
  1. Add to Wish List 专业团队运动和the Soft Budget Constraint

    专业团队运动和the Soft Budget Constraint

    Edited by Rasmus K. Storm, Klaus Nielsen, Zsolt Havran
    ‘A new strand of literature has developed which applies the soft budget constraints approach to the problems encountered in the European sports industry. Some of the most important authors of this new field, but also a prominent critic, ...
    Hardback (September 2022)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

    Not yet published
  2. Add to Wish List A Research Agenda for Sport Management

    A Research Agenda for Sport Management

    Edited by David Shilbury
    ‘Sport management scholars and practitioners can be proud of the growth and refinement of the field over the past 40 years. Renowned scholar David Shilbury and his contributors have effectively chronicled our exciting journey, and outlin...
    Hardback (May 2022)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  3. Add to Wish List Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics

    Teaching Sports Economics and Using Sports to Teach Economics

    Edited by Victor A. Matheson, Aju J. Fenn
    There is a dire need for a comprehensive pedagogical resource both on diverse approaches to teaching sports economics and the use of sports to teach broader principles of economic concepts. This book does exactly that. The contributions ...
    Hardback (April 2022)

    List price$130.00

    Member price$117.00

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