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Finding Solutions for Environmental Conflicts
Edward Christie
这本书已经被写来满足需求of any environmental professional – lawyer, scientist, engineer, planner – who directly, or indirectly, may be involved in development or planning conflicts when the environment is an is...eBook:Find out more$63.96
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Health Care Systems in Developing and Transition Countries
Edited by Diana Pinto Masís, Peter C. Smith
Health policy is a central preoccupation of many, if not all, developing countries. This book presents a selection of ten studies that illustrate the powerful tool that carefully conducted research can offer policy-makers seeking to addr... -
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Elgar Companion to Adam Smith
Edited by Jeffrey T. Young
This Companion of nineteen essays, accompanied by the editor’s lively introduction, investigates aspects of the philosophical foundations of Adam Smith’s thought as well as his economic analysis and approach to policy. The authors view A... -
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Foundations of Law and Economics
Edited by Robert Cooter, Francesco Parisi
This landmark collection of essays provides an overview of the essential theories and methods used in the study of law and economics. The editors’ careful selection includes substantial contributions from other disciplines that shed new ... -
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Legal Institutions and Economic Development
Edited by Robert Cooter, Francesco Parisi
This insightful collection of classic papers explores the effects of various legal institutions and policies on economic development. The editors include analysis of the historical, current, and future conditions of numerous legal tradit... -
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Globalization and Free Trade
Edited by Philip Booth, Richard Wellings
Philip Booth and Richard Wellings have brought together key papers originally published by the Institute of Economic Affairs, which, for the past 50 years, has been vigorously defending the case for free trade, and for globalization more... -
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The Theory of International Trade
John S. Chipman
Volume 2 collects the author’s most influential work on the theory of international movements of capital (both physical and financial). The main emphasis is the effects of these movements on resource allocation within countries, and the ... -
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The New Behavioral Economics
Edited by Elias L. Khalil
This three-volume set contains over seventy valuable references written by economists, psychologists and social scientists that examine the field of new behavioural economics. The articles demonstrate how new behavioural economics and de... -
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Economics of Constitutional Law
Edited by Richard A. Epstein
In this thought-provoking collection, Professor Epstein brings together the leading articles which explore the economic approach to the two major issues of constitutionalism. The first volume deals with structural protections that are af... -
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Personal Provision of Retirement Income
Edited by Jim Stewart, Gerard Hughes
In response to demographic change many countries in the European Union have reformed their pension systems. During the last two decades personal pensions have been introduced in Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, ... -
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Information Technology and Productivity Growth
Theo S. Eicher, Thomas Strobel
Theo S. Eicher and Thomas Strobel present an industry-level account of the recent changes in German productivity growth and compare the trends to Europe and the US. The specific focus is on how differential investments in information and... -
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Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries
Edited by Thorsten Beck
This essential collection contains the most influential articles written over the past two decades that help us to understand the role of entrepreneurs in the development process, both theoretically and empirically. These important paper...