
Industrial Dynamics, Entrepreneurship and Innovation series

系列编辑:David b . Audretsch, Indiana University, Bloomington, US, Uwe Cantner, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena, Germany and Dirk Fornahl, BAW Institute for Regional Economic Research, Bremen, Germany

This series aims to discover important new insights in the relationship between the three cornerstones of economic development: industrial dynamics, entrepreneurship and innovation. In particular, the series will focus on the critical linkages between these three foundations. For example, the entry and exit of firms with differentiated growth processes can influence industrial development, but at the same time can also reflect the current industrial context shaping the entrepreneurial activities of single firms or individuals. A similar interaction linking industrial dynamics to entrepreneurship and innovation can also be identified. For instance, the particular technological regimes of industries may influence innovative activities, but the technological trajectory and type of innovative activity can, in turn, have a positive or negative influence on industry development. Innovation and entrepreneurship are also closely linked, since many types of entrepreneurial activities are barely distinguishable from similar innovative endeavors. Hence, the series addresses the linkages among the three fields in order to gain new findings concerning the nature of economic change. Theoretical, empirical as well as policy-oriented contributions are welcome.

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