International Economics
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International Conflict and the Global Economy
Edited by Edward D. Mansfield
The relationship between the global economy and national security has been an enduring source of interest and debate. This volume contains a set of pioneering studies that paved the way for contemporary work on the political economy of n... -
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The Governance of World Trade
Xu Yi-Chong, Patrick Weller
The Governance of World Trade focuses on the roles, influence and impacts of the so-called ‘GATT operatives’ or WTO practitioners. It is widely assumed that they have little influence on decisions and policies made, but, according to the...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The International Political Economy of Intellectual Property Rights
Meir Perez Pugatch
This book investigates the realm of intellectual property rights (IPRs) within the context of international political economy. In particular, it examines the extent to which powerful interest groups, such as pharmaceutical multinational ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Trade, the Balance of Payments and Exchange Rate Policy in Developing Countries
A. P. Thirlwall
This book is a synthesis of the author’s ideas and research concerning the monetary consequences of trade flows, and the relevance of conventional balance of payments adjustment theory. These ideas are considered mainly in the context of... -
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Free Trade in the Americas
Edited by Sidney Weintraub, Alan M. Rugman, Gavin Boyd
This book examines the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), an ambitious venture in regional market integration which builds on the principles of the North American Free Trade Agreement. It assesses the long-term corporate and public ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The New American Regionalism
Heinz G. Preusse
This book provides a broad quantitative analysis of the new facets of regionalism in the Americas. In particular, major aspects of the New American Regionalism are discussed in terms of two basic notions: the genuine political character ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Organizing International Standardization
Kristina T. Hallström
The book examines the structure and workings of two major standard-setters: the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC). Within ISO, the author studies Technical Co... -
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Conversations on Growth, Stability and Trade
Brian Snowdon
这种独特的卷提供了一个全面的调查of the major economic issues that have helped shape the modern world. It includes discussions of the latest research findings in macroeconomics and scrutinises some of the most important...eBook:Find out more$69.56
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The Economics of Conflict
Edited by Todd Sandler, Keith Hartley
The study of conflict and its resolution now attracts an ever-increasing number of economists. For this three-volume collection, the editors have selected the most influential previously published papers by leading scholars from the vas... -
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Korea’s New Economic Strategy in the Globalization Era
由o . y .编辑Kwon Sung-Hee Jwa, Kyung-Tae Lee
This book presents Korea’s economic strategy to meet the emerging challenges, as it recovers from the 1997 financial crisis and moves on into the globalization and information era. For important policy areas, the authors evaluate existin... -
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Economic Analysis for EU Accession Negotiations
James D. Gaisford, William A. Kerr, Nicholas Perdikis
The expanding membership of the EU means significant changes for accession countries’ international trade relations, affecting imports, exports, tax revenues, government expenditures and domestic regulatory regimes. There are also signif...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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The Role of International Institutions in Globalisation
Edited by John-ren Chen
This book presents a critical analysis of the role of international institutions and their performance in terms of justification, effectiveness and efficiency. The authors begin by discussing the controversies surrounding the Tobin Tax i...eBook:Find out more$40.00