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由FaïzGallouj,Camal Gallouj,Marie-Christine Monnoyer,Luis Rubalcaba编辑
The Encyclopedia of Services is a ground-breaking resource that offers a unique overview of what constitutes the main source of wealth and employment in our contemporary economies, namely services. -
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由塞尔吉奥·罗西(Sergio Rossi)的路易斯·菲利普·罗钦(Louis-Philippe Rochon)编辑
This Encyclopedia is an invaluable reference book for post-Keynesian and heterodox economics. It consists of 300 entries, written by 180 different authors. The volume includes entries on key concepts of interest to post-Keynesians as wel... -
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编辑Mark Maier, Phil Ruder
该动态指南丰富了实用的建议和现成的教学示例,将有助于新的和经验丰富的微观经济学原则讲师重新考虑和完善其课程。马克·迈耶(Mark Maier)和菲尔·鲁德(Phil Ruder)议会... -
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Eckhard Hein
自Kalecki和Keynes以来,这本及时的书籍介绍了Keynesian后宏观经济学的基础和发展的深入概述,这本及时的书籍通过各自的宏观经济...开发了一个全面的Keynesian后宏观经济模型。 -
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由Fernando Ferrari-Filho编辑,Liuz F. de Paula
本书重点介绍了拉丁美洲货币政策的最新趋势。它分析了中央银行的行动和一些拉丁美洲国家的货币制度如何影响这些国家的经济表现,... -
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由L. R. Wray,Phil Armstrong,Sara Holland,Claire Jackson-Prior,Prue Plumridge,Neil Wilson编辑
Providing an up-to-date account of Modern Monetary Theory with contributions from the world’s leading experts, each chapter offers new insights on the topic, building upon MMT’s established body of work. This innovative book analyses key... -
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由Patrizio Bianchi,Sandrine Labory,Philip R. Tomlinson编辑
Providing an overview of industrial development using a variety of different approaches and perspectives, the Handbook of Industrial Development brings together expert contributors and highlights the current multiple and interdependent c... -
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raghbendra jha
Providing a broad overview of the impact of Covid-19 on economic development, this timely book examines closely the macroeconomic aspects of economic development and the design of monetary policies under extreme crises. -
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Zaheer Allam,Yusra Raisah Takun
这本创新的书探讨了智慧城市的基础,并通过对其挑战和关注的批评,展示了如何重新定义这一概念,以提高城市地区的可持续性,宜居性和韧性。它... -
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编辑Heike Mayer, Michela Lazzeroni
这是CC BY-NC-ND 4.0许可条款可用的开放访问标题。它可以免费阅读,下载和分享Elgaronline.com。探索有关该主题的当前辩论,本书绘制了理论的议程,研究...