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Andy Pike, Peter O’Brien, Tom Strickland, Graham Thrower, John Tomaney
‘All in all, this is an insightful volume that makes substantial progress in scientific research into one of the most critical urban problems of present-day societies, and will be of interest to those engaged in the discussion and analys...eBook:Find out more$ 39.96
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A Research Agenda for Regeneration Economies
由约翰·R·布赖森(John R. Bryson),劳伦·安德雷斯(Lauren Andres)编辑
‘这本重要的文本有意义地促进了我们对全球城市地区与再生经济体之间复杂关系的理解。布赖森,安德烈斯(Andres)和穆尔尔(Mulhall)在社会科学中熟练地组装了领导声音...eBook:Find out more$33.60
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Edited by Manuel González-López, Bjørn T. Asheim
Offering a novel contribution within the growing field of regional innovation policies, this book combines recent theoretical developments and empirical contributions, with a particular focus on non-core regions. Leading academics in the...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Handbook of Regional Growth and Development Theories
由Roberta Capello编辑,Peter Nijkamp
‘Capello和Nijkamp的大幅扩展和更新的手册是区域科学上最好的学者的巡回演出。它是该领域的理论,方法和文献的完整指南,应该在办公桌上...eBook:Find out more$65.00
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Resilience and Urban Disasters
由Kamila Borsekova编辑,Peter Nijkamp
本书通过为影响分析和灾难管理提供定量和定性工具来解决城市和城市系统中的意外灾难和冲击。包括环境灾难,政治动荡和E ...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Varieties of Capital Cities
大卫·考夫曼(David Kaufmann)
‘首都城市的各种城市对四个领先的首都城市努力通过公共位置政策来控制其经济命运的方式进行了彻底的全面评估。在对经济的狂欢分析中,去...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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由Marina van Geenhuizen,J。AdamHolbrook,Mozhdeh Taheri编辑
This enlightening book elucidates the leadership challenges of various cities in emerging transitions towards higher levels of sustainability. It examines elements of three socio-technical systems, energy, transport and healthcare, while...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Edited by Urban Gråsjö, Charlie Karlsson, Iréne Bernhard
‘By identifying the ways in which open innovation influences the ability of incumbents and potential entrepreneurs to innovate and to appropriate the benefits of innovation, this book elegantly presents modern innovation models, highligh...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Transportation, Knowledge and Space in Urban and Regional Economics
Edited by Kakuya Matsushima, William P. Anderson
国际学者组成的16个原始研究章节集探讨了运输和知识的互补作用及其在现代城市和地区经济体中的空间表现。作者提供...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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John Stanley, Janet Stanley, Roslynne Hansen
‘这一详尽的城市量从其三位作者多年来积累的大量智慧中获取,他们所有人都在城市规划和管理领域领先国际声誉和经验。它...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Peter K. Kresl,Daniele Ietri
“在21世纪,城市会越来越become the dominant centres of economic and social activity and interaction. Understanding how they evolve and develop will be of crucial importance to ensuring their long-term success and s...eBook:Find out more$40.00
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Global Developments in Public Infrastructure Procurement
Darrin Grimsey,Mervyn K. Lewis
‘Today there is more public debate than ever about the state of public infrastructure and the wisdom of selecting particular options for significant investments. This timely publication by Grimsey and Lewis, building upon their earlier k...eBook:Find out more$40.00