
Energy Economics

  1. 添加到愿望清单 Competition and Regulation in Electricity Markets

    Competition and Regulation in Electricity Markets

    由塞巴斯蒂安·艾尔(Sebastian Eyre)编辑
    Featuring an original introduction by the editors, these carefully-selected essays explore the main issues surrounding competition and regulation in electricity markets. The industry is experiencing irresistible forces of change, driven ...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$ 572.00

    会员价格$ 514.80

  2. 添加到愿望清单 The Geopolitics of Natural Resources

    The Geopolitics of Natural Resources

    Edited by David Lewis Feldman
    Hardback (2011)

    List price$ 392.00


  3. 添加到愿望清单 Heat, Power and Light

    Heat, Power and Light

    罗杰·福克特(Roger Fouquet)
    Heat, Power and Light is an invaluable and unique contribution to this profoundly important topic.

    List price$ 65.00

    会员价格$ 52.00


    List price$200.00

    会员价格$ 180.00

  4. 添加到愿望清单 Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy

    Innovation for a Low Carbon Economy

    由Timothy J. Foxon,JonathanKöhler,Christine Oughton编辑
    这本书表明,尽管在energ创新y systems represent a core contribution to achieving national and international energy policy goals, theoretical approaches to understanding innovation differ radically between separate d...

    List price$145.00

    会员价格$ 130.50

  5. 添加到愿望清单 Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries

    Sustainable Energy in Developing Countries

    Peter Meier, Mohan Munasinghe
    The main energy-related areas discussed include electric power, new and renewable energy sources, transport and oil-based fuels, and greenhouse gas emissions. The methodological tools of energy and environmental economics provide a ratio...

    List price$ 156.00


  6. 添加到愿望清单 技术扩散和能源效率的经济学


    彼得·穆尔德(Peter Mulder)
    Technological change plays a crucial role in realizing energy efficiency improvements and, therefore, in ameliorating the conflict between economic growth and environmental quality. However, the diffusion of new technologies can prove a ...

    List price$146.00

    会员价格$ 131.40

  7. 添加到愿望清单 能源和生产过程的经济学


    Guido Buenstorf
    The economics of energy has been a contested issue over the past century. Although it has not figured prominently in mainstream economics, numerous alternative proposals have called for energy to play a more central role in economic theo...
    Hardback (2004)

    List price$130.00


  8. 添加到愿望清单 能源的经济学


    保罗·史蒂文斯(Paul Stevens)编辑
    Hardback (2000)

    List price$ 714.00

    会员价格$ 642.60

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