With its breadth and depth, The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty certainly deserves a place on the bookshelves of university libraries and of every academic and development professional with a specific interest in gender and development.’
– Gender in Management: An International Journal

‘I recommend this book to be a staple of reference libraries.’
– British Politics and Policy

‘With international attention focused on halving poverty by 2015, the appearance of The International Handbook of Gender and Poverty is both timely and essential. Sylvia Chant is to be congratulated for producing a state-of-the-art compendium of everything you need to know about the often hidden, gendered, dimensions of poverty. Edited and written by leading scholars and policy advisers, the Handbook comprehensively covers the key themes that are vital to understanding poverty as a gendered process, combining policy lessons with theoretical insight. Richly illustrated with examples from across the world, this book will not only be welcomed by all those dedicated to the study of poverty, but, by casting new light on its causes, will also help to develop appropriate measures to tackle it.’
– Professor Maxine Molyneux, Institute for the Study of the Americas, University of London, UK

‘While each of the articles in this impressive collection makes an original contribution to the conceptual, empirical and policy analysis of gender and poverty, together they provide a comprehensive overview of the field and an essential resource for all sections of the development community. Professor Sylvia Chant is to be congratulated for bringing together some of the leading thinkers in the field from across the world. This is not only an unprecedented feat of international co-operation but feminist collaboration at its best.’
– Professor Naila Kabeer, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK

‘These diverse, thoughtful essays go far beyond a mere summary of international scholarship. They outline a fascinating and provocative agenda for future policy-relevant research. This book will help redefine and revitalise the field of gender and development.’
– Professor Nancy Folbre, Department of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
贡献者: I. Aboderin, C. Alexander, S. Ashwin, R. Bali Swain, S. Barrientos, A. Baschieri, J. Beall, G. Beetham, S. Bessell, I. Bibars, K. Bird, S. Bradshaw, C. Brickell, K. Brickell, J. Briggs, L. Brydon, M. Budowski, C. Campbell, B. Casier, S. Chant, S. Chari, M. Chen, A. Coates, A. Cornwall, J. Costa, T. Davids, C.D. Deere, D. Drechsler, D. Elson, J. Espey, M. Evandrou, A. Evans, J. Falkingham, E. Fransen, Y. Fujikake, S. Gammage, S. Garikipati, A. Gibbs, J. Gideon, M. González de la Rocha, H. Graham, M. Gutmann, L. Guzmán Stein, N. Hamed, C. Hayes, J. Heintz, R. Holmes, J. Hunt, H. Izazola, C. Jackson, K. Jassey, G. Johnsson-Latham, S. Jolly, G.A. Jones, N. Jones, J. Jütting, P. Kantor, M. Koster, S. Kumar, B. Lemire, A. Lind, B. Linneker, R. Lister, A.Y.C. Liu, K. Maclean, S. Madhok, L. Mayoux, L. McDowell, C. McIlwaine, K. Meagher, M. Medeiros, C. Menjívar, J. Millar, S. Mills, F. Miraftab, D. Mitlin, F. Mohamed, J. Momsen, H.L. Moore, C. Moser, M. Mphale, I.B. Mutalima, K. Nakray, S. Nyanzi, J.L. Parpart, S. Patel, R. Pearson, D. Perrons, N. Piálek, J. Pineda, J. Plantenga, T. Pogge, A.R. Quisumbing, C. Rakodi, S. Razavi, L.A. Richey, A. Roy, H.I Safa, S. Sassen, G. Sen, J. Sender, J. Sharp, R. Sharp, E. Silva, R. Slater, D.J. Smith, S. Staab, C. Sweetman, C. Tacoli, S. Thomas de Benítez, F. Tonkiss, D.A. Trotz, F. van Driel, P. Vera-Sanso, A. Vlachantoni, T. Wallace, C.H. Williams, K. Willis, K. Wilson, H. Yacoub, A. Ypeij

