Business Ethics and Trust
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Missing Voice?
Edited by Adrian Wilkinson, Tony Dundon, Paula K. Mowbray, Sarah Brooks
This timely book addresses the key debates and challenges surrounding the future of work, covering the macro, meso and micro levels of gig work. It provides a consideration of the ways in which technology is shaping the lives of those wo... -
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The Artisan Brand
这本及时的书研究了手工和手工艺品部门的变化形式和动态,考虑了与新经济时代的手工业务相关的机遇,挑战和不确定性。国际范围... -
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Competing Values Leadership
Kim S. Cameron, Robert E. Quinn, Jeff DeGraff, Anjan V. Thakor
This third edition of Competing Values Leadership serves as the key source for understanding and using the Competing Values Framework, one of the most widely used and highly cited frameworks in the world for understanding human behavior,...