Energy Policy and Regulation

  1. Add to Wish List Promoting Sustainable Electricity in Europe

    Promoting Sustainable Electricity in Europe

    Edited by William M. Lafferty, Audun Ruud
    This is a timely and comparative assessment of initiatives to promote renewable electricity sources in eight European countries. The conclusions reached are of direct relevance for the ongoing debate as to the most effective policy instr...
    Paperback (2009)

    List price$81.95

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    Hardback (2008)

    List price$170.00

    Member price$153.00



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  2. Add to Wish List Managing the Transition to Renewable Energy

    Managing the Transition to Renewable Energy

    Edited by Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh, Frank R. Bruinsma
    ‘. . . the book provides an excellent introduction to transition thinking and practice, and so should be read by anyone who is interested in these ideas and their application to a transition to more sustainable energy systems.’ – Tim Fox...
    Hardback (2008)

    List price$186.00

    Member price$167.40

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