World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship


World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship

2nd edition

9781839104138 爱德华埃尔加Publishing
Edited by Léo-Paul Dana, Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada and Montpellier Business School, France
Publication Date:2021 ISBN:978 1 83910 413 8 Extent:704 pp
This second edition of a classic reference work, written by some of the most eminent academics in the field, contains over 30 per cent more entries on entrepreneurship. Comprehensive in scope, it includes topics from business angels, to export services to family business and uncertainty and venture capital. There are also entries on individuals including George Eastman, Howard Hughes, Joseph Schumpeter and Walt Disney. Providing its readers with a unique point of reference, as well as stimulus for further research, this Encyclopedia is an indispensable tool for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, particularly students, scholars and researchers.

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Critical Acclaim
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Bringing together preeminent international scholars in the field, the updated second edition of this comprehensive Encyclopedia offers detailed analyses of critical concepts in entrepreneurship by the leading thinkers in the field.

This illuminating resource contains 76 entries addressing the intricacies of global entrepreneurship in the 21st century. Covering topics including blockchain technology, digital entrepreneurship, ethical concerns for entrepreneurs, mental health in entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship and sustainable entrepreneurship, this authoritative reference work sheds light on the multilayered entrepreneurial world, providing crucial insights into navigating the nuances of the New Economy.

Providing readers with a unique guide for the contemporary business age, this Encyclopedia is an indispensable point of reference for scholars and researchers exploring new research opportunities as well as students in need of a thorough overview of the key concepts in the field. It will also benefit practitioners searching for advanced understanding of complex entrepreneurship topics.
Critical Acclaim
‘This second edition of World Encyclopedia of Entrepreneurship is especially and unreservedly recommended for professional, community, corporate, college, and university library Contemporary Business reference collections in general, and Entrepreneurship supplemental curriculum studies reading lists in particular.’
– James A Cox, Midwest Book Review
Contributors: Z.J. Acs, V. Akstinaite, H.E. Aldrich, K. Althoff, R.B. Anderson, A. Atherton, D.B. Audretsch, M. Bacigalupo, G. Baldacchino, W.J. Baumol, N. Belhoste, O. Belousova, C. Ben-Hafaïedh, J. Binder, R. Bocquet, D. Bögenhold, J. Bort, M. Brandstrup, E. Braune, S.C. Carraher, S.M. Carraher, J.R. Carter, M. Casson, A. Catanzaro, R. Coeurderoy, R.H. Cohen, J.G. Covin, D. Crick, J.M. Crick, D. Cutolo, L.-P. Dana, N.J. Dana, T.E. Dana, A.A. Degen, P. Dimitratos, S. Down, I. Drori, L. Duquenne, S. Farny, V. Favre-Bonté, L. Ferguson, L.J. Filion, M. Gordon, A. Groen, E. Groenland, C. Gurău, M. Hannibal, I. Hatak, B. Hattink, T.H. Hawver, R.D. Hisrich, B. Honig, G. Jha, G.A. Kaffka, R.W.Y. Kao, K.R. Kao, R.R. Kao, T. Kautonen, F.W. Kellermanns, A. Koch, S. Kolb, G. Kondova, S. Kraus, N. Krueger, D.F. Kuratko, P. Kyrö, M. Lackéus, A. Leckel, L. Leišytė, C. Leitch, I.H. Light, S. Lippman, M. Lundqvist, T.K. Madsen, V.R. Maksimov, C.M. Mason, A. Maus, P.P. McDougall, G. McElwee, K. Messeghem, M.H. Morris, W. Ng, M. Niemi, J.-J. Obrecht, B.M. Oviatt, J. Palmroos, R. Parente, J.M. Pollack, V. Ramadani, J. Redmond, F.J. Riar, M. Ruef, E. Sadler-Smith, J.-M. Sahut, S. Sammut, M.T. Schaper, J. Schembri, L. Schjoedt, P.-S. Seet, J. Sharafizad, A.E. Singer, O. Som, Y. Song, V. Stead, W.-L. Tan, S. Terjesen, P. Vainio, J. Vang, K. Wagner, P.C. Weber, D.H.B. Welsh, F. Welter, K. Wennberg, P. Westhead, J. Wichers, H. Wiig, J. Wiklund, K. Williams-Middleton, M. Wright, W. Yu, S. Zahra, T. Zhang


