Evolutionary Economics

  1. Add to Wish List The Foundations of Long Wave Theory

    The Foundations of Long Wave Theory

    Edited by Francisco Louçã, Jan Reijnders
    This two volume set is a comprehensive collection of historical and contemporary articles which highlight the theoretical foundations and the methods and models of long wave analysis. After examining the beginnings of long wave theory, ...
    Hardback (1999)

    List price$651.00

    Member price$585.90

  2. Add to Wish List The Foundations of Evolutionary Economics: 1890–1973

    The Foundations of Evolutionary Economics: 1890–1973

    由杰弗里编辑M. Hodgson
    ‘These two volumes do give a substantial picture of the paths and diversions that evolutionary thought has travelled over the past century.’ – John Nightingale, History of Economics Review In the last two decades of the twentieth centu...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$518.00

    Member price$466.20

  3. Add to Wish List Employment, Technology and Economic Needs

    Employment, Technology and Economic Needs

    Edited by Jonathan Michie, Angelo Reati
    After more than twenty years of orthodox economic policy in Europe the scourge of unemployment remains. This impressive book goes beyond the neoclassical theory of employment and develops sound policy guidelines to tackle the global prob...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$175.00

    Member price$157.50

  4. Add to Wish List Institutions and Economic Change

    Institutions and Economic Change

    Edited by Klaus Nielsen, Björn Johnson
    ‘This volume gives us an excellent overview of key elements in evolutionary and institutional theory. Many contributions are also inspiring examples of applications of key-tools within these theoretical traditions. . . . a nice collecti...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$159.00

    Member price$143.10

  5. Add to Wish List Environment, Technology and Economic Growth

    Environment, Technology and Economic Growth

    Edited by Andrew Tylecote, Jan Van der Straaten
    ‘This book is very diverse.’ – David I. Stern, The Economic Journal At the end of the twentieth century economists and policymakers face an unprecedented dual challenge: to avert ecological disaster and to relaunch economic growth in th...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  6. Add to Wish List Economics and Evolution

    Economics and Evolution

    Edited by Jan Reijnders
    ‘. . . the combination of these papers does provide a useful amalgam of the several streams of intellectual endeavour which come under the evolutionary economics banner. In summing up this volume overall it is interesting to consider th...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$134.00

    Member price$120.60

  7. Add to Wish List Beyond Market and Hierarchy

    Beyond Market and Hierarchy

    Edited by Ash Amin, Jerzy Hausner
    ‘. . . this collection offers a highly interesting insight into the eclectic complexity that is institutional and evolutionary economics.’ – A. Swain, Regional Studies This ambitious book presents a conceptual framework for an institut...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  8. Add to Wish List Turbulence in Economics

    Turbulence in Economics

    Francisco Louçã
    ‘It is difficult to summarize in a short space the extreme richness of this book, which involves arguments taken from physics, philosophy, history of science and epistemology, as well as economic thought and recent developments in econom...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$181.00

    Member price$162.90

  9. Add to Wish List Evolutionary Economics and Path Dependence

    Evolutionary Economics and Path Dependence

    Edited by Lars Magnusson, Jan Ottosson
    Evolutionary Economics and Path Dependence presents important new theoretical and empirical work on economic change, learning processes, institutional change, choice and path dependency. The theoretical section includes discussion of th...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  10. Add to Wish List Bounded Rationality and Economic Evolution

    Bounded Rationality and Economic Evolution

    Clem Tisdell
    ‘The scope is large and the treatment is thoughtful. . . . for anyone who wishes to teach a seminar on economic behaviour this book provides an excellent bridge between the old economics and some of the newer developments.’ – M. Shubik, ...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$165.00

    Member price$148.50

  11. Add to Wish List LONG WAVE THEORY


    Christopher Freeman
    This reference collection brings together major papers and essays on long wave or Kondratieff cycles. Edited by Christopher Freeman, Long Wave Theory includes both early contributions and work deriving from the revival of interest in th...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$401.00

    Member price$360.90

  12. Add to Wish List Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy

    Technological Evolution, Variety and the Economy

    Pier P. Saviotti
    ‘The main strength of the book as a whole is that it takes the nature and sources of technical change seriously, and points to a number of potentially useful directions of future research, and to formal techniques and models that could h...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$155.00

    Member price$139.50

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