The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2003/2004
A Survey of Current Issues
9781843767862 Edward Elgar Publishing
This major annual publication provides a state-of-the-art survey of contemporary research on environmental and resource economics by some of the leading experts in the field.
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This major annual publication provides a state-of-the-art survey of contemporary research on environmental and resource economics by some of the leading experts in the field. The critical issues addressed in this year's volume include:
• the management of high seas fisheries
• choosing environmental risks
• the stability and design of international environmental agreements
• managing environmental risk through insurance
• motor vehicles and the environmenta
• recreation demand models
• pollution control policy in developing countries.
• the management of high seas fisheries
• choosing environmental risks
• the stability and design of international environmental agreements
• managing environmental risk through insurance
• motor vehicles and the environmenta
• recreation demand models
• pollution control policy in developing countries.
贡献者:T。Bjørndal, T.D. Crocker, M. Finus, P.K. Freeman, W. Harrington, J.A. Herriges, C.L. Kling, B. Kriström, H. Kunreuther, T. Laitila, V. McConnell, G. Munro, C.S. Russell, J.F. Shogren, W.J. Vaughan
Contents: Preface 1. The Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources and the Implementation of the UN Fish Stocks Agreement of 1995 2. Choosing Environmental Risks 3. Stability and Design of International Environmental Agreements: The Case of Transboundary Pollution 4. Managing Environmental Risk Through Insurance 5. Motor Vehicles and the Environment 6. Recreation Demand Models 7. Stated Preference Methods for Environmental Valuation: A Critical Look 8. The Choice of Pollution Control Policy Instruments in Developing Countries: Arguments, Evidence and Suggestions Index