Industrial Economics

  1. Add to Wish List How to Engage Policy Makers with Your Research

    How to Engage Policy Makers with Your Research

    Edited by Tim Vorley, Syahirah Abdul Rahman, Lauren Tuckerman, Phil Wallace
    ‘There is a growing interest in improving academic policy engagement in the UK and internationally. However, we still have a lot to learn about how to do this work better. This book provides a novel contribution, with authors drawn from ...
    Hardback (July 2022)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List Research Companion to Construction Economics

    Research Companion to Construction Economics

    Edited by George Ofori
    ‘Probably the most important book in construction economics, this book will teach readers how economics is applied in the construction industry. It describes construction’s impact on enterprises and individuals, as well as the history an...
    Hardback (March 2022)

    List price$315.00

    Member price$283.50

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