1. Gendered Poverty Across Space and Time: Introduction and Overview
Sylvia Chant

2. Strategic Gendering: One Factor in the Constituting of Novel Political Economies
Saskia Sassen

3. Subjectivity, Sexuality and Social Inequalities
Henrietta L. Moore

4. Power, Privilege and Gender as Reflected in Poverty Analysis and Development Goals
Gerd Johnsson-Latham

5. Gender Into Poverty Won’t Go: Reflections on Economic Growth, Gender Inequality and Poverty with Particular Reference to India
Cecile Jackson

6. Advancing the Scope of Gender and Poverty Indices: An Agenda and Work in Progress
Thomas Pogge

7. Methodologies for Gender-sensitive and Pro-poor Poverty Measures
Sharon Bessell

8. Multidimensional Poverty Measurement in Mexico and Central America: Incorporating Rights and Equality
Anna Coates

9. Gender, Time Poverty and Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach: Evidence From Guatemala
Sarah Gammage

10. Why is Progress in Gender Equality So Slow? An Introduction to the ‘Social Institutions and Gender’ Index
Dennis Drechsler and Johannes Jütting

11. Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend? Experiences with the Gender Action Learning System
Linda Mayoux

12. The ‘Feminisation of Poverty’: A Widespread Phenomenon?
Marcelo Medeiros and Joana Costa

13. Poor Households or Poor Women: Is There a Difference?

14. Globalisation and the Need for a ‘Gender Lens’: A Discussion of Dichotomies and Orthodoxies with Particular Reference to the ‘Feminisation of Poverty’
Tine Davids and Francien van Driel

15. Towards a (Re)Conceptualisation of the ‘Feminisation of Poverty’:
Reflections on Gender-differentiated Poverty from The Gambia, Philippines and Costa Rica
Sylvia Chant

16. Post-adjustment, Post-mitigation, 'Post-poverty’? The Feminisation of Family Responsibility in Contemporary Ghana
Lynne Brydon

17. Female-headed Households and Poverty in Latin America: State Policy in Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic
Helen I. Safa

18. Gender, Households and Poverty in the Caribbean: Shadows Over Islands in the Sun
Janet Momsen

19. Poverty and Female-headed Households in Post-genocide Rwanda
Marian Koster

20. Between Stigmatisation and Survival: Poverty Among Migrant and Non-migrant Lone Mothers in the Netherlands
Annelou Ypeij

21. Lone Mothers, Poverty and Paid Work in the United Kingdom
Jane Millar

22. Urban Poverty and Gender in Advanced Economies: The Persistence of Feminised Disadvantage
Fran Tonkiss

23. Gender and Household Decision-making in Developing Countries: A Review of Evidence
Agnes R. Quisumbing

24. Linking Women’s and Children’s Poverty
Ruth Lister

25. Reducing the Gender Gap in Education: The Role of Wage Labour for Rural Women in Mozambique
John Sender

26. Understanding the Gender Dynamics of Russia’s Economic Transformation: Women’s and Men’s Experiences of Employment, Domestic Labour and Poverty
Sarah Ashwin

27. Gender, Poverty and Transition in Central Asia
Jane Falkingham and Angela Baschieri

28. Urban Poverty, Heteronormativity and Women’s Agency in Lima, Peru: Family Life on the Margins
Carolyn H. Williams

29. Youth, Gender and Work on the Streets of Mexico
Gareth A. Jones and Sarah Thomas de Benítez

30. Sexuality, Poverty and Gender Among Gambian Youth
Alice Evans

31. Ghettoisation, Migration or Sexual Connection? Negotiating Survival Among Gambian Male Youths
Stella Nyanzi

32. Poverty and Old Age in Sub-Saharan Africa: Examining the Impacts of Gender with Particular Reference to Ghana
Isabella Aboderin

33. Gender, Urban Poverty and Ageing in India: Conceptual and Policy Issues
Penny Vera-Sanso

34. Poverty, Gender and Old Age: Pension Models in Costa Rica and Chile
莫nica Budowski

35. Gender, Poverty and Pensions in the United Kingdom
Jane Falkingham, Maria Evandrou and Athina Vlachantoni

36. Assessing Poverty, Gender and Well-being in ‘Northern’ Indigenous Communities
Janet Hunt

37. Gender and Ethnicity in the Shaping of Differentiated Outcomes of Mexico’s Progresa-Oportunidades Conditional Cash Transfer Programme
Mercedes González de la Rocha

