
Asian Environment

  1. Add to Wish List Green Taxation in East Asia

    Green Taxation in East Asia

    Edited by Richard Cullen, Jefferson VanderWolk, Yan Xu
    The core concern of this book is the potential use of taxation and related measures to foster climate-helpful, large-scale change within East Asia. The contributing authors examine key issues such as how Greater China, for instance, con...
    Hardback (November 2011)

    List price$150.00

    Member price$135.00

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  2. Add to Wish List Energy and Environmental Policy in China

    Energy and Environmental Policy in China

    ZhongXiang Zhang
    This pioneering book provides a comprehensive, rigorous and in-depth analysis of China’s energy and environmental policy for the transition towards a low-carbon economy.
    Hardback (November 2011)

    List price$120.00

    Member price$108.00

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  3. Add to Wish List Climate Change and Growth in Asia

    Climate Change and Growth in Asia

    Edited by Moazzem Hossain, Eliyathamby A. Selvanathan
    Climate Change and Growth in Asia is a comprehensive analysis of the major issues of climate change and global warming and their possible impacts on the growth of major Asian economies. The book addresses the climate change crisis in Asi...
    Hardback (May 2011)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

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  4. Add to Wish List Chinese Economic Development and the Environment

    Chinese Economic Development and the Environment

    Shunsuke Managi, Shinji Kaneko
    在过去的二十年里,中国已经成为一个生态nomic powerhouse. However, as the world’s largest producer of CO2 emissions, the scale and seriousness of China’s environmental problems are clearly evident. This pioneering book provides...
    Hardback (February 2010)

    List price$162.00

    Member price$145.80

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  5. Add to Wish List Sustainable Development in Western China

    Sustainable Development in Western China

    Colin G. Brown, Scott A. Waldron, John W. Longworth
    This much-needed study provides a unique examination of the intricate web of policies and institutions that now impact on grassland degradation and sustainable development in China’s pastoral region. Understanding this complex matrix and...
    Hardback (2008)

    List price$153.00

    Member price$137.70

  6. Add to Wish List Environmental Protection in China

    Environmental Protection in China

    Edited by Jeff Bennett, Xuehong Wang, Lei Zhang
    Faced with intensified environmental degradation and decreased agricultural land productivity, the Chinese government has sought policy interventions to reverse both of these negative trends. Among the policy instruments is the Conversio...
    Hardback (2008)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  7. Add to Wish List Sustainable Automobile Transport

    Sustainable Automobile Transport

    Lisa Ryan, Hal Turton
    Transport, and in particular road transport, represents a significant global threat to long-term sustainable development, and is one of the fastest-growing consumers of final energy and sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In this book, ...
    Hardback (2008)

    List price$153.00

    Member price$137.70

  8. Add to Wish List Corporate Governance of Sustainability

    Corporate Governance of Sustainability

    Edited by Raimund Bleischwitz
    This book considers corporate governance of sustainability from a co-evolutionary perspective. It explores the linkages between pro-active approaches at the corporate level, market-based incentives and environmental networks involving va...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$145.00

    Member price$130.50

  9. Add to Wish List Climate and Trade Policy

    Climate and Trade Policy

    Edited by Carlo Carraro, Christian Egenhofer
    The difficulty of achieving and implementing a global climate change agreement has stimulated a wide range of policy proposals designed to favour the participation of a large number of countries in a global cooperative effort to control ...
    Hardback (2007)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

  10. Add to Wish List China and the Global Energy Crisis

    China and the Global Energy Crisis

    Tatsu Kambara, Christopher Howe
    This book examines China’s record of oil and gas development, its refining capacity, and energy prospects. The authors conclude that there are no fundamental reasons for anxiety about China’s demands on the world energy economy, but they...
    Hardback (March 2007)

    List price$127.00

    Member price$114.30

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  11. Add to Wish List Governance of Biodiversity Conservation in China and Taiwan

    Governance of Biodiversity Conservation in China and Taiwan

    Gerald A. McBeath, Tse-Kang Leng
    China and Taiwan have roughly one-eighth of the world’s known species. Their approaches to biodiversity issues thus have global as well as national repercussions. Gerald McBeath and Tse-Kang Leng explore the ongoing conflicts between eco...
    Hardback (2006)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

  12. Add to Wish List Achieving a Sustainable Global Energy System

    Achieving a Sustainable Global Energy System

    Leo Schrattenholzer, Asami Miketa, Keywan Riahi, Richard Alexander Roehrl
    Sustainable development and global climate change have figured prominently in scientific analysis and international policymaking since the early 1990s. This book formulates technology strategies that will lead to environmentally sustaina...
    Hardback (2005)

    List price$135.00

    Member price$121.50

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