Financial Economics and Regulation
Financial Crises and Recession in the Global Economy, Fourth Edition
Roy E. Allen
这一新版本的金融危机和全球经济衰退探讨了自20世纪70年代以来全球经济的主要金融稳定性和进化趋势。一个学到的,但无障碍书,这是一个广泛的......电子书:Find out more$35.16
The International Monetary System and the Theory of Monetary Systems
Pascal Salin
‘. . . The International Monetary System and the Theory of Monetary Systems is replete with well-grounded arguments and thought-provoking insights. It is thus both a useful and distinctive resource for economics scholars and students, an...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Business and Government
Edited by David Coen, Wyn Grant
‘The remarkable new edited volume Business and Government by Coen and Grant brings together the most important recent contributions to our understanding of the tenuous balance between markets, societies and polities. This groundbreaking ... -
由Marek Belka,Ewald NowoTny,Pawel Samecki,Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald编辑
在全球金融危机中,欧元区国家之间的竞争力差距导致额外的应变。本书讨论了竞争力的各种维度,特别关注中央,东南和东南欧。......电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
The Demise of Finance-dominated Capitalism
由Eckhard Hein,Daniel Detzer,Nina Docig编辑
This book provides an overview of different theoretical perspectives on the long-run transition towards finance-dominated capitalism, on the implications for macroeconomic and financial stability, and ultimately on the recent global fina...电子书:Find out more$39.96
Peter Bernholz
“这本书是如此特别是历史细节,创新的经济分析和公共选择理论的互动。一项丰富的历史证据,都是制度和定量,用于说明关键假设......电子书:Find out more$35.16
Macroprudential Regulation of International Finance
Edited by Dongsoo Kang, Andrew Mason
Recent events, such as capital flow reversals and banking sector crises, have shaken faith in the widely held belief in the benefits of greater financial integration and financial deepening, which are typical in advanced economies. This ...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
Edited by James R. Barth, Ross Levine
This two-volume collection contains fifty influential articles published over the past four decades on the regulation and governance of financial institutions. Some contribute by making theoretical advances that enhance the conceptual fr... -
Understanding Ponzi Schemes
Mervyn K. Lewis.
‘This book offers highly valuable information about Ponzi schemes. The writing is clear and well organized, and it is an excellent work not only for academic researchers, policy makers, and students, but it can also be valuable to genera...电子书:Find out more$31.20
Shadow Banking in China
Shen Wei
‘Shadow banking has become one of the most important areas of study in domestic and international finance. China's sector is recognised as particularly significant, not least because of its size, and potential to destabilise. This work b...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
The Great Financial Meltdown
Edited by Turan Subasat
'是什么造成了2007 - 09年全球金融危机和巨大经济衰退?为什么从这场危机时期的“恢复”,在许多国家,如希腊,不存在?东正教经济学家几乎完全绘制了一个空白......电子书:Find out more$ 40.00
The Financialization Response to Economic Disequilibria
Edited by Noemi Levy, Etelberto Ortiz
‘Imbalances, disparities and disequilibria are amongst the inherent features of capitalism. How those features play out in the era of financialization across Europe and Latin America are at the core of this book. There is a rich menu of ...电子书:Find out more$ 40.00