38. Gender, Poverty, and National Identity in Afrodescendent and Indigenous Movements
Helen I. Safa

39. The Gendered Exclusions of International Migration: Perspectives from Latin American Migrants in London
Cathy McIlwaine

40. Latino Immigrants, Gender and Poverty in the United States
Cecilia Menjívar

41. Culturing Poverty? Ethnicity, Religion, Gender and Social Disadvantage Among South Asian Muslim Communities in the United Kingdom

42. Gender, Occupation, Loss and Dislocation: A Latvian Perspective
Linda McDowell

43. Gender, Poverty and Migration in Mexico
Haydea Izazola

44. Migration, Gender and Sexual Economies: Young Female Rural–Urban Migrants in Nigeria
Daniel Jordan Smith

45. Internal Mobility, Migration and Changing Gender Relations: Case Study Perspectives from Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania and Vietnam
Cecilia Tacoli

46. Picturing Gender and Poverty: From ‘Victimhood’ to ‘Agency’?
Kalpana Wilson

47. Poverty Gender and the Right to Health: Reflections with Particular Reference to Chile
Jasmine Gideon

48. Maternal Mortality in Latin America: A Matter of Gender and Ethnic Equality
Anna Coates

49. New Labyrinths of Solitude: Lonesome Mexican Migrant Men and AIDS
Matthew Gutmann

50. Gender, Poverty and AIDS: Perspectives with Particular Reference to Sub-Saharan Africa
Catherine Campbell and Andrew Gibbs

51. Gender, HIV/AIDS and Carework in India: A Need for Gender-sensitive Policy
Keerty Nakray

52. Women’s Smoking and Social Disadvantage
Hilary Graham

53. Household Wealth and Women’s Poverty: Conceptual and Methodological Issues in Assessing Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership
Carmen Diana Deere

54. Gender, Poverty and Access to Land in Cities of the South
Carole Rakodi

55. Power, Patriarchy and Land: Examining Women’s Land Rights in Uganda and Rwanda
Kate Bird and Jessica Espey

56. Gender, Livelihoods and Rental Housing Markets in the Global South: The Urban Poor as Landlords and Tenants
Sunil Kumar

57. Renegotiating the Household: Successfully Leveraging Women’s Access to Housing Microfinance in South Africa
Sophie Mills

58. Gender Issues and Shack/Slum Dweller Federations
Sheela Patel and Diana Mitlin

59. Gender, Poverty and Social Capital: The Case of Oaxaca City, Mexico
Katie Willis

60. Moving Beyond Gender and Poverty to Asset Accumulation: Evidence from Low-income Households in Guayaquil, Ecuador
Caroline Moser

61. Conceptual and Practical Issues for Gender and Social Protection: Lessons from Lesotho
Rachel Slater, Rebecca Holmes, Nicola Jones and Matšeliso Mphale

62. Gender, Work and Poverty in High-income Countries
Diane Perrons

63. The Extent and Origin of the Gender Pay Gap in Europe
Janneke Plantenga and Eva Fransen

64. Women’s Work, Nimble Fingers and Women’s Mobility in the Global Economy
Ruth Pearson

65. Gender, Poverty and Inequality: The Role of Markets, States and Households
Shahra Razavi and Silke Staab

66. Women’s Employment, Economic Risk and Poverty
James Heintz

67. Gender and Ethical Trade: Can Vulnerable Women Workers Benefit?
Stephanie Barrientos

68. Fraternal Capital and the Feminisation of Labour in South India
Sharad Chari

69. Economic Transition and the Gender Wage Gap in Vietnam: 1992–2002
Amy Y.C. Liu

70. Gender, Poverty and Work in Cambodia
Katherine Brickell

71. Informality, Poverty, and Gender: Evidence from the Global South

72. The Empowerment Trap: Gender, Poverty and the Informal Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kate Meagher

