Edited by Bill Pritchard
Bill Pritchard provides an important update on how current trade methodologies are implemented as China becomes one of the world’s largest fresh fruit importers from countries such as Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Urban Planning, Management and Governance in Emerging Economies
由Jan Fransen,Meine P. Van Dijk编辑,Jurian Edelenbos
Exploring how urban professionals plan, manage and govern cities in emerging economies, this insightful book studies the actions and instruments they employ. It highlights how the paradigms of interventions and approaches to urban manage...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Edited by Paresha Sinha, Jenny Gibb, Michèle Akoorie, Jonathan M. Scott
This Research Handbook offers contextualized perspectives on entrepreneurship in emerging economies. Emphasizing how national context profoundly shapes incentives for entrepreneurial efforts, chapters dissect the opportunities emerging f...电子书:Find out more$48.00
Edited by Mohammad B. Rana, Matthew M.C. Allen
This timely book focuses on the upgrading of firms within the global garment industry, examining how garment manufacturers and retailers in different countries internationalize, develop their capabilities and enhance their sustainability...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
由M. R. Islam,Niaz A. Khan编辑,Siti H.A.B.啊,哈里斯·瓦哈卜(Haris A. Wahab),mashitah B.
This insightful book offers practical advice to fieldworkers in social research, enabling robust and judicious applications of research methods and techniques in data collection. It also outlines data collection challenges that are commo...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
The Interplay between the EU's Return Acquis and International Law
这本有见地的书彻底研究了欧盟的回报如何受到国际移民和人权法的启发和融合。它还探讨了这项欧盟法律如何塑造与...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration
由艾玛·卡梅尔(Emma Carmel),凯瑟琳娜·伦纳(Katharina Lenner)编辑
这本创新的手册规定了对移民治理的批判性评估的概念和分析框架。全球和跨学科的范围,这些章节是在六个关键主题上组织的:概念性辩论;凯特...电子书:Find out more$ 65.00
Handbook for Sustainable Tourism Practitioners
由Anna Spenceley编辑
这本实用的手册提供了如何进行操作工具和逐步指导,将学术见解与丰富的专业经验相结合,概述了进行环境,社会文化和经济评估的最佳实践...电子书:Find out more$ 65.00
Poverty and Human Rights
由苏珊娜·埃根(Suzanne Egan)编辑,安娜·查德威克(Anna Chadwick)
This timely and insightful book brings together scholars from a range of disciplines to evaluate the role of human rights in tackling the global challenges of poverty and economic inequality. Reflecting on the concrete experiences of par...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Digital Identity, Virtual Borders and Social Media
Edited by Emre E. Korkmaz
This insightful book discusses how states deploy frontier and digital technologies to manage and control migratory movements. Assessing the development of blockchain technologies for digital identities and cash transfer; artificial intel...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Research Handbook on Law, Governance and Planetary Boundaries
由邓肯·法国(Duncan French)编辑,路易斯·科茨(Louis J.Kotzé)
This comprehensive Research Handbook is the first study to link law and Earth system science through the epistemic lens of the planetary boundaries framework. It critically examines the legal and governance aspects of the framework, cons...电子书:Find out more$ 65.00
Handbook on Global Value Chains
Edited by Stefano Ponte, Gary Gereffi, Gale Raj-Reichert
Global value chains (GVCs) are a key feature of the global economy in the 21st century. They show how international investment and trade create cross-border production networks that link countries, firms and workers around the globe. Thi...电子书:Find out more$55.96