Asian Politics and Policy

  1. Add to Wish List Research Handbook on Trade Wars

    Research Handbook on Trade Wars

    Edited by Ka Zeng, Wei Liang
    ‘The chapters in this impressive Research Handbook range from deeper dives into particular trade spats to higher-altitude analyses of their causes and consequences. Scholars especially interested in the US-China trade war will find a wea...
    Hardback (July 2022)

    List price$265.00

    Member price$238.50

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List The Strategy of Maoism in the West

    The Strategy of Maoism in the West

    David M. Jones, M. L.R. Smith
    ‘An excellent expose of the neo-Maoist roots of rage in the West today that has sustained a nihilistic campaign against Western society and state, and which endangers the very democratic liberalism that we value but have taken for grante...
    Hardback (June 2022)

    List price$125.00

    Member price$112.50

    Not yet published
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