Cultural Economics

  1. Add to Wish List Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration

    Cultural Diversity and International Economic Integration

    Edited by Paolo Guerrieri, P. L. Iapadre, Georg Koopmann
    ‘. . . represents an extremely valuable contribution to the debate on cultural diversity and international trade. . . its originality consists in providing a fresh and unbiased look at the issues at stake, formulating interesting policy ...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  2. Add to Wish List The State and the Arts

    The State and the Arts

    John W. O’Hagan
    ‘The word judicious comes to mind when reading this book. Nowhere have I seen a better presentation of the arguments for and against government subsidy of the arts. Whether it concerns the tax system, direct grants, or policies towards...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  3. Add to Wish List Cultural Economics

    Cultural Economics

    Edited by Ruth Towse
    ‘Ruth Towse’s new Edward Elgar set is indispensable – it runs two volumes, covers nearly 1400 pages, and reproduces most of the seminal articles in cultural economics. Towse’s selection of articles deserves an A+. . . . they are a must ...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$847.00

    Member price$762.30

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