
  1. Add to Wish List Input–Output Analysis

    Input–Output Analysis

    Edited by Heinz D. Kurz, Erik Dietzenbacher, Christian Lager
    ‘. . . impressive collection . . . I am delighted to have this collection in my library.’ – Anne P. Carter, Economic Systems Research ‘The volumes provide an excellent survey of the present state of knowledge in this field and most econ...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$944.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Rational Behaviour and the Design of Institutions

    Rational Behaviour and the Design of Institutions

    Hannu Nurmi
    ‘Nurmi’s book on rational behaviour and its implications for the design of institutions is a valuable contribution to the analysis of collective decision-making. Though written by a political scientist the book shall be of use not only ...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$134.00

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    Zvi Griliches
    ‘Reading a paper by Griliches, one sees how empirical economic research should be done. As the twentieth century ends, researchers are specializing more and more. Sometimes the link between economics and econometrics is often weak, if no...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$216.00

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  4. Add to Wish List Advances in General Equilibrium Theory

    Advances in General Equilibrium Theory

    Donald A. Walker
    ‘I want to congratulate Professor Walker on what I think is a tour de force. He effectively demolishes what I have always thought was a very anaemic approach to discussing competition. I am going to suggest that a number of my colleagues...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$127.00

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  5. Add to Wish List Nonlinear Economic Models

    Nonlinear Economic Models

    Edited by John Creedy, Vance L. Martin
    ‘This collection provides valuable introductory material that is accessible to students and scholars interested in this research area.’ – Business Horizons Nonlinear modelling has become increasingly important and widely used in econom...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$150.00

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  6. Add to Wish List Elementary Bayesian Statistics

    Elementary Bayesian Statistics

    Gordon Antelman, Albert Madansky, Robert McCulloch
    ‘I will consider using this book the next time I teach mathematical statistics because of this relatively balanced treatment of non-Bayesian and Bayesian methods. I hope that other teachers of mathematical statistics and statistical the...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$196.00

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  7. Add to Wish List Econometric Exploration and Diagnosis

    Econometric Exploration and Diagnosis

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$290.00

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  8. Add to Wish List Statistical Foundations for Econometrics

    Statistical Foundations for Econometrics

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$290.00

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  9. Add to Wish List Economic Games, Bargaining and Solutions

    Economic Games, Bargaining and Solutions

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$297.00

    Member price$267.30

  10. Add to Wish List Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality

    Paradoxes, Ambiguity and Rationality

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$297.00

    Member price$267.30

  11. Add to Wish List Time Series Models, Causality and Exogeneity

    Time Series Models, Causality and Exogeneity

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$312.00

    Member price$280.80

  12. Add to Wish List Probability Concepts, Dialogue and Beliefs

    Probability Concepts, Dialogue and Beliefs

    Edited by O. F. Hamouda, J. C.R. Rowley
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$328.00

    Member price$295.20

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