Foreword by A. Roy Thurik
Foreword by Hans Landström


1. Chinese immigrant entrepreneurs
Tenghao Zhang, Pi-Shen Seet, Janice Redmond, Jalleh Sharafizad and Wee-Liang Tan

2. Compensatory entrepreneurship
Benson Honig

3. Coopetition as an entrepreneurial strategy
James M. Crick and David Crick

4. Corporate entrepreneurship
Donald F. Kuratko, Michael H. Morris and Jeffrey G. Covin

5. Corporate entrepreneurship: new insights
Olga Belousova , Aard Groen and Norris Krueger

6. Corporate venturing
Garima Jha and Robert D. Hisrich

7. Cross-disciplinary entrepreneurship education
Dianne H. B. Welsh

8. Defining the entrepreneur
Louis Jacques Filion

9. Digital entrepreneurship
Kerstin Wagner and Oliver Som

10. Digital platforms
Donato Cutolo and Jan Vang

11. Disabled entrepreneurs
Wilson Ng

12. Early foreign market entries of new-technology-based firms
Regis Coeurderoy and Murray Gordon

13. Economics and entrepreneurship
William J. Baumol

14. Employee start-ups
Andreas Koch

15. Entrepreneurial exporters
Martin Hannibal and Tage Koed Madsen

16. Entrepreneurial hubris
Vita Akstinaite and Eugene Sadler-Smith

17. Entrepreneurial learning
Jennifer R. Carter, Claire Leitch and Valerie Stead

18. Entrepreneurial networks
Howard E. Aldrich, Martin Ruef and Steven Lippman

19. Entrepreneurial sensemaking, sensebreaking and sense-demanding
Gabi A. Kaffka and Norris Krueger

20. Entrepreneurs in the fashion industry
Michelle Brandstrup

21. Entrepreneurs versus entrepreneurial
Karen Williams-Middleton, Martin Lackéus and Mats Lundqvist

22. Entrepreneurship and blockchains
Galia Kondova

23. Entrepreneurship as a competence
Margherita Bacigalupo

24. Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology
Călin Gurău

25. Entrepreneurship in the ethnic ownership economy
Ivan H. Light

26. Entrepreneurship in the printing sector
Naomi J. Dana

27. Entrepreneurship policy
David B. Audretsch

28. Environment for entrepreneurship
Jean-Jacques Obrecht

29. Ethics and entrepreneurship
Alan E. Singer

30. Ethnic minority entrepreneurship
LéoPaul Dana and Michael Morris

31. Evolution of entrepreneurship: toward stewardship-based economics
Raymond W.Y. Kao, Rowland R. Kao and Kenneth R. Kao

32. Exit
Karl Wennberg

33. Export services
Nathalie Belhoste, Rachel Bocquet and Veronique Favre-Bonté

34. Family business
Frederik J. Riar and Franz W. Kellermanns

35. Financial issues
Jean-Michel Sahut and Eric Braune

36. George Eastman
Léo-Paul Dana

37. Global entrepreneurship and transnationalism
Ivan H. Light

38. Growth
James Bort, Wei Yu and John Wiklund

39. Historical context of entrepreneurship
Mark Casson

40. Howard Hughes
Teresa E. Dana

41. The Hudson’s Bay Company
Lynn Ferguson

42. Humane entrepreneurship
Roberto Parente

43. Incubators and support systems for business creation: the French model
Luc Duquenne

44. How incubators adapt to a changing world
含有杏仁的地磁和Sylvie Sammut

45. Indigenous entrepreneurship as a function of cultural perceptions of opportunity
LéoPaul Dana and Robert Brent Anderson

46. Innovation systems and entrepreneurship research
Jan Vang , Heidi Wiig and LéoPaul Dana

47.Innovative behaviour
Yang Song

48. Intermediated internationalization theory
Zoltan J. Acs & Siri Terjesen

49. International entrepreneurship
Benjamin M. Oviatt, Vladislav R. Maksimov and Patricia P. McDougall

50. Internationalization support ecosystems
Alexis Catanzaro and Karim Messeghem

51. Involuntary entrepreneurship
Teemu Kautonen, Simon Down, Friederike Welter, Kai Althoff, Jenni Palmroos, Susanne Kolb and Pekka Vainio

52. Islam and entrepreneurship
Veland Ramadani

53.Learning business planning
Paula Kyrö and M. Niemi

54. Mature-age entrepreneurship
Paull C. Weber and Michael T. Schaper

55. Mental health in entrepreneurship
Isabella Hatak

56. Open innovation and entrepreneurship
Anja Leckel

57. Opportunities approach to international entrepreneurship
Joe Schembri and Pavlos Dimitratos

58. Organizational Processes as Foundations of Dynamic Capabilities
Shaker Zahra

59.畜牧业作为创业亚的一种形式g Negev Bedouin
A. Allan Degen

60. Poverty and Entrepreneurship in Developed Economies
Michael H. Morris

61. Religion as an explanatory variable for entrepreneurship
Léo-Paul Dana

62. Research methodology in entrepreneurship
Edward Groenland

63. Rural entrepreneurship
Gerard McElwee and Andrew Atherton

64. Schumpeter, creative destruction and entrepreneurship
Dieter Bögenhold

66. Science Parks
Paul Westhead

66. Small island entrepreneurship
Godfrey Baldacchino

67. Social entrepreneurship
Sarah C. Carraher, Shawn M. Carraher and Dianne H.B. Welsh

68. Sports and entrepreneurship
Ben Hattink and Jennifer Wichers

69. Sustainable entrepreneurship
Steffen Farny and Julia Binder

70. Teams
Leon Schjoed, Sascha Kraus and Cyrine Ben-Hafaïedh

71. Transnational entrepreneurship
Israel Drori, Benson Honig and Mike Wright

72. Trust and entrepreneurship
Friederike Welter

73. Uncertainty in Innovation
Raphael H. Cohen

74. University Spin-Offs
Liudvika Leišytė

75. Venture capital
Jeffrey M. Pollack and Thomas H. Hawver

76. Walt Disney
Léo-Paul Dana

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