
  1. 添加到愿望清单 Strategy, Technology and Public Policy

    Strategy, Technology and Public Policy

    戴维·J·泰西(David J. Teece)
    ‘Few economists in the twentieth century have made so many significant contributions to different areas of industrial economics as David Teece. He has led the way in integrating industrial organization, technological innovation and stra...

    List price$256.00

    会员价格$ 230.40

  2. 添加到愿望清单 Industrial Organisation and Innovation

    Industrial Organisation and Innovation

    Salvatore Torrisi
    ‘A valuable comparative study of the innovation process within the software industry . . . This is a useful application of the larger innovation field to the special aspects of software development.’ – Communication Booknotes Quarterly ...

    List price$134.00

    会员价格$ 120.60

  3. 添加到愿望清单 技术变革和组织


    由Rod Coombs,Ken Green,Albert Richards,Vivien Walsh编辑
    ‘This book has very nicely highlighted how the internal organization of a firm and its external influence are intrinsic to the innovative potential of the firms. The book, because of certain new insights on this important issue of innov...

    List price$140.00

    会员价格$ 126.00

  4. 添加到愿望清单 Foundations of the Economics of Innovation

    Foundations of the Economics of Innovation

    Hariolf Grupp
    ‘The book is excellent at presenting the problem – the gap between theory and applied work in the economics of innovation – and suggesting a solution. . .’ – Katharine Wakelin, The Economic Journal ‘Hariolf Grupp has made an outstandin...

    List price$ 221.00

    会员价格$ 198.90

  5. 添加到愿望清单 技术,发展和民主


    Haider A. Khan
    ‘This interesting book addresses the implications of a modern technology system for economic development and examines questions regarding the role of advanced technologies in creating post-modern conditions in developing societies.’ – As...

    List price$ 127.00

    会员价格$ 114.30

  6. 添加到愿望清单 Biotechnology and Competitive Advantage

    Biotechnology and Competitive Advantage

    Edited by Jacqueline Senker

    List price$140.00

    会员价格$ 126.00

  7. 添加到愿望清单 trade and innovation

    trade and innovation

    Katharine Wakelin
    ‘这本书是对越来越多的文学作品的有用贡献,挑战了经济理论的新古典主义前提,这在很大程度上主导了经济学的教学和实践。。。。广泛H ...的经验基础
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$134.00

    会员价格$ 120.60

  8. 添加到愿望清单 技术和工业进步


    G. N. von Tunzelmann
    ‘Nick von Tunzelmann has written an ambitious and challenging book, spanning economics, economic history, the history of ideas and technology per se. It should be recommended reading for economic historians, economists and anyone intere...

    List price$ 63.00

    会员价格$ 50.40


    List price$226.00


  9. 添加到愿望清单 技术、创新和竞争力


    Edited by Jeremy Howells, Jonathan Michie
    ‘这本书提供了一个很好的概述,概述了我们谈论和撰写有关全球化的危险,这可以看作是一个新的研究领域。。。这本书使许多与创新有关的问题和问题带到了最前沿,c ...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$140.00

    会员价格$ 126.00

  10. 添加到愿望清单 技术与国际贸易


    Edited by Jan Fagerberg, Pär Hansson, Lars Lundberg, Arne Melchior
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$155.00


  11. 添加到愿望清单 工业研究和商业创新


    Edited by D. E.H. Edgerton
    ‘对于那些已经对该主题了解并想扩大知识的人将很有用。’ - 肯尼斯·利帕蒂托(Kenneth Lipartito),休斯敦大学,美国,在这片新的破裂卷中,戴维·埃格顿(David Edgerton)带来了前沿研究...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$ 401.00


  12. 添加到愿望清单 经济相互依存和创新活动


    Christian DeBresson
    ‘I think this pioneer work is an inspiring starting point for further work on analysing the impact of networks and linkages on innovativeness. I hope it will encourage input-output economists in the future to encompass innovative activi...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$200.00

    会员价格$ 180.00

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