Development Economics
由Biswa Nath Bhattacharyay,Masahiro Kawai,Rajat M. Nag编辑
本书涉及有关亚洲软体和艰难基础设施发展的前景和挑战,并为通过区域基础设施合作实现亚洲连通性提供了一个框架,以实现无缝的...电子书:Find out more$ 62.36
The Economic and Political Aftermath of the Arab Spring
由Massimiliano Ferrara的Carlo Altomonte编辑
中东和北非地区(MENA)地区的经济始终以经济波动和社会差异为特征。最近的“阿拉伯春季”抗议浪潮增加了政治不确定性和不稳定。电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Current Issues in Project Analysis for Development
约翰·魏斯(John Weiss)编辑,大卫·波茨(David Potts)
This major work brings together authors with experience of both academic and operational project work to focus on issues such as the shadow exchange rate, the shadow wage, the discount rate and assessment of poverty impact and risk, as w...电子书:Find out more$ 44.76
Handbook of Accounting and Development
Edited by Trevor Hopper, Mathew Tsamenyi, Shahzad Uddin, Danture Wickramasinghe
The perspectives of the expert contributors reflect the strong growth of research on the topic, as accounting is increasingly recognised as an important factor in development. The book draws commentary and analyses together to inform fut...电子书:Find out more$48.76
由Vai Io Lo编辑,Mary Hiscock
在一个跨学科的方法,Vai Io瞧一个d Mary Hiscock, together with scholars and researchers from around the world, investigate the rise of the BRICS and assess the extent of their further development and influence from the p...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
宝拉·卡斯特罗(Paula Castro)
In this groundbreaking book, Paula Castro presents the first systematic categorization of positive and negative incentives generated by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for climate change mitigation in the Global South.电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Edited by Richard Seymour
过去定义“社会企业家精神”已经证明是有问题的,并且关于它的作用和不包含的辩论继续存在。这本独特的书构成了围绕现象的辩论,并认为许多...电子书:Find out more$48.80
TRIPS Compliance, National Patent Regimes and Innovation
Edited by Sunil Mani, Richard R. Nelson
这个局部体积throu处理流程gh which TRIPS compliance was achieved in four developing country jurisdictions: Brazil, China, India and Thailand. More importantly, it analyses the macro and micro implications of TRIPS...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
The Dynamics of Economic Growth
Khuong Minh Vu
The advancement of a nation from poverty to prosperity is not a technical process but a great transformation. At the center of this change are two driving forces – emotion, which is referred to as aspiration, anxiety, and sense of respon...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Edited by Pushpam Kumar, Ibrahim Thiaw
Using a selection of authoritative and original contributions, this timely book explores the uncertainty surrounding the impact of decisions undertaken to manage ecosystem services worldwide. Invariably, the policies designed and imple...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Handbook of Research Methods in Migration
Edited by Carlos Vargas-Silva
本手册中的专家贡献者涵盖了定性和定量主题,探讨了科学逻辑,方法论和方法的基本问题,以实现不同技术和方法的实际应用。电子书:Find out more$ 62.40