
Development Economics

  1. Add to Wish List Climate Policy and Development

    Climate Policy and Development

    编辑Axel Michaelowa,迈克尔Dutschke
    Two case studies – one on a renewable energy project in Indonesia and another on Costa Rican climate policy – show the problems that are likely to be encountered by CDM and illustrate the importance of active host country involvement. Th...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

  2. Add to Wish List 拉丁美洲的转型


    由Federico Foders编辑,Manfred Feldsieper
    拉丁美洲的转型analyses contemporary economic policy in the region and offers a concise overview of the problems and prospects for future economic development. The contributors examine the current status of policy r...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  3. Add to Wish List The Economics of Transition in Laos

    The Economics of Transition in Laos

    Yves Bourdet
    This authoritative book, the first of its kind, will prove essential reading to social scientists concerned with Southeast Asia, transition or development issues, and to all those interested in contemporary Indochina.
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  4. Add to Wish List Industrial Development and Policy in Africa

    Industrial Development and Policy in Africa

    由Hossein Jalilian,Michael Tribe,John Weiss编辑
    This book surveys the current state of industry in sub-Saharan Africa and examines claims that Africa is de-industrialising. It focuses on the challenge for economic policy to find ways to reverse this trend.
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

  5. Add to Wish List Sustainable Development and Integrated Appraisal in a Developing World

    Sustainable Development and Integrated Appraisal in a Developing World

    Edited by Norman Lee, Colin Kirkpatrick
    This book will be warmly welcomed by development policymakers and consultants in government and non-government organizations as well as academics and postgraduates working in the fields of economics, development and environmental studies.
    Hardback (April 2000)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

  6. Add to Wish List Regional Development in Russia

    Regional Development in Russia

    Hans Westlund, Alexander Granberg, Folke Snickars
    This is the first book to provide an overview of Russia’s regional development during the entire Soviet period as well as presenting a penetrating analysis of the array of regional problems facing Russia as we move into the twenty-first ...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

  7. Add to Wish List 拉丁美洲的经济发展在20世纪


    André A. Hofman
    This book provides an assessment of Latin American 20th century economic performance from a comparative and historical perspective. The author uses growth accounting methods and previously unavailable long-term series data to present a ...

    List price$162.00

    Member price$ 145.80

  8. Add to Wish List Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia

    Institutions and Economic Change in Southeast Asia

    由科林·巴洛(Colin Barlow)编辑
    This ambitious book scrutinizes the role of institutions in economic change, with special reference to Southeast Asia. It suggests that the nature of institutional arrangements such as households, community groups, firms, bureaucracies ...
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

  9. Add to Wish List Competition and the World Economy

    Competition and the World Economy

    Francisco C. Sercovich,Choong Anh,Claudio Frischtak,Mojmir Mrak,HermanMügge,Wilson Peres,Samuel M. Wangwe
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$200.00

    Member price$180.00

  10. Add to Wish List The Ukrainian Economy since Independence

    The Ukrainian Economy since Independence

    King Banaian
    Despite the fact that Western governments have provided Ukraine with over $10 billion in foreign aid, little is known of Ukraine’s economy since it declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. In this book, Professor Banaian des...
    Hardback (1999)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  11. Add to Wish List Reconciling Trade and the Environment

    Reconciling Trade and the Environment

    Veena Jha, Anil Markandya, René Vossenaar
    The link between trade and the environment has focused on two broad issues: how changing trade regimes have affected the environment and how stricter environmental regulations have affected trade. The answers are of particular importance...
    Hardback (1999)

    List price$175.00

    Member price$ 157.50

  12. Add to Wish List Environmental Economics and Development

    Environmental Economics and Development

    Edited by J. B. Opschoor, Kenneth Button, Peter Nijkamp
    This outstanding new collection surveys the relationship between the environment and development, and highlights some of the tensions that are implicit in the notion of sustainable development.
    Hardback (1999)

    List price$384.00

    Member price$345.60

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