EU Copyright Law


EU Copyright Law

A Commentary

2nd edition

9781786437792 Edward Elgar Publishing
教授编辑Irini Stamatoudi理解力ual Property Law and Cultural Heritage Law, Faculty of Law, University of Nicosia, Cyprus and Paul Torremans, Professor of Intellectual Property Law, School of Law, University of Nottingham, UK
Publication Date:2021 ISBN:978 1 78643 779 2 Extent:1248 pp
This significantly revised and updated second edition addresses the rapid development of EU copyright law in relation to the advancement of new technologies, the need for a borderless digital market and the considerable number of EU legal instruments enacted as a result. Taking a comparative approach, the Commentary provides comprehensive coverage and in-depth commentary on each of the EU legal instruments and policies, both from an EU and an international perspective. Alongside full legislative analysis and article-by-article commentary, the Commentary illustrates the underlying basic principles of free movement and non-discrimination and provides insights into the influence of copyright on other areas of EU policy, including telecoms and bilateral trade agreements.

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This significantly revised and updated second edition builds upon the authoritative foundations of the first edition. It addresses the rapid development of EU copyright law in relation to the advancement of new technologies, the need for a borderless digital market and the considerable number of EU legal instruments enacted as a result.

Alongside full legislative analysis and article-by-article commentary, the Commentary illustrates the underlying basic principles of free movement and non-discrimination. It provides insights into the influence of copyright on other areas of EU policy, including telecoms and bilateral trade agreements. This unique Commentary describes and analyses each EU directive in turn and discusses anticipated future challenges, utilising a clear structure to enable the reader to navigate the Commentary effectively.

Written by a team of leading experts in the field, this Commentary combines theory and practice to tackle the role of copyright in society and the economy, making this a key resource for academics, researchers, practitioners and policymakers in national, EU and comparative copyright law.
Critical Acclaim
“Torremans Stamatoudi教授和教授produced a wide-ranging and comprehensive study of European copyright law in the second edition of their text. The genius of the book is the decision to entrust the different chapters on various aspects of European laws to a collection of copyright experts from across the continent and beyond. Professor Stamatoudi and Professor Torremans have delivered an outstanding book that is a worthy addition to the library of any serious copyright scholar and legal practitioner. The authors should be congratulated on their efforts in this worthy text.’
– Dilan Thampapillai, Intellectual Property Forum

欧盟著作权法的第二版——一个参考tary, edited by Professors Irini Stamatoudi and Paul Torremans, is an impressive volume. But it is not merely a quantitative assessment that makes this volume impressive. Of praise is the four-part structure, which cleverly combines general principles with essentially all secondary legislation in the copyright field, and two final parts covering respectively current policy actions and the future of the EU copyright acquis.’
– Thomas Margoni, EU Law Live

‘This is a very useful publication on European copyright law. Written by recognized experts, it covers all legislative sources, even the most recent, such as the directives relating to the Digital Single Market. At the same time, the Commentary places these various directives and regulations in a more general framework, explaining them in their historical and political context whilst taking into account the main principles of European Union law.’
– Frank Gotzen, KU Leuven, Belgium
Contributors: G. Davies, E. Derclaye, B. Farrand, M. Favale, A. Firth, M.M. Frabboni, J. Gaster, C. Geiger, J. Ginsburg, L. Guibault, N.H.B. Hang, S. Jacques, M.-C. Janssens, J. Jütte, S. Karapapa, K. Keosomphan, N. Klass, A. Lucas-Schloetter, Z. Mavroskoti, G. Minero, S. Nérisson, T. Rivers, J. Rosén, H. Rüpp, C. Sappa, F. Schönherr, I. Stamatoudi, A. Strowel, U. Suthersanen, P. Torremans, B. Uberazzi, O. Vrins, K. Weckström Lindroos, J. Wildgans, R. Xalabarder

Introduction 1
Irini Stamatoudi and Paul Torremans

1. Is there a concept of European copyright law? History, evolution, policies and politics and
the acquis communautaire 6
Agnès Lucas-Schloetter
2. The principle of non-discrimination 17
Cristiana Sappa
3. The principle of free movement of goods: community exhaustion and parallel imports 33
Benedetta Ubertazzi
4. The essential facilities principle and other issues of competition 44
Alison Firth

5. The Software Directive 75
Marie-Christine Janssens
6. The Rental and Lending Rights Directive 118
Sylvie Nérisson
7. The Satellite and Cable Directive 151
Jan Rosén
8. The Term Directive 180
Gemma Minero
9. The Database Directive 216
Estelle Derclaye
10. The Resale Right Directive 255
Jens Gaster and Irini Stamatoudi
11. The Information Society Directive 279
Christophe Geiger, Franciska Schönherr, Irini Stamatoudi, Paul Torremans and Stavroula Karapapa
12. The Enforcement Directive 381
Irini Stamatoudi and Olivier Vrins
13. The Orphan Works Directive 479
Uma Suthersanen and Maria Mercedes Frabboni
14. The Collective Rights Management Directive 515
Lucie Guibault and Sabine Jacques
15. The Portability Regulation 575
Katja Weckström Lindroos and Nguyen Ho Bich Hang
16. The Marrakesh Treaty on Certain Permitted Uses for the Benefit of Blind, Visually Impaired
and Print-disabled Persons 610
Raquel Xalabarder
17. The Digital Single Market Directive 651
Irini Stamatoudi and Paul Torremans
18. Access and re-use of public sector information in a copyright perspective 762
Cristiana Sappa
19. A United States perspective on Digital Single Market Directive Article 17 782
Jane C. Ginsburg
20. The Netcab Directive 798
Tom Rivers

21. The EU policies and actions in the fight against piracy 814
Olivier Vrins
22. Bringing Europe’s cultural heritage online: initiatives and challenges 937
Nadine Klass, Hajo Rüpp and Julia Wildgans
23. From a ‘Digital Agenda for Europe’, to a ‘Digital Single Market’, to a ‘Europe Fit for the
Digital Age’: a decade of European Union copyright policy in the shadow of crises 967
Benjamin Farrand
24. Intellectual property and the EU rules on private international law: match or mismatch? 989
Paul Torremans
25. The export of EU copyright law: the example of the Free Trade Agreements 1024
Zoi Mavroskoti

26. The EU stance in international matters 1051
Gillian Davies and Bernd Justin Jütte
27. The role of the Court of Justice in the development of EU copyright law: an empirical
experience 1073
Marcella Favale
28. Towards a European copyright law: territoriality and limitations and exceptions as major
outstanding issues 1087
Paul Torremans and Khamchanh Keosomphan
29. Advocating an EU copyright title 1104
Alain Strowel
30. Conclusion 1118
Irini Stamatoudi and Paul Torremans

Index 1123

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