Money and Banking

  1. Add to Wish List Money and Banking

    Money and Banking

    Riccardo Realfonzo
    ‘Very well published by Edward Elgar, and with a sagacious “introduction” by John E. King, Realfonzo’s timely book represents on the whole an important attempt at clarifying the conceptual issues underlying a modern and rigorous construc...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  2. Add to Wish List Money, Exchange and Production

    Money, Exchange and Production

    Thomas M. Humphrey
    This timely volume provides a second collection of Thomas Humphrey’s papers in the area of the history of economic thought and is a long-awaited companion to his critically acclaimed first volume of essays, Money, Banking and Inflation.
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  3. Add to Wish List Inflation Patterns and Monetary Policy

    Inflation Patterns and Monetary Policy

    Johannes M. Groeneveld
    ‘Inflation Patterns and Monetary Policy presents a complete empirical analysis of one of the most interesting questions in EMU. It features interesting technical details and is highly readable.’ – Christoph Harff, Weltwirtschaftliches A...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  4. Add to Wish List On Money and Credit in Europe

    On Money and Credit in Europe

    Martin M.G. Fase
    In this invaluable book, Martin Fase, a notable academic and practitioner, draws together his most important contributions to monetary economics over two decades, using empirical evidence to assert his unique style in designing monetary ...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$176.00

    Member price$158.40

  5. Add to Wish List The Economics and Politics of Money

    The Economics and Politics of Money

    Edited by Kent Matthews
    This book represents the full spectrum of Alan Walters’s contribution to economics over thirty years, from academic debate to close involvement in British policy making. It includes not only his earlier contributions to applied monetary...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$180.00

    Member price$162.00

  6. Add to Wish List Does Financial Deregulation Work?

    Does Financial Deregulation Work?

    Bruce Coggins
    ‘Coggins’s book is a useful review and provides an excellent presentation of the debates that will surely continue into the twenty-first century.’ – Ronnie J. Phillips, Journal of Economic Issues ‘The book is exactly what is required t...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$126.00

  7. Add to Wish List Banking in Transition Economies

    Banking in Transition Economies

    John P. Bonin, Kálmán Mizsei, István P. Székely, Paul Wachtel
    ‘. . . the book by Bonin, Mizsei, Székely and Wachtel gives a very detailed and informed account of four policy areas highly relevant to banking in transition economies . . . The rather selective nature of the book makes it a valuable so...
    Hardback (1998)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

  8. Add to Wish List Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy

    Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy

    Edited by Thomas Lys
    ‘. . . Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy, containing both fundamental ideas and practical applications in terms of the SOMC position papers, can be highly recommended to any student of monetary economics.’ – Debashis Acharya, Kyklos ...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$160.00

    Member price$144.00

  9. Add to Wish List Money and Macroeconomics

    Money and Macroeconomics

    David Laidler
    Money and Macroeconomics is a significant collection of David Laidler’s most important papers on the so-called ‘monetarist counter-revolution’. This volume contains both published and unpublished examples of his influential contribution...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$176.00

    Member price$158.40

  10. Add to Wish List Market Efficiency

    Market Efficiency

    Edited by Andrew W. Lo
    ‘What appears at first blush to be an expensive set is in fact a publishing bargain – the articles cost less than $10 each. The best of the literature in a convenient package is a must for financial economists and libraries, academic or...
    Hardback (1997)

    List price$721.00

    Member price$648.90



    Edited by Marco Musella, Carlo Panico
    ‘. . . an interesting mix of papers on a clearly defined theme, some of which served as a nostalgic reminder of how dramatically monetary policy debates have changed since the 1970s, let alone the 1950s.’ – Roger E. Backhouse, The Econom...
    Hardback (1996)

    List price$391.00

    Member price$351.90



    Meghnad Desai
    ‘There are two themes that appeared to me to unite all these contributions. The first was a deep respect for the work of earlier economists, and it is fascinating to see the influence of Marx, Keynes and others played out in his researc...
    Hardback (1995)

    List price$158.00

    Member price$142.20

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