73. A Gendered Analysis of Decent Work Deficits in India’s Urban Informal Economy: Case Study Perspectives from Surat
Paula Kantor

74. Gender and Quality of Work in Latin America
Javier Pineda

75. Gender Inequalities and Poverty: A Simulation of the Likely Impacts of Reducing Labour Market Inequalities on Poverty Incidence in Latin America
Joana Costa and Elydia Silva

76. Gender, Poverty and Aid Architecture
Gwendolyn Beetham

77. Brand Aid? How Shopping Has Become ‘Saving African Women and Children with AIDS’
Lisa Ann Richey

78. Sweden to the Rescue? Fitting Brown Women into a Poverty Framework
Katja Jassey

79. Poverty Alleviation in a Changing Policy and Political Context: The Case of PRSPs with Particular Reference to Nicaragua
Sarah Bradshaw and Brian Linneker

80. Gender-responsive Budgeting and Women’s Poverty
Diane Elson and Rhonda Sharp

81. Reducing Gender Inequalities in Poverty: Considering Gender-sensitive Social Programmes in Costa Rica
莫nica Budowski and Laura Guzmán Stein

82. Is Gender Inequality a Form of Poverty? Shifting Semantics in Oxfam GB’s Thinking and Practice
Nicholas Piálek

83. Tackling Poverty: Learning Together to Improve Women’s Rights Through Partnership – The Case of WOMANKIND Worldwide
Tina Wallace and Ceri Hayes

84. Millennial Woman: The Gender Order of Development
Ananya Roy

85. The Housewife and the Marketplace: Practices of Credit and Savings from the Early Modern to Modern Era
Beverly Lemire

86.莫ney as Means or Money as End? Gendered Poverty, Microcredit and Women's Empowerment in Tanzania
Fauzia Mohamed

87. Capitalising on Women’s Social Capital: Gender and Microfinance in Bolivia

88. ‘A Woman and an Empty House are Never Alone For Long’: Autonomy, Control, Marriage and Microfinance in Women’s Livelihoods in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Caroline Sweetman

89. Gender and Poverty in Egypt: Do Credit Projects Empower the Marginalised and the Destitute?
Iman Bibars

90. Women’s Empowerment: A Critical Re-evaluation of a GAD Poverty-alleviation Project in Egypt
Joanne Sharp, John Briggs, Hoda Yacoub and Nabila Hamed

91. Impacting Women through Financial Services: The Self Help Group Bank Linkage Programme in India and its Effects on Women’s Empowerment
Ranjula Bali Swain

92. Microcredit and Women’s Empowerment: Understanding the ‘Impact Paradox’ with Particular Reference to South India
Supriya Garikipati

93. Gender and Poverty in Microfinance: Illustrations from Zambia
Irene Banda Mutalima

94.小的影响ocredit Programmes on Survivalist Women Entrepreneurs in The Gambia and Senegal
Bart Casier

95. Methodologies for Evaluating Women’s Empowerment in Poverty Alleviation Programmes: Illustrations from Paraguay and Honduras
Yoko Fujikake

96. Women, Poverty and Disasters: Exploring the Links through Hurricane Mitch in Nicaragua
Sarah Bradshaw

97. Decentralisation, Women’s Rights and Poverty: Learning from India and South Africa

98. Poverty, Entitlement and Citizenship: Vernacular Rights Cultures in Southern Asia
Sumi Madhok

99.性别贫困的矛盾关系:再保险flections on the Privatisation of Social Reproduction and Urban Informality in South African Townships
Faranak Miraftab

100. Gender, Neoliberalism and Post-neoliberalism: Re-assessing the Institutionalisation of Women’s Struggles for Survival in Ecuador and Venezuela
Amy Lind

101. Who Does the Counting? Gender Mainstreaming, Grassroots Initiatives and Linking Women Across Space and ‘Race’ in Guyana
D. Alissa Trotz

102. Poverty, Religion and Gender: Perspectives from Albania
Claire Brickell

103.性,创der and Poverty
Susie Jolly and Andrea Cornwall

104. Masculinity, Poverty and the ‘New Wars’
Jane L. Parpart

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