
  1. Add to Wish List Is There a Future for Heterodox Economics?

    Is There a Future for Heterodox Economics?

    Geoffrey M. Hodgson
    ‘An excellent critical survey of a great deal of material loosely called heterodox, plus suggestions as to how that part of the subject might be developed in the future–making it, among other things, a guide for those who wish to do furt...
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$ 42.00

    Member price$33.60

    Hardback (2019)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$ 126.00

  2. Add to Wish List 反博伦德宏观经济


    Emiliano Brancaccio,安德里亚利菲纳诺
    “急剧急剧宏观经济正统的一位红衣主教愿意赞扬这一杂交文本的事实,是在2007 - 09年崩溃后的正统宏观经济学发现自己的杂乱的证据。' - 从序言中......
    Paperback (2019)

    List price$30.95

    Member price$24.76

    Hardback (2018)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

  3. Add to Wish List 价值,竞争和剥削


    Jonathan F. Cogliano, Peter Flaschel, Reiner Franke, Nils Fröhlich, Roberto Veneziani
    ‘Mainstream economists have a tendency to regard classical and Marxian economics as an uninteresting and irrelevant means to understand and explain current economic reality. This book, with its extensive and detailed argument, convincing...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$179.00

    Member price$161.10

  4. Add to Wish List 一种新的社会主义模式


    Bruno Jossa
    ‘Deeply suggestive and intellectually challenging, Jossa's book proposes the market socialism model as a viable solution to the shortcomings of present day global capitalism. From the premise that socialism can be established by peaceful...
    Hardback (2018)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$ 126.00

  5. Add to Wish List 杂秒经济学的研究方法和应用手册


    Edited by Frederic S. Lee, Bruce Cronin
    ‘A very welcome compendium on the wide range of research methods available for economists and social scientists more generally. Highly recommended, particularly for those wishing to explore alternative methods to be applied in all fields...
    Paperback (2018)

    List price$71.95

    Member price57.56美元

    Hardback (2016)

    List price$345.00

    Member price310.50美元



  6. Add to Wish List Living Wages Around the World

    Living Wages Around the World

    Richard Anker, Martha Anker
    本手册描述了一种新的方法来衡量a decent but basic standard of living in different countries and how much workers need to earn to afford this, making it possible for researchers to estimate comparable living wages arou...
    Paperback (2017)

    List price$56.00

    Member price$ 44.80

    Hardback (2017)

    List price$168.00

    Member price$151.20

  7. Add to Wish List The Distribution of Wealth – Growing Inequality?

    The Distribution of Wealth – Growing Inequality?

    Michael Schneider,Mike Pottenger,J. E. King
    ‘Michael Schneider, doyen of wealth inequality, has teamed up with two talented coauthors to produce an authoritative work on this critical issue. Their book covers everything from 18th century Danish inequality to the ethics of wealth i...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$ 126.00

    Member price113.40美元

  8. Add to Wish List 伟大的财务崩溃


    Edited by Turan Subasat
    ‘What caused the 2007–09 global financial crisis and Great Recession? Why was the "recovery" from this crisis period anemic or, in many countries, such as Greece, non-existent? Orthodox economists have almost completely drawn a blank in...
    Hardback (2016)

    List price$ 175.00

    Member price157.50美元

  9. Add to Wish List 竞争经济学的观点


    John T. Harvey
    ‘Fifty years ago I used Robert L. Heilbroner's The Worldly Philosophers to get students excited about economics. Today I would use John T. Harvey's Contending Perspectives in Economics. The book is beautifully written and full of insight...
  10. Add to Wish List The Aggregate Production Function and the Measurement of Technical Change

    The Aggregate Production Function and the Measurement of Technical Change

    Jesus Felipe, John S.L. McCombie
    Paperback (2015)

    List price49.95美元

    Member price$39.96

    Hardback (2013)

    List price$ 170.00

    Member price$ 153.00

  11. Add to Wish List 性别和经济生活研究手册


    Edited by Deborah M. Figart, Tonia L. Warnecke
    ‘This volume has all the best features of a true handbook. Besides being well organized and well edited, it explains its subject—feminist economics in the context of neoclassical economics—in detail, in its important elements, and from a...
    Paperback (2015)

    List price77.95美元

    Member price$62.36

    Hardback (2013)

    List price$299.00

    Member price$ 269.10

  12. Add to Wish List Microfoundations Reconsidered

    Microfoundations Reconsidered

    Edited by Pedro Garcia Duarte, Gilberto Tadeu Lima
    ‘. . . this book is very well done. The coverage is in-depth and serious, coming from several different angles methodologically and historically. All the essays are thoughtful and well informed, the net result, indeed, to make clear the ...
    Paperback (2014)

    List price$44.00

    Member price35.20美元

    Hardback (2012)

    List price$140.00

    Member price$ 126.00



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